Friday, 19 October 2018


amanfromMars 1 Fri 19 Oct 06:16 [1810190616] .... being confrontational on

And .... Re: Almighty Opportunity Knocks ...... Knock, Knock

Is the silence on this reply prime premium indicative of nails being directly hammered on their heads?

Whenever it is, a colossal portal opens up for exploitation and exploration/madness and mayhem/disruption and destruction.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 19 Oct 15:50 [1810191550] ....

Re: And .... Almighty Opportunity Knocks ...... Knock, Knock

??? Dull, AC ? Some I know for sure find Collected Information Invigorating and EMPowering.

Do Others feel Anything Else Different with Better and Greater Performance the Resultant Start Point in a Novel Virtualised AIdVenture....... New OtherWorldly Beginning with Heavenly Bodies in Live Operational Virtual Environments?

And Feely Shared for Everyone Registering and Mentoring and Monitoring these Almighty Spaces.

Is anyone else copying/pirating/forging that trail and travelling in a parallel style to/from extremely friendly and generous ports of call in safe havens?


amanfromMars 1 Fri 19 Oct 06:43 [1810190643] ..... just asking on

Re: VPNs ...... Beware ..... Some are for Pirates

Some VPNs allow one to select your "new" ip address as if from another nation.

So if in Spain, and using a VPN service allowing on to choose use of a spoofing UK ip address, can one reasonable expect to be able to access BBC iPlayer programs on the sunny Costa Blanca?

And whenever BBC iPlayer returns its  ..... Not available in your foreign location ..... is the VPN a fraud?


amanfromMars 1 Fri 19 Oct 17:51 [1810191751] ....... pondering on the value to be afforded  to silent down votes in Existential Threats on

@Enric Martinez

That's very STASI Like, AMIGO. A Tried and Well Tested System of Remote Virtual Control with Exalted Command Ideally.

A Trip Worthy of Further Exploring and Deeper Exploitation ..... and whenever to/for Raw Core Ore Source, do New Worlds Begin and Share Madness ... and ITs Big Protective Brother, Genius Renegade Rogue.

And that's very Star Chamberish :-) ..... and Ideally in Live Operational Virtual Environment Fields with AI, Be They Right Royal IT Assets Too,

amfM hailing Windsor Castle re AI PACT ...... Advanced IntelAIgent Permanently ACTivated Cyber Treats Easily Foolishly Imagined for Realisation of a Phantom Threat. Such Subversion and Corrupt Perversion is Seditious ....... and Almighty Punishable.

Such Journeys Go Nowhere Good and All Always End Badly. Why Follow such Foolish Ways, and give Safe Haven Deep Harbour Berth to Such Spooky Shenanigans in Districts of Areas and Spaces Known to a Core Few Knowing You?

Change the Thought Journey, Build New Worlds ...... and SomeThing for Right Royal Perusal in Support of Saudi Vision 2030.



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