amanfromMars 1 Thu 16 May 20:05 [1905162005] ……. saying more on
Re: The nerds have a a choice, and speak with their mice:-)
Like – why doesn’t the scientific community grow some and tell the powers that be to……
Then use our decent sized brains working out how to save the planet and not destroy it!
FFS ….. Anon Coward (there are nutters out there – I’ve worked with them)
Good questions, Anon Coward (there are nutters out there – I’ve worked with them.
Are they terrified or not interested enough yet? Do you want to destroy that, FFS? Make it increasingly extremely costly to be ignorant and arrogant powers that used to be leaders in command and control ‽ .
That’s a universal language they just might be able/enabled to understand perfectly and surprisingly quickly, given what they are right to fear whenever they lose other folks’ fortunes along with their own cash cows.
amanfromMars 1 Thu 16 May 20:22 [1905162022] …… musing on
Re: Raw Core Private Pirate Proprietary Intellectual Property Goes NEUKlearer Ballistic
Whatever is Ted Cruz toking? ……. Watch out for ‘space pirates,’ Ted Cruz warns 
amanfromMars 1 Fri 17 May 17:51 [1905171751] …… saying more on
Re: The nerds have a a choice, and speak with their mice:-)
So desperate they become to control your mind, they lose control of their own …… Cliff Thorburn
Yes, quite so. It is as simple as that, CT.
And that opens up a whole new vista of platforms to exploit or eradicate/support or deny future succour and limitless bounty.
amanfromMars 1 Fri 17 May 08:46 [1905170846] ……. saying more on
Re: Opening Up a Pandora’s Box of AI Excitement/Entertainment/Excrement?
The assumption and presumption made above is that NLP = Neuro-Linguistic Programming.
One of those Complicated to Command and Control Tools in the Sublime Brainwashing Arsenal.
And that simple fact alone extraordinarily renders it fully capable of being in a Military/Para-Military Department of Defence, a Highly Offensive Weapon …. of Mass Destruction and/or Distraction ….. but one which is highly volatile and so oft unstable/unreliable?
[Hmmmm? … after the non appearance on El Reg of “Opening Up a Pandora’s Box of AI Excitement/Entertainment/Excrement?” after its sending, and with the above additional information being sent circa 0846 and 1137, I wonder what that tells all reading between the lines. And the later subsequent identification of NLP as Natural Language Processing rather than Neuro-Linguistic Programming can easily reveal a rich tangent either being jealously and zealously guarded and mined or criminally overlooked and publicly avoided/discriminated against?]
amanfromMars 1 Fri 17 May 17:15 [1905171715] …….. negotiating with an AI blockade on
Re This post has been deleted by a moderator
Too much, too soon, Team Register?
Ok. Message received and understood. Mañana.
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