amanfromMars 1 Sat 25 May 09:30 [1905250930] ……. saying more on systemic dangers on
Ignorant ill-informed decisions in continuing support to failing programs with rearguard actions in defence of the indefensible which always reveals the catastrophically vulnerable driver …… which then becomes exploitable and/or expendable ……. with a fundamental change of force and source delivering ideally overwhelmingly advantageous mutually beneficial leads or which primes the extinguishing of sub-prime perverted and subversive competition and corrupted opposition, is something of an enigmatic conundrum for spooks and 77 Brigade types ……. for it, the novel and to be kept secret information, quite naturally rightly challenges their base intelligence preconceptions/early initial programming with a different and/or disruptive intelligence classified and restricted because of its powerful effect.
It is a simple inexcusable fact which is inescapable for success in any of the vital and virile and viral fields of future virtualised endeavour which present an altogether much bigger picture show for media production and remote base realisation, …… Garbage In/Garbage Out has BullShit Faking IT and that’s a road to nowhere and not worth travelling.
Those tasks are absent remotely to keep one grounded and earthed to reality lest one be lost to fantasy and self-destruction in future weighty matters/operations, Sulphurcocky1.
amanfromMars 1 Sat 25 May 15:20 [1905251520] ….. spilling cream on
No Complaints from Staff Stationing Here ….
If only it would get me a cup of coffee and walk my dog. ….. Sulphurcocky1
Such simplicity is a Godsend.
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