Wednesday, 1 April 2020


amanfromMars [2003311945] ….. stating the bleeding obvious on
Those shenanigans put RICO Actors to shame.  And that entire shuttered casino complex they be fronting and hosting is house rigged and both constitutionally and institutionally corrupt to its every central nervous core ……  feeding and fattening themselves on the freely given contributions of others being right royally treated as ignorant suckers/sugar daddies and sweet mamas.
WTF SNAFUBAR ?  Are those the games humans and idiots play in the midst of the seas of opportunities which surround and now close in on them …….. to drown them  …… or sweep them away to somewhere else ….. which can always be somewhere considerable better than anywhere any way near available right now in the times and places and spaces identified there?
amanfromMars 1 Wed 1 April 09:13 [2004010913] …….. singing like a coal mine canary on
Hello World …… Are you getting the Message yet? Garbage In/Garbage Out?
The cautious approach is to turn off the connected experiences, though it is unlikely that any confidential data is in danger of interception. ……. Tim Anderson 31 Mar 2020 at 19:25
Oh please, Tim Anderson, you cannot be serious. Where the hell have you been all of your life? Cloud Nine?
Golden Rules #001 ……. Any and all confidential data and metadata is in danger of interception for remote officious and unofficial second and third party exploitation and abuse.
And that persistent awkward question always remains to be answered in such circumstances ……. Why such an Epic Present Fail?
And that may be easily answered brutally truthfully with the realisation there be not enough advanced and advancing intelligence in-house for exhibition/presentation/information processing/preprocessing/reprocessing.
Such is an abiding catastrophic systemic vulnerability perfectly ideal for relentless and ravenous exploitation by A.N.Others without such a deficit/learning difficulty/disability/disadvantage/obvious problem and that you can be sure is not ever squandered.
And any and/or all of that can be absolutely terrifying too.
amanfromMars 1 Wed 1 Apr 09:37 [2004010937]….. musing on
When double negatives are not always positive
Oops. Proof against …… Doctor Syntax
You got it more right the first time, Doctor Syntax, with it being also proof of government bad actors too.

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