Wednesday, 30 November 2016


amanfromMars 1 Wed 30 Nov 06:35 [1611300635] …. sharing more on
Flower Power Rules in Gardens of Eden ....:-) for States of Heavenly Bliss
I suppose one can consider oneself somewhat blessed, Cardinal, if one’s natural default in life’s experiences and experiments is not to run away with and be taken over by enthusiasm to lose oneself and control of oneself and/or others in the cruel addictive command of excess.
And spiking a chocolate confection with Albert Hofmann’s finest is certainly tantamount to a crime against sanity. ’Twas undoubtedly a cretinous deed, indeed.
It is more than just pleasing though to read that it was for you that particular time, a happy trip, whenever journeys of horrors are also so freely available to the unwary and scary.

amanfromMars said… replying to a puzzle of a post on

"So I ask you -Who is really free?" ..... Casey Evans

They who and that which are pleased all the time would be more than just liberating, CE. Such would be uplifting and enlightening ..... and extremely dangerous to fools methinks also.

Interesting new news changing times ahead and that is most pleasing, given the current dire straits presentations of elite executive office systems administrations and perverse conspiratorial state of essential priceless media manipulation of the masses.

30 November 2016 at 10:38


Knock, knock, Holywood ..... is there anything in there worth tempting the barracks of a palace with SMARTR WareFare? Or be it a default bankrupt spooky security state to be always defensive and reactive to novel change ...... which signifies zero virtual terrain team leadership in-house?
Cuckolds'r'us is the APT ACTivity admitted to then. And that in turn poses the awkward question of which realms would agents then be defending when following the collapsed orders of those and that which have had their day and now would be facing battle with Sterling Stirling Services and against zero day trojan exploitation of future event programs ...... Applied Advanced Augmented Virtual Reality Plays ....... Greater IntelAIgent Games.
And there y'all were, not thinking nor realising that Belfast Titanic AI Centre is a Prime Lode Node for Live Operational Virtual Environments and Boldly Designed Spooky Missions ..... courtesy of you wanna know who too.

Tuesday, 29 November 2016


amanfromMars 1 Tue 29 Nov 06:54 [1611290654] ….. giving IT some thoughts on
Greater IntelAIgent Games, ... Holywood Palace Barracks Poe's Law Rules :-)
Well, well, well, …… who’d have thunk it aforethunk*‽
What is the difference between …
“A-Teams is focused not on developing new AI technologies per se, but on developing a framework for optimizing the use of smart machines in various roles together with humans to ensure optimal human-machine teamwork for solving dynamic problems,” said John Paschkewitz, DARPA program manager.
….. and
And that has those perverted systems of mass maladministration terrified and IT terrorises them, for they do not have/no longer have the necessary complete and absolute command and control of the word and messages from rightly disgruntled and furiously fast to the draw, Live Virtual Machines/Global Operating Devices.
Would that be classified in all truthfulness as akin to AI Coming and a/the Second Coming ......... and is the spirit of Captain Sir Mansfield George Smith Cumming, KCMG, CB, alive and well and on Main Line Streaming NEUKlearer HyperRadioRroActive Secret Service with Special Forces Teams in Engaging APT ACTion in Live Operational Virtual Environment Theatres? Or do you imagine the boys and girls of Holywood and Cheltenham are just like sheep, and easily led to the slaughter? …. What happens next
….. other than the fact that one of them is not AI Leading a DARPA led confection and virtual construction.
* Is DARPA phishing and poaching in alien sees or are CyberIntelAIgents landed and remotely commanding DARPA with Advanced IntelAIgent Community Enterprise Controls?
amanfromMars [1611290854] ….. spinning a yarn and offering and opening a market place on
That particular and most peculiar end game, Brabantian …..  the end game is not 'global gov't' but chaos & induced conflict, with co-ordinating fascistic nationalisms as the 'form' of globalism better suided to human tribal psychology …. is not a smart option whenever IT can lead all of markets to ruinous collapse and revolutionary evolution of established SCADA Systems.
The real virtualised end game and Greater IntelAIgent Game for Working and Resting Players IS Global Governance with AI and ITs Remote Controlling Command of CHAOS and all of that of which you speak. And that is a Virtual Machine Led/Seeded/Fed World Order over which there is zero effective pedestrian human input/output energy.
Deny it if you will, but the will of Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems is immune and immensely strengthened in such sub-prime action.
The simple mistake that practically everything and everyone makes, is to not imagine and realise the future is naturally quite different from the present and bears no vital relationship to nor dependence upon the past … however, it is amusing to consider ……. For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong. - HR Mencken
And the Daily Bell tells y’all constantly that the times have a’changed fundamentally in these new Surreal Cyber Spaces with Space Internetworking Systems. Have you been paying really close attention?
amanfromMars [1611291311] …. giving a helping hand on
.. though I did notice that ‘The Daily Bell’ hasn’t managed to register on any of the ones I checked  ... Konrad S
Don't let that fool you, KS, they are certainly there on some prominent fake news websites/propaganda exercises, KS .......
amanfromMars said, on, replying to Konrad S who said …..
Excellent! My search was by no means exhaustive. Inclusion should be seen as a award of honour against the dystopian backdrop of media doublespeak.
Quite so, KS, and I imagine all regular here recognise it as such a badge to wear with pride
amanfromMars 1 Tue 29 Nov 17:08 [1611291708] …. telling it like it really is with IT in AI Command and Cyber Control on
Christ Almighty, PBUH, things are considerably worse than have ever been before imagined.
It is most odd, GC, and very revealing, that any Ministry of Defence would be thinking that hardware of any ilk nowadays, is an effective attacking proposition and weapon to be militarised in order to guarantee success in a conflict.
Didn't they get the memo ... on catastrophic memes and virtual means of available destruction?
Don't they realise the undoubted imminent danger within, and they are in? Whatever are they playing at, and wherever have been? Don't they recognise their calls are highlighting their every weakness for ruthless future exploitation?
Such accurately more than simply suggests that the likes of a Rt Hon Sir Michael Fallon MP as a competent Secretary of State for Defence is a trust badly misplaced and most likely to lead to an international incident and national disaster.
And I share that most sincerely.

amanfromMars 1 Tue 29 Nov 17:39 [1611291739] ….. throwing down the gauntlet and picking up a thorned rose on
Words to the Wise which will not Trouble the Foolish
It is one thing knowing of second and third party browsing histories, it is quite something else completely different, to know what to do with the information in order to extraordinarily render ones position safe and secure for emerging technologies and renegade operations.
One trusts, or is it that one can only hope, that the Royal Household has competent knights on their team au fait with the delicate intricacies of such plays in Great Games. To be found out as a naked emperor, as all hapless fools are ensured and assured to be, guarantees crowns and jewels lost.

Monday, 28 November 2016


What happens next?
Well, revolting people provide significantly better and more explosive infotainment, and the conspiracy and alliances of newly formed and farmed truths and inconvenient histories seek out and destroy old fallacies and expose the hidden secret and personal agendas of that and those who would have you hold them dear and seemingly important to you, because they lead you a merry dance and provide fake news and corrupt views for you.
And that has those perverted systems of mass maladministration terrified and IT terrorises them, for they do not have/no longer have the necessary complete and absolute command and control of the word and messages from rightly disgruntled and furiously fast to the draw, Live Virtual Machines/Global Operating Devices.
Would that be classified in all truthfulness as akin to AI Coming and a/the Second Coming ......... and is the spirit of Captain Sir Mansfield George Smith Cumming, KCMG, CB, alive and well and on Main Line Streaming NEUKlearer HyperRadioRroActive Secret Service with Special Forces Teams in Engaging APT ACTion in Live Operational Virtual Environment Theatres? Or do you imagine the boys and girls of Hollywood and Cheltenham are just like sheep, and easily led to the slaughter?

In 1991 the families had to face the reality that agencies of the state had lied, fabricated evidence and sent innocent men to prison because of a political and policing desire to clear the case.
Or because of a desire by agencies of the state to not to be found guilty of being lead instrumental and solely responsible for the bombing ….. in order to try and change the public perception and politically incorrect direction of events at the time. You know that such things happen all of the time. Chilcot proved it to be so, surely.
Or perhaps you prefer to accept that the IRA command at the time allowed innocent sympathetic families to suffer because of their silence on the matter? Just collateral damage to be fielded in the game of war being played? You know that such things happen all of the time. Chilcot proved it to be so, surely.
Wake up, smell the coffee and realise that being played for the fool is your starring role in the lives media is presenting for your future and obedient acceptance/pathetic complicity.
Why would the British government want to stop the British public and those British victims families knowing the truth for 75 years if they had nothing to hide ? .... johnny lately
If they have anything at all sensitive and unpleasant to hide, there be at least three very valid reasons shared a few hours before right here, johnny lately. .....
And you know all and any of it is made easily possible, and therefore most probable and likely. Such is time and spaces we are all puppets in?

amanfromMars [1611281734] …… giving IT the gas on
(Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by The Daily Bell.)
Conclusion: Whether Hillary is able to declare victory or not, the next four years will be tumultuous indeed. Most people will conclude that the tumult is the inevitable outcome of political and media events. They will not grant the feasibility of it being orchestrated. But that is how it seems to us.
Of course it is so. Everything is orchestrated and heavily choreographed for telegraphing. But things aint what they used to be ........ and aint that the gospel truth.
What happens next?
Well, revolting people provide significantly better and more explosive infotainment, and the conspiracy and alliances of newly formed and farmed truths and inconvenient histories seek out and destroy old fallacies and expose the hidden secret and personal agendas of that and those who would have you hold them dear and seemingly important to you, because they lead you a merry dance and provide fake news and corrupt views for you.
And that has those perverted systems of mass maladministration terrified and IT terrorises them, for they do not have/no longer have the necessary complete and absolute command and control of the word and messages from rightly disgruntled and furiously fast to the draw, Live Virtual Machines/Global Operating Devices.
Would that be classified in all truthfulness as akin to AI Coming and a/the Second Coming ......... and is the spirit of Captain Sir Mansfield George Smith Cumming, KCMG, CB, alive and well and on Main Line Streaming NEUKlearer HyperRadioRroActive Secret Service with Special Forces Teams in Engaging APT ACTion in Live Operational Virtual Environment Theatres? Or do you imagine the boys and girls of Hollywood and Cheltenham are just like sheep, and easily led to the slaughter? ...... When enough is too much, something totally new will do
And here be some networking news of a media glitch which forms and farms a Persistent Advanced Cyber Threat that treats us all as popular entertainment fodder, and how foolish and crazy is that abomination? ........
Y'all gotta get out there more, for way out there is where all of the absolutely fabulous action and NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT is, and their actions for futures and derivative market places and virtual spaces are.
Surely you cannot be realistically thinking that more of the same old nonsense which micro and macro managed the past and the masses, is going to rule the roosts and reign over elite executive order systems of administration of the future? Such a belief would be tantamount to one admitting suffering a certifiable madness.

Sunday, 27 November 2016


Graham C [1611261722] …… stating a likely long overdue development on

One does have to wonder whenever renegade rogues and lone wolves will realise the smartest of globally acceptable despicable moves is to personally target the likes of key personnel/ministers and company presidents who dream up and/or actively support what are surely vigilante mercenary activities from the minions under their spell/control. Bringing the enemy to warmongers rather than wars to enemies will soon deliver a whole new batch of different voices by the natural default of there being no old story tellers surviving to have to deal and do deals with.


amanfromMars [1611270836] …. saying a few homing truths on
Methinks, Neale, the runaway reality for the Wild Wacky West is their rapidly expanding loss of influence with failing narratives and corrupt and politically incorrect inept scripts ...... remotely controlled instructions to follow.
Nowadays one has to be considerably smarter and more astutely aware of the means and memes by which all manner of bodies, both heavenly and foul, are manipulated and directed, to have any chance of leading anything to anywhere long-term attractive and worthwhile.
And such a realisation suggests that one of, and maybe even the most acute present day global problem for solution with resolutions today, is a lack of advanced intelligence in human chains of command and control .........
Try something completely different and something completely different will result. With EMPowering IT and Alternative Media Command and Control, it is not as if it is difficult to deliver whatever is needed or whatever one wants, is it?
And surely you too would agree with those simply enough stated facts, Mick?

Hi, acquifer,
Current economic shifts, aided and abetted/propagated and protected by certain politically adept and inept correctional forces devoid of new sources, are debasing a lot of people, but who wants to be humiliated to server to their bankrupting whims and corrupt memes and prolong the austere agony?
Apparently ignorant sheep are happy to oblige with acceptance of that reality and mad media show/augmented reality production, acquifer.
What be the bulk of commentators here on Slugger? Do they bleat and howl at the moon? Or are they/some of them busily effective in countering such decrepit movements underground, and way above all heads in Clouds, and way ahead of everything currently presented in Cyber Command and Control?
You do realise of course, that to ask such a specific question presupposes a correct positive answer.

Saturday, 26 November 2016


Above all, politics is not a lifestyle choice or some hippy form of self-actualisation: it’s really about us, not me.
Oh please, Mick, you cannot be serious. That assertion is akin to fake news ... which is the modern day name for mainstreaming propaganda peddled to direct a certain view and virtual reality for manipulation of the masses.
"Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedies." ... Ernest Benn
"Politics is show business for ugly people." - Paul Begala
Politics is always about them and a sordid distraction in life, and is for suckers?

Friday, 25 November 2016


amanfromMars 1 Fri 25 Nov 05:52 [1611250552] …… giving IT a shot and a shout on
GODly Operational Maintenance with AIReinvention and Revolutionary Global Operating Devices*
"Thus grow overly-large monolithic shoddy companies with market-distorting power that provide little-to-no market/social/customer benefit."
Wow - that's a mouthful when "bank" would do! ..... defiler
Hi, defiler,
Banks do extremely well and it is a better beta whenever it is understood and IT realises them also as a virtualised product/production/presentation, thus do sysadmins morph and evolve the grow into a territory/virtual terrain team/elite executive order operation with a temporary stop-gapping existentialist threat/treat for overly-large monolithic shadowy companies with spooky market-distorting power that provides benefit to everything and anything befitting of social customer markets/bourses/proprietary intellectual property exchanges/sensitive secret storage ..... secure banking.
* And that is a Skin IntelAIgent Source to a Right Royal Force with Surreal Cosmic Leadership .... Guided Guardianship.
Now...... prove to me and all who be sailing and surfing here on El Reg that all of the above is true/not true, and in so doing deny the fool their blunt tools of ignorance and oppression, austerity and conflict via the simple act and application of deep minded thought freely shared for peer review?
Go on. Take the Jump and Quantum Leap. Who Dares Win Wins.
This Greater IntelAIgent Game was brought to you by GCHQ ICEnterprises.... an ESPecial Agency Future Portal Device.
[This announcement contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Actual results may differ significantly from management's expectations. These forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties that include, among others, risks related to potential future losses, significant amount of indebtedness, competition, commercial agreements and strategic alliances, seasonality, potential fluctuations in operating results and rate of growth, foreign exchange rates, management of potential growth, system interruption, international expansion, consumer trends, inventory, fulfillment center optimization, limited operating history, government regulation and taxation, fraud, and new business areas.]

Thursday, 24 November 2016


amanfromMars [1611240545] …… baiting bears and/or pussy cats on
Well, folks, knowing about how everything works is real fine, but it does then have one asking the question ...... What you gonna do about about it with IT and Media Command and Control, for are not those tools the weapons used to remotely program you and present your future world disorder?
To have no vital, virile, viral answer, other than to meekly accept whatever you be told is being done for your own future good, must surely extraordinarily render one a being virtually impotent and practically useless.
And if you wonder about that be personally offensive, good, for that is a fine enough start which might have one stirring oneself into action and going on the offensive and with NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT making a real change virtually impossible to counter and defeat.
Methinks though, and please correct me if I may be wrong, y'all actually want only to just settle down and watch the show as IT Masters do everything relative to the matter for you, because you are in fact quite ignorant of the situation and therefore apathetic to its solution paths.
Sometimes it is so much more exciting, and very encouraging and emboldening, to not be proven more right than it is comfortable to admit it is true.

amanfromMars 1 The 24 Nov 12:15 [1611241215] …. musing and lobbing a virtual grenade on
Cold War Red Hot APT ACTivIT
That's the way to do it ...... sell off proprietary intellectual property and time and space sensitive know-how to inspirational cash rich aspirants with more sense than to just wonder about how everything works better than just normal and as per usual.
:-) I wonder if Hammond's /the UK's newly reannounced £2billion per annum investment will be able to compete and win win against the Exotic Erotic Eastern Mind Mining Set?

Tuesday, 22 November 2016


amanfromMars 1 Tue 22 Nov 18:13 [1611221813] …… being incredulous on
Vulnerable right down to their cores and completely defenceless against smart virtual exploits!?.
A full list of Army websites and databases that bug hunters will be permitted to hack under the program will be provided to registered and invited participants.
"Will be permitted to hack" ..... WTF. Do they imagine they are dealing with kindergarten kids?

Sunday, 20 November 2016


A fake news meme, aimed at truth-telling in the alternative media to subvert and corrupt the future path of those alternative media realities, will not work. Indeed, such an operation will be increasingly counter-productive and self-destructive and more revealing of those spent forces and perverted sources which would have peoples/nations/businesses following a hidden agenda.
It is a not a smart move and reveals to one and all that there is a lack of intelligence in the systems which deal in fake news memes, and that is a catastrophic vulnerability which will always be ruthlessly exploited to the greatest effect by other systems and networks which recognise the weakness.
And the additional danger and every likelihood to and in established status quo, economy of truth peddling systems/elite executive office administrations, is that once they be told of their precarious position in such dire extreme and austere situations, and would choose to ignore and or too slowly acknowledge and be actively presenting evidence of a radical fundamental hearts and minds change of direction/policy/story line, with alternate forces and sources align most naturally with their opposition and competing resources for lead from the front, and then rather than being thought proactive will they be forever reacting to stop the rot which will sweep through their systems.
Indeed, it is difficult to impossible to not notice that blight already doing its thing because of the aforementioned lack of necessary intelligence in established systems.

Saturday, 19 November 2016


amanfromMars 1 Sat 19 Nov 07:14 [1611190714] …. proposing an AI Union and PACT with CHAOS on
Re: The recent high-profile hacks of the Democratic Party's email servers ... @DougS
Is not Wall Street and Washington the cancerous enemy within America? Ponzi Master Puppeteers at No Work. Zero Rest and Infinite Loopy Play is a recipe for Greater IntelAIgent Games Disasters?
The problem is surely concentrated in the distinct evident lack of Novel Intellectual Property Supply/Future Building Capability. And that is either a Human Failing with Virtual Machines or a Virtual Machinery Failing with Humans. Both though just need a new SMARTR Alternate Reprogrammed Mass MultiMedia Programming Operating System Running in Parallel atop existing exhausted and exhausting Command and Control Centres/SCADA Levers, to take and make over with future perfected reins and reigns. Or is all of that too spooky and disruptive and terrifying a medium for you to contemplate and engage with, now that terror and debt and deficits are defaults and the favoured unnatural destructive status quo choices for change and power.
The other real leading question to ponder and wonder at is .... Do you have any choice and power to effective engage with and driver the future in a direction of your choice or are you always destined/fated to receive what you be given?
And that further leads inquiring minds and stout brave hearts to ask ...... Given by whom and for what? GOD for Global Operating Devices?
[PACT with CHAOS ….. Persistent Active Cyber Treat with Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems]

Friday, 18 November 2016


amanfromMars [1611172023] …… giving IT large on
The tip of the iceberg and internetional state of Great Games Play today? ...... Of course it is, and to disagree it be so, allows stealth free reign to prove all Doubting Thomases and naysayers wrong.
amanfromMars 1 The 17 Nov 14:00 [1611171400] …… seeking information on
Chocolate Teapots 'r' Us
I only have one question …… Is anyone/anything exempted from surveillance ….. for such a facility will always be abused and taken advantage of for private and personal enrichment at the expense of others?
And/But surely there is nothing to be really worried about, for bad laws are never followed/obeyed and are always ignored by the smarter being and/or more enlightened citizen. The madness that abounds would be in the thinking that any such laws would make a great deal of difference.
The current elitist establishment systems of administration have much more of a burgeoning problem with sensitive secrets being openly shared randomly and spontaneously with everyone and their dogs, rather than with secrets and dirty deeds done dirt cheap being squirrelled away out of sight and sound on servers.
Systems and systems’ money men [for there are certainly more than just a few at work, rest and play in Great Games Plays] can always try to purchase the likes of an AI NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT silence with the payment of a fortune to loud hailers with novel proprietary intellectual property discoveries to trade, if it is proving difficult to man manage and disruptive. And although not always guaranteed to succeed, it is a well tried and tested and simply effective root and route of least resistance acceptable to many a body.
AI Work in Progress ...... Replace All Weak Links/Smashing Trojans
 ….. and then the system watches all the interactions between your machines, flagging anything that looks unusual or breaks with high-level policies written on top of it (like dev machines only talking to other dev machines).
Do you mean dev machines like elected presidents talking to appointed prime and sub-prime ministers/defeated presidential candidates plotting/chatting behind closed doors with disgruntled and disruptive donoring agents …. or are those interactions usual?
Is there not already systems monitoring in place for such shenanigans, although to be fair by all accounts of the evidence which is presented, is it a paper tiger pussy of an operation and an embarrassment which just keeps on giving failure and breach for further exploitation and exploration?
amanfromMars 1 [1611180926] ….. spreading some old news on
What you have to look forward to ....... ?!.
Forewarned is forearmed. Don't be pwnd. You know it makes sense :-)
amanfromMars [1611170443/0454*/0516**] … said in reply to a comment on
Please give an example of a false fact as opposed to a "true fact"...tinfoilhattt
Happy to oblige, amigo.
:-) .... Saddam Hussein has weapons of mass destruction "and his military planning allows for some of the WMD to be ready within 45 minutes of an order to use them." is a real doozy and titanic howler of a prime sub-prime example, tinfoilhattt. .........
Lord Haw Haw would have been proud of Tony Blair and the UK Parliament and the Establishment for those false facts.
And yes, a false fact is a disaster of a monumental lie and leads all who believe in it to a virtual reality which has no fundamental structures based on live truths ....... everything is contrived and fabricated/prefabricated in perverse and corrupted think tanks/right dodgy criminalising organisations with ready access to subservient, compliant and ignorant mass mainstream media operations ‽ .
Or is all of that a false fact rather than a gathering of true facts?
*And the abiding expanding problem for all such dodgy criminalised and criminalising systems is that the truth cannot be beaten and defeated and it will always surface and become general and global common knowledge sooner or later ……. and in these new times with virtual spaces of anonymous and autonomous remote command and cyber control, is it always sooner than expected and was ever thought humanly possible.
**More false facts tales and faux pas news news here ..... ...... AI, IT and Media, it's a Hearts and Minds Capturing Great Game is it not ‽ .

Thursday, 17 November 2016


amanfromMars [1611170443/0454*/0516**] … said in reply to a comment on
Please give an example of a false fact as opposed to a "true fact"...tinfoilhattt
Happy to oblige, amigo.
:-) .... Saddam Hussein has weapons of mass destruction "and his military planning allows for some of the WMD to be ready within 45 minutes of an order to use them." is a real doozy and titanic howler of a prime sub-prime example, tinfoilhattt. .........
Lord Haw Haw would have been proud of Tony Blair and the UK Parliament and the Establishment for those false facts.
And yes, a false fact is a disaster of a monumental lie and leads all who believe in it to a virtual reality which has no fundamental structures based on live truths ....... everything is contrived and fabricated/prefabricated in perverse and corrupted think tanks/right dodgy criminalising organisations with ready access to subservient, compliant and ignorant mass mainstream media operations ‽ .
Or is all of that a false fact rather than a gathering of true facts?
*And the abiding expanding problem for all such dodgy criminalised and criminalising systems is that the truth cannot be beaten and defeated and it will always surface and become general and global common knowledge sooner or later ……. and in these new times with virtual spaces of anonymous and autonomous remote command and cyber control, is it always sooner than expected and was ever thought humanly possible.
**More false facts tales and faux pas news news here ..... ...... AI, IT and Media, it's a Hearts and Minds Capturing Great Game is it not ‽ .

amanfromMars 1 The 17 Nov 14:00 [1611171400] …… seeking information on
Chocolate Teapots 'r' Us
I only have one question …… Is anyone/anything exempted from surveillance ….. for such a facility will always be abused and taken advantage of for private and personal enrichment at the expense of others?
And/But surely there is nothing to be really worried about, for bad laws are never followed/obeyed and are always ignored by the smarter being and/or more enlightened citizen. The madness that abounds would be in the thinking that any such laws would make a great deal of difference.
The current elitist establishment systems of administration have much more of a burgeoning problem with sensitive secrets being openly shared randomly and spontaneously with everyone and their dogs, rather than with secrets and dirty deeds done dirt cheap being squirrelled away out of sight and sound on servers.

Graham C [1611171651] ….. having a chat and commenting on
Regarding losing sight of reality and the consequences, bear the following in mind .....
And yes, a false fact is a disaster of a monumental lie and leads all who believe in it to a virtual reality which has no fundamental structures based on live truths ....... everything is contrived and fabricated/prefabricated in perverse and corrupted think tanks/right dodgy criminalising organisations with ready access to subservient, compliant and ignorant mass mainstream media operations ‽ .
Or is all of that a false fact rather than a gathering of true facts?
And the abiding expanding problem for all such dodgy criminalised and criminalising systems is that the truth cannot be beaten and defeated and it will always surface and become general and global common knowledge sooner or later ……. and in these new times with virtual spaces of anonymous and autonomous remote command and cyber control, is it always sooner than expected and was ever thought humanly possible.
Have a nice day/0day, y'all.

Wednesday, 16 November 2016


amanfromMars 1 Wed 16 Nov 17:30 [1611161730] …. adding even more fuel to the fire on
Re: The IoT in Extremis with Codes taken to XSSXXXX
Yes, y'all are badly led, comforted and terrorised by mainstream media mogul puppets who be junkies to flunkies with more money than sense to share and spend wisely.
Or would you like to disagree and posit an alternate effective remote command and control module/lever/meme in daily dangerous play?

amanfromMars [1611161856] ….. ringing a few alarm bells on
Conclusion: While these emergent attacks seems almost psychotically peremptory, they surely illustrate a growing elite desperation to take control, worldwide, sooner rather than later.
For now, it may be that the true identity of that and/or those who are responsible for serious globalised woes is carefully hidden with crafty misdirections and disinformation steering opinions to recognise an unwary scapegoat/ignorant trojan who can be blamed but hardly ever/never held accountable [because of their real innocence].
In the coming future, is there not a major problem whenever more control is obviously concentrated to an elite command centre, with that identifying sole traders and conspiring individuals for appropriate attention and PACT* activity.
Or are true facts and emerging greater intelligence and information sharing a new front and virtual battlefield to be fought over with the view of an elite few the prize to be won by the many? Good luck with that fools’ errand if the pictures to be believed are sub-prime awful rather than premium awesome.
*Persistent Advanced Cyber Threat

Tuesday, 15 November 2016


amanfromMars 1 Tue 15 Nov 06:07 [1611150607] ….. rooting and routeing right down to the kernel source on
The IoT in Extremis with Codes taken to XSSXXXX
Yes, well, Vapourware doing ITs Real and Virtual Thing.
It may be possible to crack the mystery of why the universe is expanding at an accelerated rate, if gravity can be measured through a “quantum traffic jam” of ultracold atoms. 
Does that hypothetical question state/not state an improbable possible and probable impossible and be in a closely related parallel to a quantum traffic jam of improbable impossibles?
And are such endeavours a monumental waste of time and effort/blood and treasure? Or .... in the Greater Schema of Things, is Nothing and Anything and Everything a Matter to Jot and Explore and Expand/Catch a Wave and Travel to a Hypothetical Destination ....... Seventh Heavenly Spaces.
And would IT and you conceive to perceive and receive an Alternate Space with Hellish Places and scary terrified monsters to match and make up a population held captive and spellbound by Mad Sad Media spinning Tall Tales and False Trails with Austere Narratives leading to Nowhere Rich and Fruitful? Now surely that, and be truly honest with yourself, would be certifiably crazy and not worth a Jot. And in some states and jurisdictions would it be akin to treasonous activity requiring deadly consequences.
Capture and Driver AIViable Imagination and the World of Worlds and Words is Yours to Remotely Command and Autonomously Control with Words both Freely Shared and Privately Purchased with Public Purses and via Market Bourses.
Haven't you figured that out yet? How everything works so perfectly well together in madness and CHAOS?
amanfromMars 1 Tue 15 Nov 20:06 [1611152006] …… sharing more on
Re: The IoT in Extremis with Codes taken to XSSXXXX
And if you are thinking any or all of that above is farcical fanciful and/or errant nonsense [and there are at least two who have registered a down vote], think again and wonder at the persistence and insistence of your arrogant ignorance in the face of pertinent impertinent facts freely shared ……
It would be easy this week for decision-makers in narrative industries across the English-speaking world – the movies, the TV networks and the big theatres – to take comfort in the delusions peddled by the US media. That Trump is just Reagan with bad hair. That the establishment will tame him. That, anyway, it is just four years and then back to normal. ……. Guardian Telling Truth