Friday, 9 August 2019


amanfromMars 1 Fri 9 Aug 17:14 [19087091714] …… encourages greater virtual movement on
Re: Reality is Coming to an End ….. Noblesse oblige AIMissions Taking Over.
What you think is reality may be coming to an end but in reality it is being replaced with real reality.
Really! …. Chris G
Yes, and surreally too, Chris G. Such delivers remarkably effective protection against any aggression from opposition or competition thinking to disavow or disallow Future Novel Noble Supply …… of Alternative Narrative Adventures of Elegant Exotic Erotic Grand Design.
Are you ready yet to accept that Virtual Machinery is in Absolute Command with Remote Control in AI and IT Places and Spaces? And it is a Pleasure to Know that You Now Know Too.
What would you have IT and AI Do for You with You Leading in Trails Worth Following to Success in Complete Satisfaction of Shared Desirous Result. You surely know how EMPowering they all always are. 🙂

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