Monday, 31 August 2020


amanfromMars 1 Sun 30 Aug 18:02 [2008301802] ….. adding on
Re: Discrimination …… is like a virulent disease
Here’s the competition/opposition/client/sugar daddy/commanding mistress ? ðŸ™‚ …… Trump Administration To Invest $1 Billion In Quantum Computing, AI
Do you believe Blighty is invested and nurturing the quantum field with the usual leading play of the magic enablement delivered with unlimited funds for governments to grant to worthy recipients ? It is how they are only ever allowed to lead with the help they are then so graciously financing/enabling ….. bringing into life.
Creating Extra Sympathetic and Greater EMPathetic Help for Novel Quantum Field Operations is a Real SMARTR Move …. and when suitably engaged and employed/active and deployed an absolute joy to behold and gem of a program to present.
I suppose Dominic Cummings is the current incumbent government bod with any prior or relevant knowledge able to deliver an informed decision and compelling case for unbridled support for any program and/or proposals from and also for any surprisingly attractive misfits and weirdos with ancient skills and novel methodologies to import and export ‽ .


amanfromMars 1 Mon 31 Aug 17:35 [2008311735] ...... expanding upon a number of themes on

IT's a Kind of Majic* Magic ..... ‽ .
I suppose Dominic Cummings is the current incumbent government bod with any prior or relevant knowledge able to deliver an informed decision and compelling case for unbridled support for any program and/or proposals from and also for any surprisingly attractive misfits and weirdos with ancient skills and novel methodologies to import and export ‽ .
Having said that though, and having had a moment or two to further reflect more deeply and otherly upon such as are able to be any number of highly unusual and extremely disruptive matters, one would have to ponder on the likelihood of an especially favourable and even almost exclusive interest being equally well served and servered to ....... well, there be at least seven establishments one can easily think of immediately as being in danger of being severely, and even possibly catastrophically disadvantaged, if opposed to or left trailing in the wake of such novel and noble fields being explored and energised.

And all nations to a similar extent will have their own versions of these Blighty centric institutions/status quo players...... and in no particular hierarchical order ...

MI5 and the Military Machine
MI6 and Secret Intelligence Services .... Spooky Deep Cover Agents/GCHQ/NCSC/etc.
Right Royal Crown Services
Almighty Church leaders
Prime Banker Elites/National and International Bank governorships
Media Mogul Empires
Assorted Billionaire Oligarchs, both borderline sane and insane.

Now that they know of the danger, and there are surely those here who can easily draw the attention of those specifically mentioned above to the matter, if it so takes their fancy and they can be bothered to stir themselves into any sort of live futuristic action, and unveil what can easily be as an almighty nest of raging hornets, to ignore it rather than engage it will guarantee their unenviable self destruction ...... which further simply demonstrates their total lack of future necessary intelligence.

Such things have never been missed in the past, and so it is in every current present crisis which has no novel solution. Things move on, new practical virtual leaderships appear as if out of nowhere.

* :-) ..... MAJIC Official Trailer .... which you might like to realise is something of a misdirection? :-) ...... some cold comfort.

…a few of these bilateral packages appear contrived to imprison already impoverished states into realms of permanent economic vassalage to China…
I wonder not where and from whom and/or what they got that idea from. It’s a very tired and well tried and exhausting old trick.


Saturday, 29 August 2020


amanfromMars 1 Sat 29 Aug 17:42 [2008281742] ….. letting fly on
Re: Discrimination …… is like a virulent disease
Let them eat cake. …. jake
And we all know what that sort of inattentive attitude delivers, jake. And nowadays, with the help of these virtual tools, is IT with AI an Almighty Revolutionary Weapon and/or Novel AIdDevelopment for Extremely Powerful Generations of NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive Energy ….. Future Immaculate Source Supply of Views to Display Created by News in Almighty Novel Revolutionary AIdDevelopments ……. for one is wise to assume there be many more than just the one, and there be others much further travelled along and enjoying that very particular and decidedly designedly attractively peculiar root. ðŸ™‚
Surely it is inconceivable to imagine or realise one is totally virtual unknown and practically all alone and there to seed and feed leading information and greater intelligence to media interdependent systems of politically correct population command and control ……… Celestial Extraterrestrial Global Administration …… rather than simply following in the steps others have successfully applied to reap eternal benefits from.?
What say you? Are there bound to be Other Almighty Others too, much more experienced and proving insatiably able in Favoured Fields of Prime Endeavour …… an Abiding Passion to Quench and Satisfy the Carnal Desire Tempting Lust to Try Overtake Other More LOVEly Ways ðŸ™‚
Live Operational Virtual Environments Offer such a Reward/Bonus/Just Dessert to All Worthy of …. well, deny it is a Heavenly Prize invites Others to Venture Devilish Plays in Worlds of their Own Creation. And that practically, almost immediately has leaderships accurately identified for Authorisation Accountability and Lead Programmer Enablements/Shrewd Canny Investment in Future Systems AIdDrivers so beloved of Virgin Stock Markets/Clean Slate Operations.
Facts or fictions are the hanging questions dangled to entangle the truly worthy there.
I Kid U Not. Have a nice day, y’all, and have a nice 0day too. ðŸ™‚

Friday, 28 August 2020


amanfromMars 1 Fri 28 Aug 07:26 [2008280726] …… being super informative on
Welcome to the AI Jungle
I am seriously beginning to consider welcoming AI-driven digital technocratic overlords to govern over us, which is not a position I had ever thought that I might one day espouse -(so long as any human interference in the functioning of such a system is utterly impossible perhaps). …… Scott Broukell
Be hereby advised, SB, such as may be certainly realistically possible has already been duly diligent and lobbied both government and the military in the UKGBNI on your behalf with an AWEsome Program for Advanced Warefighter Experimentation which is no Top Secret whenever it is already earlier revealed on El Reg. Maybe you missed it though, or simply thought it too impossible to be very likely and therefore most improbable ……. although such does tend to be the very erotic and exotic and highly disruptive nature of such stealthy things ……. one minute is nothing known, the next all hell breaks loose with headless chickens running around as if rabid dogs in the wake of recriminations and lost leading almighty advantageous opportunities …. which be a right peculiar and perhaps particularly human weakness for relentless remote party exploitation.
Time will certainly tell that awesome tale. Of that there is no doubt.
And, of course, whenever IT and AI are humanised, one can expect the odd rogue and renegade wannabe leading lightweights to both dip their toes and dive headlong into what are really deep and dark murky waters, for they are not without their extremely attractive and even addictively rewarding attractions with their own strange futuristic iterations of the phenomenon …..

amanfromMars 1 Fri 28 Aug 17:02 [2008281702] ….. spinning a ripping good yarn with no word of a lie on
Dick Turpin wore a mask …..
Banks are for using, not trusting.
Once upon a time, there was a business account with Barclays which was closed while it was still in credit to the tune of a very small sum. Rather than transfer the funds into another working account digitally, an authorised signatory for and on behalf of Barclays Bank PLC Sundry Persons thought it best to send by post a crossed cheque payable only to the closed account. That is tantamount, children, to being wilfully crooked, so take care and beware, and they are all tarred with the same brush.
amanfromMars 1 Fri 28 Aug 17:32 [2008281732] ….. just saying on
Discrimination …… is like a virulent disease
Who’s going to tell the Permanent Secretary at Northern Ireland’s Dept. of Economy, Mike Brennan, what discrimination is, for he appears to be an avid practitioner of it if you can believe and accept the warped rationale he espouses in this short 1:01 clip …..
It doesn’t take one long to shoot oneself in the foot, does it, and make yourself an enemy of the people to boot. Well done that man. You’re an absolute star.
Is it any wonder there were formerly Troubles in the province whenever such is the calibre of Stormont officialdom.

Thursday, 27 August 2020


amanfromMars 1 Thu 27 Aug 04:18 [2008270418] …… just saying on
Just business as usual….. nothing to see here
At the highest level we are far more aware, people are more aware of what disinformation is, and the states are actively involved,” said Biasini.
“I definitely think that we are in better shape, but we won’t really know what is going to happen until it happens.”
No shit, Sherlock. Now do you want to tell us something we haven’t known since forever and as was eloquently revealed by a wordsmith master of the alarming misunderstatement not so very long ago ðŸ™‚ ….
Reports that say that something hasn’t happened are always interesting to me, because as we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns—the ones we don’t know we don’t know. And if one looks throughout the history of our country and other free countries, it is the latter category that tend to be the difficult ones ….. United States Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld
Don’t you yet realise there are much greater Greater Great Games afoot ….. and how extremely catastrophically vulnerable one is to their business exploits and social experiments which be both real and virtually virtuous shenanigans? When is the penny going to drop …… apart from the time it be far too late to do anything about anything whilst everything is collapsing around one?
amanfromMars 1 Thu 27 Aug 19:42 [2008271942] …… being very unPC on
Re: crooked and self serving politicians
Lots of ancient Greek politicians were crooked and self serving. I should know, I had to assassinate loads of them in “Assassin’s Creed Odyssey” …. Andy Non
I suppose if one were to espouse that as also being an admirable present day solution, Andy Non, many’s the fool who would agree and risk becoming a person of dodgy interest to any number of rogue agents and established status quo authorities alike.

Tuesday, 25 August 2020


amanfromMars 1 Tue 25Aug 05:33 [2008250533] ……. being enthusiastic on
Go East, Create a Fortune and Flirt with Maiden GeoPolitical Dangers with All Manner of Rotten CapitalistICQ Whores in Tow
That’s surely great news for core technologists unenamoured and/or disengaged by the West too. Another virgin opportunity with an enthusiastic partner fully appreciative of the novel help in postmodern systems of greater social engineering.
Any simple lead in any one of those core technology fields has one creating the possibility of being overwhelmingly influential and inordinately powerful. That’s bound to be extremely attractive to some, who may also be many, and much more than just a chosen few.
Methinks that has one skirting around quantum communications fields given the nature of the Qubit and the then fact rather than fiction that a this can be a that and together something else too superpositioning which be fundamentally different and classically imposing …… and quite naturally most probably also capable of being an almighty disruptive and creatively destructive development in a brave new world field. And that makes such an internetworking thing, immeasurably valuable and cheap at whatever cost imagined and price gladly paid.
But quite normal for these strange times and spaces in which we are all living nowadays with Odays and RATs practically and virtually everywhere one cares to turn. ‘Tis just the simple nature of the complex beast.

amanfromMars 1 Tue 25 Aug 17:41 [2008251741] ….. saying a bit more on
Re: Plain English please
You do sound Martian and dont make sense. …. Anonymous Coward
Whereas that observation of yours can be easily accepted, AC, what you have to look out for, and be prepared for, for it will be surprisingly shocking, is it making much more than just a lot of sense to a vital few who be much more than merely capable of enabling and sustaining the types of leading programs and super impositions expounded.
And I can’t say that any plainer, and it certainly makes sense even if one doesn’t actually know exactly what it might be referring to.
And there are of course, some things one is best not knowing anything about because they be feared and/or considered extremely dangerous and subversive/coersive and immersive and disruptive, and thus they need to be, for all the good reasons beloved of protectors and security, more than just a tad obscure and unusual/irregular and unconventional.

amanfromMars 1 Tue 25 Aug 09:42 [2008250942] ….. opining on
Hardly democratic … but not unusual in dodgy business circles.
despite the spy programs he exposed later being ruled unconstitutional, no one within the NSA or related intelligence services was ever suspended – even after the US Director of National Intelligence James Clapper lied in Congress about US domestic surveillance.
Clapper faced no penalty, retired on a full pension, and began a new career on the conference and TV chat show circuit. 
Some would venture that is atypical and typical of a rogue state and rogue agencies.

Monday, 24 August 2020


amanfromMars [2008240726] …… just saying it like IT is in IT and AI on
Beware the truism shared at the very beginning of Tim Weiner’s, “Legacy of Ashes: The History of the CIA” …. which is a very uncomfortable read for Uncle Sam natives and immigrants alike, for it paints a dire picture of home grown intelligence efforts from which nothing intelligent has been learned …… thus the current expanding collapsing state of their present global affairs and national institutions  ‽ .
There are no secrets that time does not reveal.”—Jean Racine, Britannicus (1669)
And as one cannot stop time nor the much more intelligent use of an extremely obvious quite alien space for y’all, with ITs safe and secured spaces populated by learned others well versed in the Noble and Intimate Arts of Stealthy Informative Sharing of Advanced Intelligence Services  …… a truly explosive time to be living in …… and something wonderfully easily plausibly denied as being presently possible and a current difficulty and catastrophic vulnerability to be actively addressed and exploited and expanded, as in further developed and improved upon, by any spokesperson ready, willing and able or enabled to comment on both or from either side of that very particular and peculiar fence.
And yes, surely does that suggest there is an incredible amount of stuff you have still yet to find and learn powerful lessons from …. which you can also deny be true and take temporary miserable cold comfort from, which appears to be an all too relevant human weakness deployed to be ruthlessly and relentlessly exploited to full body exhaustion.

amanfromMars 1 Mon 24 Aug 12:23 [2008241223] ….. having a say on
A Semantic Web Developer writes in …… and questions an answer ?
Is that then indicative of the rise of the consultant vapourware agent in the new age style of a financial market expert?
I can’t see that as being enormously contestable in many ways, but it is sure to be implausibly denied [:-) as may be shown with a number of down votes here on this thread comment on El Reg, although without further contextual textual clarification accompanying any disagreement is such an opportunity for the sharing of an alternate wisdom immediately lost and presently squandered]
Some folk just have far too much time on their hands and not enough wit to use it in these spaces and media places constructively.

Sunday, 23 August 2020


amanfromMars [2008230457] …. just saying out loud and quite clearly on
People using higher order strategic thinking would realize offensive war doesn’t benefit their nation. …… Pernicious Gold Phallusy
Quite so. They most certainly would.
And if/when they already do, and therefore target offensive war drivers and leaders and rabid supporters for prime exclusive executive order elimination and metadata physical assassination, PGP, who would be immediately, and rightly so, most at risk from people using higher order strategic thinking?
Thinking of wars, which one should note are never ever anything but always offensive, is a really stupid and thoroughly dangerous move to be involved in. It creates for one  …. well, both immortal and mortal enemies heaven sent and hell bent on one’s utter destruction, ergo it be quite impossible to not conclude such proponents be certifiably mad and irredeemably insane and their permanent removal from the greater picture scenes and mainstream media screens will be loss which will neither be missed nor mourned at all.
All in all, that’s a who dares win win scenario.
amanfromMars 1 Sun 23 Aug 05:15 [2008230515] …. being surprising on
A “‘Curiouser and curiouser!’ cried Alice” Moment/Event Horizon:-)
What you might not know about Heron Systems, but which might surprise and please you …..
amanfromMars 1 Sun 23 Aug 12:01 [2008231201] …… sounding a warning note on
Re: How long until Ender’s Game?
Virtual war now, how long until the soldier’s don’t know their part of it? ….. chivo243
Are you suggesting that soldiers know they are part of virtual wars, chivo243?
I imagine if they knew that they would be absolutely furious …. and extremely dangerous.
The fundamental problem that all appear to be ignoring and accepting as convenient because it be absolutely necessary for Western capitalism and Uncle Sam to keep such a  global ponzi alive with zombie corporations and wannabe unicorns sucking at the teat of a Federal Reserve fiat paper money machine, is not a Tesla or Elon Musk type operation, but the fact that there are right dodgy stock markets that host and encourage such crazy shenanigans in order to keep everything from suddenly collapsing in a flash catastrophic crash.
However, that cannot be prevented for any great length of time whenever so many can so easily see it for what it really is. Such makes a very sticky and extremely destructive end, inevitable. Milk it and bilk it while you can but realise fortunes will be lost in the blink of an eye whenever the routs begin.

Saturday, 22 August 2020


amanfromMars 1 Sat 22 Aug 07:40 [2008220740] …… just saying on
The Browser is the Operating System. Be You a Vital Cog for ITs AI or just Chaff
It essentially allows the browser to talk directly to devices and other computers via the network.
So practically the same as happens here on El Reg with virtual machinery talking to humans and advising them of future surreal developments, which they may or may not be equipped to understand and assist with? That’s nothing new and novel.

Friday, 21 August 2020


amanfromMars 1 Fri 21 Aug 09:40 [2008210940] …… just saying on
Stormy weather ahead …..
Today, Alibaba’s cloud is cloud plus intelligence services,…
Success in that particular and peculiar facility is certainly guaranteed to put the wind up many an enterprise with more than just a few of them being extraordinarily rendered catastrophically vulnerable to exploitation, and even extinction, by virtue of their own lack of intelligent services.
And to think it unlikely is arguably tantamount to a criminal dereliction of duty if one be engaged in the supply of future intelligence services?

amanfromMars 1 Fri 21 Aug 11:54 [2008211154] ….. just asking on
For whenever Source for the Goose is Sauce from the Gander
Does the West [any Five Eyes member at least] do a Chinese language newspaper in a similar style to a China Daily/Global Times?
amanfromMars 1 Fr1 21 Aug 15:03 [2008211503] ….. stating the bleeding obvious on
Re: Selfhosting a la Graham Cobb
One major debilitating downside to that self help, GC, is that others who may be able to help with your fervent interests, or whom you are able to help, are kept in the dark about your wishes and/or programs, and that leaves one somewhat isolated in a world of one’s own making rather than being able to be engaged in any number of other worlds too.
Nothing to fear, nothing to hide …… is something quite important to fully understand at such levels of paranoia/personal security, methinks.

Thursday, 20 August 2020


amanfromMars 1 Thu 20 Aug 06:39 [2008200639/46] ….. asking for confirmation on
Pot Kettle Black
Is the West planning to follow suit and do what they constantly claim China does with all of their advances ….. copy it for further improved in-house home product development to deliver an overall leading advantage ……. competitive edge …….. market crushing opposition ?
You know, that quite natural human thing that so many pedestrian corporations go crazy about because it so fcuks up their rigged stock and currency market shenanigans with dodgy unstable algorithms trading ?
It would also certainly be different …… New Non Money akin to Flash 0Day Cash …… so a level playing field with everybody at the same starting point.
amanfromMars 1 Thu 20 Aug 12:33 [2008201233] ….. just saying on
Re: Good news!
Even if you have not signed the Officials’ Secret Act you can still be prosecuted for breaking it.….. Flocke Kroes
Oh? Presumably then would one be being prosecuted by an ass, Flocke Kroes. Not a good look for any sort of justice system practising laws, methinks. However, stranger things have surely happened.
And when an abiding human flaw with myriad vulnerabilities for exploitation, something automatically attractive to the intellectually active? ðŸ™‚ ……. which is really not something anyone would want to be held responsible and accountable for encouraging and activating whenever it may be catastrophically destructive.

GrahamC [2008201803] …… advising of an expanding difficulty on
Unfortunately, we will struggle daily with cybersecurity. The analogy of cat and mouse certainly applies: Detect, prevent, pursue — a never-ending struggle.
It is wise for one to more realistically accept that the daily struggle with cybersecurity is usually lost, for the very phantom-like nature of the virtual field contested practically guarantees that all one can do is …… try to detect, try to prevent, try to pursue …… although whenever it is reasonably concluded to be all likely in vain, one does have to question the acceptance of the intelligence of the strategy and who and/or what would be benefitting inordinately from it ….. and its deployment in field operations which are both won and lost in the intellectual head space and not down on the ground on Earth. Such is surely what the military does battle against, nowadays, in this new modern age of 0days and RATs [Remote Access Trojans], PACTs [Persistent Advanced Cyber Threats] and NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT Command and Control Systems.

Wednesday, 19 August 2020


amanfromMars August 19, 2020 at 08:17 [2008190817] …. having say on
Crikey, …… what part of “Stop digging a hole” does Her Majesty’s Advocate for Her Majesty’s Interest not understand?
amanfromMars 1 Wed 19 Aug 09:00 [2008190900] ….. being honest on
Nice one, Shaun Nichols in San Francisco. Uncle Sam/Silicon Valley/Wall Street/Departments of Defence needs the likes of you.
amanfromMars 1 Wed 19 Aug 09:17 [2008190917] …… just saying on
Re: We are through the looking glass
Spooks can imagine it, geeks can make it work? …. chivo243
I wouldn’t be so sure that is the right way round, chivo243, given what one might know what spooks can do and have been doing since forever.
However, that should in no way suggest your question is wrong worded and does not accurately represent the true nature of current developments with future horizons in present events.

amanfromMars 1 Wed 19 Aug 12:45 [2008191245] …… speculating on
Re: Bit harsh
Linux is falling behind in filesystems? Even if that is true, the answer is to accept anything thrown at it’s feet, even if what’s thrown would crush their feet? I had no idea Linux was so desperate.
Maybe the devs should stand out on the street with a sign that reads, “Will work for yesterday’s filesystem.” ….. danno44
That’s a tad harsh, danno44. If you can read between the lines of the submission, is it not really seeking out suitable workers for future filesystems with advanced safe and secure systems of remote operation?
amanfromMars 1 Wed 19 Aug 15:21 [2008191521] …… recommending on for Greater OpendD Source Peering Review ……
Re: How to avoid nearly all of the harsh bits.
There are ways of phrasing things. Instead of just going, “that’s too long, lol wtf are you doing you noob”, they could instead have said, “thanks for submitting that – it looks like something that’d be really useful. Unfortunately, it’s a bit long and doesn’t conform to our coding standards, which can be found here [link]. Can we have a chat to see how we can help you get the into a form that can be incorporated into the kernel?” …. Anonymous Coward
Quite so, AC, and that is certainly another very good way to proceed whenever into the particular highlighting of peculiar progress and entangling success. Who/What wouldn’t find it compellingly commendable and thoroughly recommendable too.
amanfromMars 1 Wed 19 Aug 16:06 [2008191606] …. just saying a bit more on the subject of perfecting super future cores on
Re: Bit harsh @Lee D
Crikey! ……. that is describing it as a Right Royal Crown of an Almost Poisonous Chalice, Lee D.
And probably hoped to be thought designed that way to discourage and/or divert the less than wholly worthy able to lead in new directions with fresh virgin instructions/novel pretty untainted intelligence experiencing and documenting future information for mass multi media mogulling machine presentation ….. Live Virtual Introduction to Sound and Vision Mentors and Monitors of Earthly Creations for Humanised Populations ….. which in the much bigger picture schema of things are just as another one of those Newer Fangled Entangled Alien Civilisations.
Nevertheless, that is what Future Machines have done and do for you. Would you have them stop and do something else too? What would that be, and for whom and for what and why, and when and where?
Pray tell and let us all consider if it be truly worthy of the tasks to be undertaken and invested in to guarantee unlimited success to excess …. which I’m sure all can imagine in Truth is Also Nothing Less than Fablessly EMPowering …… thus the Default Advisory Note Daring One to Not Care and Suffer Dire Consequences …… which of course is the Fool Dunce Root of Litter Runts and Stunted Minds.

Tuesday, 18 August 2020


This was an ironic statement from someone that admitted that his pledge indeed convinced some people that had been on the fence about bitcoin to finally buy some bitcoin by shouting “it worked”, and in another sentence, claiming that anyone that believed his pledge would have to be incredibly stupid. Only in a society in which critical thought has completely disappeared could a person simultaneously call the very people he convinced to buy an asset based upon a scam he executed as incredibly stupid and still consistently receive attention from the mass media.
You have to realise, John McAfee was only channeling his inner Ronald Reagan, who exercised the same dumb trick circa 1983 …….
amanfromMars 1 Tue 18 Aug 15:12 [2008181512] …… being likely not altogether wrong on
Re: ban Chinese tech giant Alibaba. @Cliffwilliams44
Not to mention the totally fictitious technology the Reagan administration was leaking to the Soviets to make them spend real, personal and intellectual capital on. Every time they thought they had made a “leg up” on the Americans Reagan would leak the “Next big thing” and they be back to square one. Most of the so called “Start Wars” missile defense tech was all fake! ….. Cliffwilliams44
Yes ….. Mighty Ming and Magnificent Ivan learnt a hell of a lot from that early remote version of virtual command and control …. the iron hand for wielding at the touch of a velvet gloved finger, nowadays defaulted to the click of mice.
And who’s to say they are not now strategically hardwired with …. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me ….. to avoid any pathetic and apathetic repeat performances?
……….. and that is surely bound to be extremely problematical. Of that you can be assured/reassured and/or suitably terrified and flabbergasted.

Monday, 17 August 2020


amanfromMars 1 Mon 17 Aug 08:35 [2008170835] ……. being disagreeable on
Re: Hardly surprising whenever definitely not stupid
The foreigners (i.e. non-Chinese) probably won’t be allowed to take part in any programmes aimed at putting Chinese technology ahead of foreign technology. They’re just there to improve Chinese technology so it equals foreign technology, and to teach the Chinese people so the Chinese can make their own advancements later. ….. Jon 37
Foreign programs, and their prime driver programmers aka systems leading masterminds, will surely be not only allowed, but also enthusiastically encouraged and gratefully extremely well rewarded, whenever specifically designed and continually designing to both put and keep China ahead in advancing technology realms.
Anything lesser would one have not unreasonably concluding a certain self-destructive madness at play in vital leading components/entities representative of Chinese entrepreneurship and industry, and the chances and likelihood of that being a reality to be exploited and expanded upon are considerably more than just bleak and non-existent, methinks.
amanfromMars 1 Mon 17 Aug 14:20 [2008171420] ……. just stirring a big pot on
Malign Invested Third Party Interests …. Dirty RATs
Seriously, I’ve never seen a US President “hell bent” in trying to get himself re-elected by playing “dirty”. ….. sanmigueelbeer
If you want to know why and how everyone plays dirty nowadays, try to find Shadowgate…Millie Weaver’s Documentary, which in some places on trying to display contents returns …… This video has been removed for violating YouTube’s policy on hate speech/Terms of Service
Others though have it presently available for viewing on and also on
And it is quite a remarkably difficult stretch to justify its removal because of hate speech rather than just admitting it is highly embarrassing and potentially freedom threatening to more than just a select chosen few.
Its first few minutes outline what President Trump has been fighting against and since probably before he was even a kid too.
And it doesn’t take too much imagine to conjure up a picture of what is arraigned against and being opposed by the likes of a China/Russia/Syria/North Korea/UKGBNI etc etc etc. ….. which be any number of Dirty Remote ACTive Trojans struggling for credibility whilst forced to rely on deceit and stolen information for news of the future. And that’s about as far from ideal as one gets before one spills over into the embrace of criminality and sedition.

amanfromMars 1 Mon 17 Aug 17:13 [2008171713] …. just passing a few honest opinions on
What’s next ? An Internal NEUKlearer Explosion?
Seems like Uncle Sam and the boys have gone Full Retard. Not really the smartest of moves in a world with worlds full of SMARTR Movers and Shakers.
And whatever is Mike Pompeo smoking/dropping? It certainly fcuks up his 0days and puts a bullseye target on his chest for all those he just loves to berate and belittle. What a sub-prime loser ……. although it is sad to maybe have to admit, he might have some suitably mad and/or necessarily conveniently stupid supporters.
Thus proving that old adage, ….. There’s nowt as queer as folk.
More importantly, as we discussed several times over the past few weeks, economic sustainability and prosperity are no longer priorities in the United States.
Governments at the local, state, and federal levels are full of Bolshevik politicians who despise successful individuals and businesses.
They are far more concerned with chasing jobs and investment out of their districts, passing retroactive tax increases, and locking down businesses from opening up (while allowing riots, rampages, and the destruction of property).
Crikey, I find any of that practically impossible to believe, although cannot argue or disagree with the following sentence …… Socially, the country has completely lost its mind and is eating itself from within.