Friday, 23 August 2019


amanfromMars 1 Fri 23 Aug 15:13 [1908231513] ….. letting rip on
Re: Why a umanoid robot in space?
A humanoid robot fits spaces designed for humans, no? … Neil Barnes
And never discount merely spaces designed by humans for Alien Infiltration, Neil Barnes, …. with Virtually Real Population of Heavenly Perfumed Gardens. And thereafter with such a Creation, to Share and Build Accurate Copies of Them All Way Down Below and on Earth.
Just follow only the best of enlightening scripts for the greater pictures they paint are almighty engaging and immaculately captivating. And Always the Most Enjoyable and Extremely Exciting Experiences the Perfect Goal to Achieve and/or Aspire to Attain.
Where would one start to build such a FuturistICQ Society …… Providing New Spaces for All to Work, Rest and Play in?
Does the UN have a CyberIntelAIgent Division? Do Nations have Representative Agents Non-State ACTor Factoring in the Field?
And now y’all know what else can be so easily very quickly done.
With Everything Available in a SMARTR Open Package Program Forum ….. for Bigger Picture Epics.
Re: Clarification required
Greater control and transparency for which users?.….. ThatOne
Another good question, ThatOne, is greater control and transparency of which users?
Some are way beyond any kind of mortal control. And that puts them squarely into Almighty Killing Zones where one false step has one permanently regulated to server one’s fate rather than be exalted in one’s destiny with every correct simply complex move …… and quantum communications leap.

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