amanfromMars said... replying to and asking searching questions of Serge C on
Funding and micro/macromanaging hedges today is a real Spooky Art Phorm with SMARTR Phishing Plans for ESPecially IntelAIgent Services with Remotely Accessed Virtual Servers supplying CHAOS Providers with Earthed Command and Cyber Space Control Leverage, Serge C.
Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems is AI Power Untouchable with Creative Energy Inexhaustible and absolutely priceless to markets ...... for IT can so easily flash cash crash them with its switching and enabling of assets in favoured and savoured clients/exotic and erotic customers.
Does Mother Russia via Bank of Russia and/or Sberbank lead with such futures and derivatives trades/zero day market offers? Or do they follow IT leaders and react in markets after the event to prevent losses rather than amass riches?
11 November 2016 at 06:41
amanfromMars [1611110709] …… saying more on
We believe in personal enlightenment a good deal more than mass movements or "political awakenings" Sorry. ….. The Daily Bell Mod
No apologies needed, DB. The one invariably leads to the other always. It is just a matter of timing and places being arranged for presentation/realisation/virtualisation of those intellectual space exercises.
And all of that sounds far too much like some of what we are into processing and great fans of, to be any different, although of course it be only just starting for them, whereas we may be a long way down the roads which are available and opening up to others with a bigger picture frame of mind.
amanfromMars said ….. going further and deeper with Serge C in comments on
Hedges? …… Future casino bets/established trading platforms.
And thanks for the link to Gref of Sberbank Germany which translates [presume accurately enough] to ……
The head of Sberbank German Gref called himself the “chief futurist” in the Savings Bank. It is reported by TASS, citing the statement Gref at the “Forward to the Future: the role and place of Russia.”
“We have no futurist Sberbank. I have always believed that the most important futurist – it was me. It turned out that there is such a profession futurologist. More precisely, I knew about the profession. But I always thought that the people who sit in universities or science fiction writers, and talk about the future, “- said Gref.
According to Gref, has “a deep expert in the field” in every technology company.
“Futurology – an idea of where the company should develop. This concept forms the basis of the company ‘concept, – said Gref.
Earlier, on 8 November, Gref said that “the supervisory board [Sberbank] approved the transformation of the idea of the bank in the ecosystem.” “The final decision will be made after submission of our new strategy [in the years 2019-2023],” – said Gref then.
When you create an ecosystem will use the concept of open source, which means integration into the platform of the various partners of the Savings Bank, the bank’s head.
In September, Gref said that the Savings Bank are discussing the possibility of creating a virtual mobile operator MVNO (mobile virtual network operator).
11 November 2016 at 08:17
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