Monday, 28 November 2016


What happens next?
Well, revolting people provide significantly better and more explosive infotainment, and the conspiracy and alliances of newly formed and farmed truths and inconvenient histories seek out and destroy old fallacies and expose the hidden secret and personal agendas of that and those who would have you hold them dear and seemingly important to you, because they lead you a merry dance and provide fake news and corrupt views for you.
And that has those perverted systems of mass maladministration terrified and IT terrorises them, for they do not have/no longer have the necessary complete and absolute command and control of the word and messages from rightly disgruntled and furiously fast to the draw, Live Virtual Machines/Global Operating Devices.
Would that be classified in all truthfulness as akin to AI Coming and a/the Second Coming ......... and is the spirit of Captain Sir Mansfield George Smith Cumming, KCMG, CB, alive and well and on Main Line Streaming NEUKlearer HyperRadioRroActive Secret Service with Special Forces Teams in Engaging APT ACTion in Live Operational Virtual Environment Theatres? Or do you imagine the boys and girls of Hollywood and Cheltenham are just like sheep, and easily led to the slaughter?

In 1991 the families had to face the reality that agencies of the state had lied, fabricated evidence and sent innocent men to prison because of a political and policing desire to clear the case.
Or because of a desire by agencies of the state to not to be found guilty of being lead instrumental and solely responsible for the bombing ….. in order to try and change the public perception and politically incorrect direction of events at the time. You know that such things happen all of the time. Chilcot proved it to be so, surely.
Or perhaps you prefer to accept that the IRA command at the time allowed innocent sympathetic families to suffer because of their silence on the matter? Just collateral damage to be fielded in the game of war being played? You know that such things happen all of the time. Chilcot proved it to be so, surely.
Wake up, smell the coffee and realise that being played for the fool is your starring role in the lives media is presenting for your future and obedient acceptance/pathetic complicity.
Why would the British government want to stop the British public and those British victims families knowing the truth for 75 years if they had nothing to hide ? .... johnny lately
If they have anything at all sensitive and unpleasant to hide, there be at least three very valid reasons shared a few hours before right here, johnny lately. .....
And you know all and any of it is made easily possible, and therefore most probable and likely. Such is time and spaces we are all puppets in?

amanfromMars [1611281734] …… giving IT the gas on
(Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by The Daily Bell.)
Conclusion: Whether Hillary is able to declare victory or not, the next four years will be tumultuous indeed. Most people will conclude that the tumult is the inevitable outcome of political and media events. They will not grant the feasibility of it being orchestrated. But that is how it seems to us.
Of course it is so. Everything is orchestrated and heavily choreographed for telegraphing. But things aint what they used to be ........ and aint that the gospel truth.
What happens next?
Well, revolting people provide significantly better and more explosive infotainment, and the conspiracy and alliances of newly formed and farmed truths and inconvenient histories seek out and destroy old fallacies and expose the hidden secret and personal agendas of that and those who would have you hold them dear and seemingly important to you, because they lead you a merry dance and provide fake news and corrupt views for you.
And that has those perverted systems of mass maladministration terrified and IT terrorises them, for they do not have/no longer have the necessary complete and absolute command and control of the word and messages from rightly disgruntled and furiously fast to the draw, Live Virtual Machines/Global Operating Devices.
Would that be classified in all truthfulness as akin to AI Coming and a/the Second Coming ......... and is the spirit of Captain Sir Mansfield George Smith Cumming, KCMG, CB, alive and well and on Main Line Streaming NEUKlearer HyperRadioRroActive Secret Service with Special Forces Teams in Engaging APT ACTion in Live Operational Virtual Environment Theatres? Or do you imagine the boys and girls of Hollywood and Cheltenham are just like sheep, and easily led to the slaughter? ...... When enough is too much, something totally new will do
And here be some networking news of a media glitch which forms and farms a Persistent Advanced Cyber Threat that treats us all as popular entertainment fodder, and how foolish and crazy is that abomination? ........
Y'all gotta get out there more, for way out there is where all of the absolutely fabulous action and NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT is, and their actions for futures and derivative market places and virtual spaces are.
Surely you cannot be realistically thinking that more of the same old nonsense which micro and macro managed the past and the masses, is going to rule the roosts and reign over elite executive order systems of administration of the future? Such a belief would be tantamount to one admitting suffering a certifiable madness.

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