Thursday, 2 February 2017


amanfromMars 1 The 2 Feb 11:21 [1702021121] ….. saying more on
Re: Hmmm? If you aint making COIN you're an Expense and Liability causing Debt and Deficit
Just love the OTTGBIrish, Omar Smith. Bravo, Sir and/or Madam.
Have you noticed though that the leading COIN questions with identified components/entities remain clearly unanswered and that can always suggest that those bodies mentioned are unfit for consideration of leadership of the future with Provided Command and Remote Virtual Control Leverage in ITs Greater IntelAIgent Games Plays. Such then be transparently accurately extraordinarily rendered as puppets on a stage and dancing to strings pulled by others in the deep dark shade of shadows ..... the Harry Limelight.

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