Wednesday, 11 December 2019


amanfromMars 1 Wed 11 Dec 07:36 [1912110736] …… muses on
Re: Honor Vision and what you may not
I don’t know why but this makes me think of a quote like “In Communist China, TV watches YOU…” ….. bombastic bob
How difficult is it to secrete a camera inside a TV enabled to record and cast everything it sees and hears?
And would it surprise you if you discovered it to be true, or would you just accept it as normal and a logical progression for mass population command and control?

amanfromMars 1 Wed 11 Dec 18:03 [1912111803] ……. agreeing with others commenting on
All hail the naked emperor king
“At our size we have many customers in this situation and it’s not financially attractive for us to just turn off hyper-threading.
It’s not financially attractive for us is the gift and an abiding catastrophic systemic vulnerability that just keeps on giving. Milk it and bilk it to sweet exquisite exhaustion.

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