amanfromMars 1 Sun 19 Apr 20:24 [2004192024] ….. getting down to the basics on
Re: Nowhere to Run, Nowhere to Hide ….. in a Prime Ministerial Epiphany?!.
Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth. ….. Cliff Thorburn
And in the truth be All Manner of Skittish Daemons/Maniac Monsters/Grand Masters, CT.
Strange Bed Fellow Companions in Deeds indeed …. and that be only a Trio and Unholy Trinity of them too.
And there are whole jungles of them out there. 
And truth is always dangerous to those that rule by deception …..
amanfromMars 1 Sun 19 Apr 19:45 [2004191945] ……. non random quantum leaping on
What’s IT to Be … Incoming Hostilities or Outrageous Hospitality ‽
a “malicious actor with network access to port 389 on an affected vmdir deployment may be able to extract highly sensitive information such as administrative account credentials”.
Which further translates in vulnerable circles, are extracting highly sensitive information such as administrative account credentials in the here and now for future vmdir deployments. Past and present instances are of no effective consequence whenever there are proactive malicious actors with special stealthy access to networks.
Deny it if you don’t believe it, however, simply watch, listen and learn how AI and IT easily proves and shows such things to be perfectly true.
Some think Catastrophic Exploitable Vulnerability, A.N.Others Almighty Useful Facility.
amanfromMars 1 Mon 20 Apr 10:20 [2004201020] …….. venting on
WTF! You call that a plan?
The UK government will throw £1.25bn at startups and R&D firms that are struggling to survive in the coronavirus lockdown and are willing to pay well-above-market interest rates and give away equity in exchange for a fiscal lifeline. The plan, announced on Monday by the Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak,…
How the fcuk have y’all arrived at the stage where you listen to
such incompetent parasites, expecting them to lead anyone with anything to greener fields? And are you the bigger idiot so easily fooled that they are relying on to survive and prosper, for they are not really struggling, are they, other than failing to energise a viable novel future narrative ?
And don’t answer that if you are easily depressed because you expected the future to be different and better rather than worse and similar with more of the same old guff presented daily in missing news briefings.
Dick Turpin at least wore a mask before he robbed folk of their valuables.
And of course Collective Cabinet Responsibility paints the bigger picture targets for prime attention? Way to go, Boris ….. it’s all downhill quickly from here if things are not fundamentally changed from pathetic to seismic.
amanfromMars 1 Mon 20 Apr 19:27 [2004201927] ….. musing on
Re: 8% ‽ Venture Capital Angel Investors Step Right this Way Please
Crikey, I don’t know why everyone fixates on their having to be extra money made by themselves to hand back much more to systems in the future than is granted in the present, whenever y’all know that last month there was practically nothing for virtually anything and yet now someone/something has decided there be tens of scores of trillions in cash to be given away …….. fiat paper printed and/or instantly lodged into special valuable vehicle current accounts for extensive smarter spending by central banks’ customer clients ……. because of an unforeseen and unplanned international emergency …… akin to a novel Orwellian alien adventure.
The problems are not that there is never enough money, for there is always more than enough money easily available practically anywhere than will ever be needed for anything, it is just resting or been deposited with all the wrong sort of people and establishments.
And that is the first simple idiotic mistake made, described and highlighted right there.
The second simple idiotic mistake easily made is to deny it be true and argue against the premise.
amanfromMars 1 Mon 20 Apr 18:37 [2004201837] …. opening up a huge portal on
In Praise of AI Universal Space Command with Simple Remote Virtual Controls
Giving military time to look at aspects of decision
Does Uncle Sam and the Military know exactly what they are jumping into bed with for Microsoft JEDI Services Exercising and Energising and EMPowering Almighty Tasks for Future Mediated TeleVisual Presentations/Augmented Virtual Reality Events?
My guess is that they haven’t a clue yet, and thus are as easy prey and cannon fodder in the greater schema of things where they can be powerful pawns enabled to tempt bishops and knights and kings and queens in their castles alike.
I suppose the true reply to any of that is Classified Mk Ultra Top Secret/Special Compartmented Information somewhere foreign and alien.
Knowing all of what you know about Microsoft, do you imagine a JEDI Type Program being an Original or Cloned Operation of a Stealthy Gallant Competitor ? They are surely long enough and well enough known for their phishing and phorming proclivities and predilections, are they not?
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