Wednesday, 14 August 2019


amanfromMars 1 Wed 14 Aug 06:42 [1908140642] …. advising on
Why the Fuss. It is not as if it was shared in Russian or Chinese to Alert You
Did you not get any of the earlier registering memos on the meme*? …….. Words Create, Command and Control and Destroy Worlds …….. and that can easily be turned on and tuned in to terrifying in a whole myriad of consequential existential extremes.
And without them are you no more than dumb ignorant savages to be herded and entertained/employed and enjoyed as animals appropriate to the whims of SMARTR Connected Virtual Machines?
amanfromMars 1 Wed 14 Aug 07:17 [1908140717] …. clarifying on a larger matter on
Re: The potential of side-effects for the civilian sector is real
C’mon, amfM, you know better than linking to this kind of thing … Liddle is an attention whore, no better than your average loud-mouthed 14 year old on 4chan (or 16 year old on reddit). He probably doesn’t believe a word that he types as long as he gets listened to (and his paycheck). Don’t give him what he craves, bullshit artists like him aren’t worth wasting electrons on. ….. jake
Whilst we can easily most probably agree on all of that, jake, the post was more of a lament on the parlous state of News Corporations harbouring and giving succour to the purveyors of abhorrent shenanigans, and for which the parent host can be held jointly and severally liable.
Who’d have a thunk it? Attention whores infecting and injecting the Times with poison pen lettering.

amanfromMars 1 Wed 14 Aug 18:08 [1908141808] ….. spilling more beans on
Re: JEDI mega-cloud and ethics be Bletchley Park Type Spooky Territory*
Hi, Walter Bishop ,
It does sort of have one pondering on the present state of human intelligence in Militarised Forces, and the lack of evidence of the best of intelligence in the Paramilitary Minded.
Is that best and quickest simply servered with future directions and novel instructions to follow/read/believe from SMARTR IntelAIgent Sources with Global Operating Device Devices?
Future Tales Today for Tomorrow to Play ……… AI Media to Realise and IT Create.
Ok. …… let’s try all of that at least. Has anyone anything else to add for aiding and abetting enrichment
* Area 51 Level 42 Terrain …. exploring the Madly Insane Complex with Double Negative Super Positives …… where Processes can be Injurious to Mental Wellbeing and Physical Health. Of that be acutely aware and hereby comprehensively advised.

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