amanfromMars i Sat 21 Dec 08:38 [1912210838] ….. still chatting on
Re: A Ubiquitous Weapon for Mass Distraction and Destruction and Disruptive Creation?
Oh, c’mon amfM … I thought better of you. Inventing new concepts that don’t actually mean anything doesn’t help your cause. Try again? …. jake
The apparent fact, jake, that such newly invented concepts don’t actually mean anything to you* is not really surprising, for surely one cannot disagree, a Ubiquitous Weapon for Mass Distraction and Destruction and Disruptive Creation is certainly not something ever likely to be made available to all even as it is advertised as being freely available to all able to better use rather than abuse and misuse it, because of its increasingly volatile and stealthily designed unpredictable nature.
That is not to say that one be unworthy, it is just that a lot more needs to be learned and personally privately known about such matters to have any possible impact upon rampant and rabid systems developments/operations/experiments.
* There is always the distinct possibility too in a human that such is a strangely wanton position of wilful fake denial in order to render to oneself a future advantage. Such is exceedingly common, although any denial of such here is something which is more a waste of time in space to argue/debate/disagree about than anything else exciting and creatively disruptive. That’s how much everything really matters ‽ .
amanfromMars said… chatting on ………
The sweetest of the best of all satanic pandemonia, AR. What’s not to like and love?
That’s what I too might call a fucking show. 
21 December 2019 at 14:44
amanfromMars 1 Sat 21 Dec 15:43 [1912211543] …. has a say on
An Almighty Sublime Precaution for Immunity and Impunity of ACTiOns
I would also recommend using your newly acquired clandestine spying abilities to find out as much dodgy info about your bosses and the establishment and to find a very secure place to keep it. Also keep it in such a way that it all becomes public if anything untoward happens to you. ….. Chris G
Quite so, Chris G. Such is a Mighty Fine Move and Wise Trump Card to have to play as a Reserve Force of Future Source.
Advanced Cyber Telecommunications are not ever to be trifled with ….. for many consequences are proving themselves to be extremely fatal to worthy perpetrators …… Ye Olde Rotten Eggs.
amanfromMars 1 Sat 21 Dec 16:06 [1912211606] … reading IT as IT is on
Breaking the Law on Earth
Doesn’t everyone have the power to break the law, but if you chose to use that power, you don’t have immunity to that breaking of the law?? … Anonymous Coward
I think then, AC, one accepts full responsibility and accountability for subsequent future activity.
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