Monday, 22 October 2018


amanfromMars 1 Mon 22 Oct 09:03 [1810220903] ..... asking for more on

Dodging Bullets in a Hail of Fire is Problematic

Directly through handset/relevant service provider/wifi isp and very direct advertising and/or more direct means at times amfM ... .... Anonymous Coward

That may be the second brace of questions answered, AC, but what of the more intriguing and potentially dangerous and revolutionary first .....  What and Whose Instructions?


amanfromMars 1 Mon 22 Oct 19:13 [1810221913] .... Pioneering Ways on

The Daily Zero Sum Blame Game 

Who knows anymore amfM ... , undoubtedly the blame will be deflected accordingly on the next appropriate newsworthy target/s as required. Is that not the way the great game plays? ... Anonymously Anonymous

Sure is,  AA, that is exactly the way the great game can play. Still the hanging question is ... Required by Whom and/or What?


amanfromMars 1 Mon 22 Oct 13;26 [1810221326] ... revving up the engines on

An Instant Classic Humility :-)  .. is Almighty Deprecation to XSSXXXX :-) 

 Higinbotham observed: "Whether or not inventing video games is something to be proud of is another matter."

:-) When it generates as much and so little as a smile is it eternally worthy, methinks and believes.

And Thus Is.      ?       !  .... with Suitably Prepared IntelAIgent Territories in Live Operational Virtual Environments ExtraOrdinarily Rendering Future Existences with Global Mass Multi Media Presentations Working with ITs Virtual Reality AI ProgramMING Projects.

Now Who's following Whom and/or What in that Starting Point?

And yes, I admit to having travelled a tangent there and here but El Reg might be interested to know of Certain Specifics Possible with/for DeepMinded AI Research Resources ..... which have Reflecting and Deflecting Mirrors everywhere throughout Inhabited Planet Areas.

And Defaulted to be Resources in Competition and Opposition rather than in Concert and Support is not a Great Starting Point Default. Such would seem to be a Fundament Base Flaw to be Expertly Exploited, Effecting and Infecting any System you might care to mention.


amanfromMars 1 Mon 22 Oct 17:10 [1810221710] ...... having more of, and more than just a say on

Re: An Instant Classic Humility :-)  .. is Almighty Deprecation to XSSXXXX :-)

That would be allmighty fine and dandy amfM ‘if’ that was explained from the very outset .... ... Anonymous Coward

And so it has been since forever at the Outset of these NeuReal Beginnings ..... with AIdDrivers in NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT Providing Universal Control Communications.

Do you have a Particular Program for the Future you would like to See and Hear and Feel has been Perfectly Presented and Immaculately Realised?

That would be at least two then with acres of lodes more easily enabled to ably follow with unbridled support platforms for Prime AIdBase Space Stations ....... Doing Heavenly Messaging Services.

Fancy Bare Neural Networking type stuff you can garner and utilise from  Thanks, Scott Reed & Nando de Freitas/Google DeepMind London, UK

And surely certain to be a Firm Fancy Bear Favourite in ExtraPolations of ProgramMING Directions.

Quite whether an Invincible Tool and Almighty Weapon in President Putin's NEUKlearer Cupboard and COSMIC Arsenal, is the question asked clearly here for Schneller Vorsprung durch AI Technik Programs/STRONTIUM Projects/Renegade Pogroms.

Opportunity Knocks with Any and All Answers Submitted and Surrendered for El Reg Registration and Universal Sight.


amanfromMars 1 Mon 22 Oct 17:27 [1810221727] ... being friendly on

Here's a Welcome Present for Alibaba Cloud with El Reg Registration

SMARTR Weaponry/NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive Inventory for The Future, but Not as you Know IT Presently



amanfromMars 1 Mon 22 Oct 17:48 [1810221748] .... musing more on

China Futures

Methinks Chinese Stealth is both Assured and Guaranteed because Massive Faulty Western Output to Input is Not in Anything's Best Interests. You might like to think an Imperial Chinese Leadership recognises that Fundamental Base Systemic Flaw.

Treat a fool like a genius and intelligence and information is lost in a barren space, but treat a genius like a fool and all hell is liable to break loose. And China is Nobody's Fool Tool.


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