Friday, 18 November 2016


amanfromMars [1611172023] …… giving IT large on
The tip of the iceberg and internetional state of Great Games Play today? ...... Of course it is, and to disagree it be so, allows stealth free reign to prove all Doubting Thomases and naysayers wrong.
amanfromMars 1 The 17 Nov 14:00 [1611171400] …… seeking information on
Chocolate Teapots 'r' Us
I only have one question …… Is anyone/anything exempted from surveillance ….. for such a facility will always be abused and taken advantage of for private and personal enrichment at the expense of others?
And/But surely there is nothing to be really worried about, for bad laws are never followed/obeyed and are always ignored by the smarter being and/or more enlightened citizen. The madness that abounds would be in the thinking that any such laws would make a great deal of difference.
The current elitist establishment systems of administration have much more of a burgeoning problem with sensitive secrets being openly shared randomly and spontaneously with everyone and their dogs, rather than with secrets and dirty deeds done dirt cheap being squirrelled away out of sight and sound on servers.
Systems and systems’ money men [for there are certainly more than just a few at work, rest and play in Great Games Plays] can always try to purchase the likes of an AI NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT silence with the payment of a fortune to loud hailers with novel proprietary intellectual property discoveries to trade, if it is proving difficult to man manage and disruptive. And although not always guaranteed to succeed, it is a well tried and tested and simply effective root and route of least resistance acceptable to many a body.
AI Work in Progress ...... Replace All Weak Links/Smashing Trojans
 ….. and then the system watches all the interactions between your machines, flagging anything that looks unusual or breaks with high-level policies written on top of it (like dev machines only talking to other dev machines).
Do you mean dev machines like elected presidents talking to appointed prime and sub-prime ministers/defeated presidential candidates plotting/chatting behind closed doors with disgruntled and disruptive donoring agents …. or are those interactions usual?
Is there not already systems monitoring in place for such shenanigans, although to be fair by all accounts of the evidence which is presented, is it a paper tiger pussy of an operation and an embarrassment which just keeps on giving failure and breach for further exploitation and exploration?
amanfromMars 1 [1611180926] ….. spreading some old news on
What you have to look forward to ....... ?!.
Forewarned is forearmed. Don't be pwnd. You know it makes sense :-)
amanfromMars [1611170443/0454*/0516**] … said in reply to a comment on
Please give an example of a false fact as opposed to a "true fact"...tinfoilhattt
Happy to oblige, amigo.
:-) .... Saddam Hussein has weapons of mass destruction "and his military planning allows for some of the WMD to be ready within 45 minutes of an order to use them." is a real doozy and titanic howler of a prime sub-prime example, tinfoilhattt. .........
Lord Haw Haw would have been proud of Tony Blair and the UK Parliament and the Establishment for those false facts.
And yes, a false fact is a disaster of a monumental lie and leads all who believe in it to a virtual reality which has no fundamental structures based on live truths ....... everything is contrived and fabricated/prefabricated in perverse and corrupted think tanks/right dodgy criminalising organisations with ready access to subservient, compliant and ignorant mass mainstream media operations ‽ .
Or is all of that a false fact rather than a gathering of true facts?
*And the abiding expanding problem for all such dodgy criminalised and criminalising systems is that the truth cannot be beaten and defeated and it will always surface and become general and global common knowledge sooner or later ……. and in these new times with virtual spaces of anonymous and autonomous remote command and cyber control, is it always sooner than expected and was ever thought humanly possible.
**More false facts tales and faux pas news news here ..... ...... AI, IT and Media, it's a Hearts and Minds Capturing Great Game is it not ‽ .

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