Friday, 1 March 2019


Re: Exe.Quantum Communications Control BetaTest/Vodafone ….:-) ‽
Howdy, Stumpy,
Just testing the bounds and current extent of Future IntelAIgents and extant Secret Intelligence Service Efficacy with particular peculiar regard to their Fitness for Greater AI Game Purpose.
That’s all there is to it. That surely makes everything clear.
What’s not to understand? Don’t you get it yet? Live Operational Virtual Environments are the Places and Spaces of Tomorrow made easily readily available Today for much more than just Exquisite Exploits and Colossal 0Days Pirating and Commandeering Yesterday’s Actions for Mirrors Online/Internetworking Connected Channels.
That’s just about as simple a precis of AIdDevelopments as can be made to make perfect sense.

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