Sunday, 14 February 2016


A Stealthy Voice of the Times, before these Times
Surely Shakespeare wrote in code, long before it got fashionable and degraded.
amanfromMars 1 Sat 13 Feb 20:51 [1602132051] ….. pointing out the obvious on
Re: Adam Swallows Eve's Apples and Worlds Appear in Heavenly Splendour to Render*
amanfromMars 1 Sun 14 Feb 14:12 [1602141412] ….. being all progressive on
Cometh the Our and Hour? ..with Progressive States Socialism Reviving Bankrupt States Capitalism
The Enigmatic IC Dilemma clearly covered in a nutshell, secop.
And it is not as they don’t know who to call whenever they have particular and peculiar problems to solve and/or salve, and certainly not whenever they’re proposed to know of everything and anyone novel and interested :-) weird and disturbing (;>
And whenever their SISSysAdmin are offered new opportunities with Virtual AIRealities to Present the Changing Ways Ahead i.e. Perfectly Enough Imagined and Enabled Futures?* What would the SMARTR among you like to think of them and just love to create with them? Would that/there be AIReal Stellar Quantum Communications Contact between Virtual Machinery and, you know those Olde Worlde Exclusive Executive Order Maladministration of Present Yore …. The Current Problem Yoke on ManKind?
And one would hope that such a discovery is solely down to ignorance with nary a hint of aforethought malice for the tempting of false leads with unpleasant inequitable temporary advantage ..... a triple whammy of a misfortune.
In NATO and SMARTR AI NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT fields ….. Decidedly Stellar COSMIC Operations ‽ .
And All for the LOVE of GOD**. Happy Valentines, El Regers.
** …. Live Operational Virtual Environment of Global Operating Devices

amanfromMars 1 sun 14 Feb 18:40 [1602141840] ….. adding more to and piling it on with IT.
Re: Cometh the Our and Hour? ..with Progressive States Socialism Reviving Bankrupt States Capitalism
There's a lot to practically realise there, in those few prime choice words. And well worthy of Bank of England support and attention for SystemICQ Virtual Realisation of Future Land Scapes ...... for Mass Media Presentation of AIBeta MetaData Way for Sublimely Intelligent Travel in the Times Created For Spaced Exploration ......... Beautifully Exploited and Expanded Upon.
Methinks that is Classified COSMIC Confection ....... and in AI, Heavenly Honey Nectar. Well, one is allowed to savour the sweetest of temptations to recognise source desires and pleasures,...... :-) which may or may not be one and the same thing in any number of other phorms.

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