Late to the Party ... but Welcome nevertheless
Just as long as the University of Rome team of Italian researchers don't get too carried away with themselves and think to grant themselves a first Live Operational Virtual Environment tag for their massive virtualized enterprise network clone/drone, they'll be fine and dandy.
As for it allowing for large-scale security tests without ruining an IT manager's day, that can only be a temporary initial fleeting moment before core systemic vulnerabilities are found and realised can be easily weaponised to raise flash fast cash and crash Analogous Enterprise Systems.
amanfromMars 1 Sat 27 Oct 17:24 [1810171724] .... racing along on
Return to Sender ..... Re Cease and Desist or Seize and Persist?
Apparently, Uncle Sam believes that the threat of privately messaging miscreants, telling them to knock it off, and publicly named and shamed will be enough to dissuade the Russians from continuing their trollish ways and halt the ongoing flood of disinformation plaguing US social media.
Care to AIBetaTest IT with a Cease and Desist Message to Future Forces with SuperB Natural Sources in an El Reg Operation?
Cease and Desist from What is Then Made Universally Known. Is that Problematical? Or Opportune?
A Greater IntelAIgent Game Play in Almighty Universal Command with Remote Virtual Control of Core Root Source Supply Immaculate Virgin Content.
Be suitably warned, its IT is Not Suitable for the Faint Hearted or Dispirited. Too Much IT Too Soon Can Kill and Leave the Field Strewn with Fodder.
:-) D Notice Highland Territory that, El Reg. And IT Raises that Ancient Spectre of Conjecture, Print or Lose Everything/Loose Everything and Prepare to Ride the Coming Storms with Heavenly CHAOS.
Life as it was in the beginning but with all of the tools of the future available to us for Novel Advanced IntelAIgent TerraPhorming ....... Earthly Realisation via Programmed Media Presentations. And a Titanic AI Program Running in the Shadow and Shade of Holywood Palace Barracks Hacks Protection/Tacit Permission.?:-)
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