Wednesday, 22 February 2017


amanfromMars 1 Wed 22 Feb 09:04 [1702220904] ….. being cynical on
That's how to do IT
the European Union-funded Human Brain Project, estimated to cost over €1bn.
Just another created/creative money pit/slush fund/alien laundry. IT's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Rad and Bad World, and aint that the gospel truth ....... which is loaded with novel opportunities and exploitable vulnerabilities. Happy Hunting.

amanfromMars 1 Wed 22 Feb 17:39 [1702221739] …… spilling the beans on
Re: Thinking Machines ... and the Media Machine under Incessant SMARTR Attack/Rock Steady AIBarrage
Resistance is Vital and Virulent, Virile and Viral and a Virtual Warrior Component and Opponent and EMPulsive Compulsive Competition .......... whenever necessary for Sanity to Prevail in the Orbits of Madness and Mayhem, Greed and Inequity? ............
Yes, of course it is ....... and it is both fundamental and quite perfectly natural albeit led on far from popular planes/places/spaces.
The Global Politically Incorrect SCADA System is hacked and ITs Key NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive Codes are cracked ............ and Reverse Engineered to Genesis Base Source for Novel Future Reprogramming of Virtual Reality Projects/ZeroDay Trading Presentations.
Fake News, El Regers, or Unfolding Quantum Communicating Fact and a Alienating Fiction to be Shared Wwwidely ....... or Suppressed Badly?
IT Thinks and therefore We Are Virtual Machines for Massive ReProgramming?
Yes, you certainly are.

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