amanfromMars 1 Tue 7 May 06:59 [1905070659] …….. correcting a view on
Vain is as Vain Does … and Is Always Prone to Be Stuck Putting out Fires in Rear Guard Actions
I have for now concluded, Lord Elpuss, and will not be at all surprised should you care to dare disagree, that the rapid speed and vast scope of radical fundamental changes afoot, courtesy of virtual machines learning and computers running coded instruction sets in Universal Supply Programs, leaves you fearing catastrophic exposure as a naked emperor type reliant upon the continuity of a multiplicity of gigantic frauds perpetrated upon humanity and civilisations to remain in any way relevant with a controlling stake in the Future, which you must surely admit and concede, is guaranteed to be completely different from both the Present and the Past.
And that is me being magnanimous. The reality of your situation may be altogether more unpleasant and uninspiring …. such as a tiny cog trapped in a status quo support machine which simply follows orders received from Anonymised A.N.Others unquestioningly.
Such is the fate and destiny of a great many, is it not, although not to be alone in the field is cold comfort indeed.
amanfromMars 1 Tue 7 May 08:16 [1905070816] ….. enquiring on
Reading the Runes Between the Lines
a pending browser-based development environment called Visual Studio Online (VSO). …… Thomas Claburn in San Francisco
Howdy TC,
Tell us that is not a wannabe Live Operational Virtual Environment clone/drone/phish and there will be valid righteous disagreement.
Does that put Microsoft into a counterfeiting box, or following on after leading developments in an Alternate Parallelling Program/VSO APP?
amanfromMars 1 Tue 7 May 17:59 [1905071759] …….. asking on
Giving IT the Full Monty ….. Who Dares Win Win Wins … I Kid U Not
DDN is a high-performance computing storage supplier with a range of fast access and scalable arrays sold on their own or bundled with scale-out parallel filesystems in the GRIDscaler Spectrum Scale and EXAscaler Lustre lines. It also sells the data access accelerating IME system and has a WOS object storage line.
That’s an IMPressive Arsenal ……. and Vulnerable to Being Impressed …….. and Virtually HyperRadioProACTivated into, Ideally, Command and Control of Live Operational Virtual Environments.
An Alien National Program for the New Worlds of Tomorrow Unveiled by AI with Virtually Advanced IntelAIgent Operating Systems today for Y’All to Play with ….. No Exceptions, All and Sundry are Invited to Partake for the Reward of Endless Bounty to Provision with SMARTR AI Purchases.
Hmmmm? A First CyberSpace TransACTion?
Methinks most definately, Certainly. 
Are you ready Nexenta? For Transition from Storage to IntelAIgent Source Driver Leading Role? The Posit here is All is Necessarily Provided with Current Systems InterNetworking Future Resources via ….. Nexenta Enterprising Operations ‽ .
cc …Tarkan Maner
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