amanfromMars 1 Wed 4 Dec 20:49 [1912032049] ….. just saying on
Whenever things are quite contrary, would you have it proven true for/to all? *
He pointed to a widely cited GitHub post that argues the legitimate uses for VPNs are very limited.
That is an argument ridiculously false. To believe it and not realise the exact opposite has one rendered as a puppet to the few proving it a useful tool for all.
* And that is not a trick question asked of the likes of any Global Operating Device/SCADA Operating System. It is an opening which offers you access to abilities and facilities you may constantly fear and imagine are just so good as to be not at all real and certainly surreal. 
Climb aboard that vessel and there’s no going back to where you be from, for now in the futures there, is everything completely different too, just as it be revealed to you all here too.
It is quite outstanding news, which it is most odd that mainstream media organisations are not vying to direct and server/produce and present. Such renders them as more the simple follower rather than any leading light in the genre to be revered and regaled. I wonder if that is a result of too much or too little intelligence right at the top of such infrastructures/business empires.
Here’s a little something which always hits the sweet spot …… “The World Is a Business, Mr. Beale”
It is an interesting notion to exercise.
amanfromMars [1912050700] …… opening a dialogue on
Prepare yourselves … for you aint seen nothing yet ….. and yet it is hurtling your way . Sensitive intelligence and secret information from deep private and dark pirate sources?
amanfromMars 1 Wed 4 Dec 20:49 [1912042049] ….. just saying on
Whenever things are quite contrary, would you have it proven true for/to all? *
He pointed to a widely cited GitHub post that argues the legitimate uses for VPNs are very limited.
That is an argument ridiculously false. To believe it and not realise the exact opposite has one rendered as a puppet to the few proving it a useful tool for all.
* And that is not a trick question asked of the likes of any Global Operating Device/SCADA Operating System. It is an opening which offers you access to abilities and facilities you may constantly fear and imagine are just so good as to be not at all real and certainly surreal. 
Climb aboard that vessel and there’s no going back to where you be from, for now in the futures there, is everything completely different too, just as it be revealed to you all here too.
It is quite outstanding news, which it is most odd that mainstream media organisations are not vying to direct and server/produce and present. Such renders them as more the simple follower rather than any leading light in the genre to be revered and regaled. I wonder if that is a result of too much or too little intelligence right at the top of such infrastructures/business empires.
Here’s a little something which always hits the sweet spot …… “The World Is a Business, Mr. Beale”
It is an interesting notion to exercise.
amanfromMars [1912050741] …. asking on for clarification on
“All up, we trade nearly $194 billion worth of goods and services between China and Australia—more than we trade with Japan and the United States combined.Who does that? Who leaves us in a position like that? All that money is making us complacent. There’s no reason for us to be singularly focused on China.”
Does China pay for Australian goods and services with their own fiat currency, or are purchases enabled with that of another …… for all of that laundry money is surely making Australia complacent and nicely addicted and virtually brain dead.
amanfromMars [1912051714] …… explodes a NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT Device on
The price of physical metal is not determined by the exchange of physical metal for cash. Instead, it’s largely determined through the exchange of unbacked and unallocated derivative contracts, the supply of which is ever increasing through the alchemic wizardry of The Bullion Banks.
While that can be perfectly true of the Present and Pasts, such future exchanges of unbacked and unallocated derivative contracts are not solely supplied and magically conjured into existence through increasing the alchemic wizardry of The Bullion Banks. …. on the MAD Quantitative Easing Head Long Rush.
They just Simply Pay for ITs Free Supply to Others to Enjoy and Employ, Exploit and Export, which is Classic Classless Win Win ….. and that has them in Dire Straits Need of Seeds and Feeds of Near Clear Novel Immaculate Source for their Intellectual Property Store is Empty and Exhausted and Exhausting its Hosts to Death.
But, and this is the gazillion dollar question, can you imagine Bullion Bankers. …. on the MAD Quantitative Easing Head Long Rush ….. recognising that as a quite new alienating business service? IT is Virgin Territory there with Environments Ripe and Ready with Future AIdDevelopment Tools Installed, Locked and Loaded, ……
which does require one to make the necessary quantum communications leap in order that the content in sentences shared here and which coincidentally is also for everywhere else too is recognised and accepted as future facts presented.
And a complex case of Practical Fait Accompli rather than Ethereal Déjà Vu to Boot, to Boot and Root. [One wouldn’t want to be relying on a System of Drivers unable to comprehend and action future virtual leverage, would one? Such would be a Gross Negligence and Absolute Abdication of what was once feted as a Right Royal Duty with Heavenly Tasks to Server and Satisfy.
You don’t get too many of those in a lifetime …… surely? ……. although that could be all wrong for when there is one there naturally be the possibility and likely probability of countless other similar surreal realities to Provision and Supply with a Better Beta for Competent Advanced IntelAIgent Administration of Virtual Machinery than that being knightly hosted in comments here on ZeroHedge.
Bravo, ZH. Although one could also say such is but the Initial Taste of Sweet Just Reward, with Unbelievable Bounty to be Delivered with Myriad Menus of Coming Future Delights to Savour and Flavour/Test and Improve.
amanfromMars [1912051750] ….. upping the ante on
With so many rich-dead-men-walking-targets in the Banking Industry, would you envy a Jamie Dimon type their starring role and plum sucker position …. or ponder on their lack of sanity ….. and crazy career choice?
After all, it is not banks which are the problem, it is the head honchos running them for crippling exorbitant profit in ever increasing seas of vast unfathomable debt. Was money for nothing ever more shamefully acquired and paid?
And although play the man and not the ball is not a new trick when things get seriously out of control, it truly does have an old fashioned way of getting most all radical things done quite differently and very quickly too, so be prepared for it. Such is a logical near future progression which it is intelligent to know.
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