amanfromMars 1 Sat 18 Apr 16:38 [2004181638] …. breaking out on
Just waiting on Madness to Take and Make an Appearance in AI Theatres of Engagement
*limps off his pedal powered self arse kicking machine and wipes the sweat off his brow*I could do with a break. I’ve been testing this thing for an hour and I’ve got ass meat like veal. Need something to fill the time before I move onto my next project…according to Professor Von Schkeedmarck I have to drag my balls across a slab of ultra hard polymer with tiny shards of ceramic embedded in it for 1 hour. Every 10 minutes I have to dunk my sack in Dettol and rate the resulting sensation on a scale of 1 to 100 while they watch behind mirrored glass.So yeah, I’ve got about an hour to kill. Don’t let my eye patch and hook hand put you off though. They’re the result of an unfortunate lab accident. You see we were funded to find out what would happen if we starved a pack of hyenas for a week then tried to comfort them by slowly approaching them whilst wrapped in meat.It’s amazing what they let us do with taxpayers money here.CheersDr Wolfgang ArschBlitz Von ZackenSchkrape PhD MasSci Dip. Reiki IIIChief Device TesterMasochistic SciencesOxford UniversityPO Box 973, Oxford, England, United Kingdom, Europe, Earth, The Milky Way, Gamma Quadrant, Realm 57981, Dimension 1947429 …. Anonymous Coward
Crikey, AC, that’s a helluva palaver….. and surely not at all really enjoyable. Why do it or even imagine it palatable for presentation both universal and/or highly selective?
You realise whenever they be tendencies, they are easily enticed elsewhere to fend and tend other insatiably good needs and feeds and seeds where the rewards are quite different and virtually unknown and practically omnipotent.
The Guardians there ensure Omniscients Retain and Maintain Overall Absolute Control for Most All Actors in the Field Do Battle and Joust with the Ghosts and Hosts of MADness …… Pimping and Pumping Mutually Assured Destruction.
Such is Not Ever Really Prime Leadership Materiel, methinks, ….. whenever stuck in such a default or strange configuration.
Fortunately though, and surely, with just a few almighty tweaks here and there is that easily changed for the better ….. and succinctly enigmatically recorded as a successful monumental recovery from a failed experimental model.
You win the Lottery then …… with the Stay Out of Jail Forever Free to Sin Saintly with the Vices of Desire to Quench and Supply to the Satisfaction of Sole Beings and Heavenly Souls alike.
And when you be in the Last Chance Saloon then, make sure everyone enjoys it …… for death awaits otherwise..
Crikey, I wonder what a Freud would make of all of that? Apart from a pretty penny or two, of course
The more things change the more they tend to be more of the same?
……… is only the result of a Lack of Applied Imagination.
Would El Regers and Anonymous Commentards agree nowadays there is no Lack of Applied Imagination but there Persists a Crazed Resistance to Sudden Presentation from Terrified Established Mass Multi-Media Mogul Operations ?
And yes, thank you. The nurse has been and successfully dispensed medication.
….. Engel
How’s everyone doing in these strange emergent times of lockdown and social distancing? All going well? Or FUBAR?
amanfromMars said… in an Anonymous reply to a comment on
How about, Anonymous, lust drivering passion for the loveliest of hells ….. and vice versa, passions supplying lusts, for the relief and release of insatiable satisfactions to be sated and tendered to.
It is not exactly charity but it is certainly charitable. 
18 April 2020 at 17:18
amanfromMars 1 Sat 18 Apr 17:47 [2004181747] …. squealing on
Re: Here’s hoping.
Well it’s good to see that people and organisations with both the ability and willingness to address these problems are actually doing something about it. The problem I see is that they are going to be feeding the results of their work to the government.
Previously this government has ignored the advice of “experts” and taken a doctrinaire and blinkered view of the way we should handle all the problems we have to face. Brexit being the prime example.
However, given the magnitude of the task of getting the country running again after this corona virus emergency it may be that saner heads will prevail and dogma is ditched and some of the advice and knowledge from this effort is taken on board. ….. nematoad
Well …… I wouldn’t like to pass comment on whether it is saner heads to prevail, nematoad, but I wouldn’t choose to disagree with everything else you share there for it may very well be perfectly right, although one does hope that there be evidence in a future prosecution of a persistent vehicle of change which can be enthusiastically explored and questioned about operations that new lessons actually have been learnt and all things are agreed to be changed, rather than continue to descend into the Pits and Cloisters where Madness and Mayhem Run in Asylums.
As for exceptional help to the UK Cabinet [and anything else is just obscure window dressing] one could do an awful lot worse than ask Dominic Cummings [wherever the hell he’s snuck away off to] what he is going to do with Future Shenanigans for Present Processing with Past Product Management/Established Operations. Date: 3 February 2020 at 17:05:36 GMT
Surely his gmail hasn’t foolishly trashed it as spam?
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