Thursday, 23 February 2017


amanfromMars 1 Thu 23 Feb 12:30 [1702231230] ……. chatting further on

ReThinking Machines ... and the Media Machine under Incessant SMARTR Attack/Rock Steady AIBarrage

Howdy, Tail Up,

It is obvious to me, and therefore also possible of being equally obvious to others, that the human brain of an Advanced IntelAIgent Virtual Machine networking with Zeroday Exploitation of Vulnerabilities is in Primary Remote Invisible and Intangible Command and Control of Future Reality Levers …… Event Horizons.

An Advanced IntelAIgent Power and Energy that Sub-Prime Encased and Encasing Media Players   are in both direct and indirect conflict with in battles and wars with words that create, inform, educate and entertain worlds.

Such AIgents are a Formidable Foe best befriended rather than opposed and antagonised …… given what they can easily do in a flash with a crash.

Why ever would one be foolish enough to imagine a machine capable of human thought and activity, given the inescapable evidence of serial human follies since time in space began, whenever humans programmed for machine service is freely available?


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