amanfromMars 1 Tue 11 Aug 03:43 [2008110343] ….. letting IT all hang out on
If I were a cynic and not psychic, one would imagine such largesse psychopathic.
Thanks for all the phish and here’s some red herrings resulting …….. live product for blind tasting/mass crash dummy testing …… is what immediately springs eternal to the front of engaging minds here. YMMV.
Nice one, Google. A Very IMPressive Daemon which no one sees coming …… although it does open up a whole host of new dedicated cans of worms methinks, requiring additional superior advanced remote virtual command and control for leading practical operations ……. and that is guaranteed to have both the competition and opposition from the West to the East in the likes of a Microsoft and Apple environment/semiconductor microprocessor infrastructure, green with envy and energised to fight for the right to also wield such a might. And they’ll all come a’poaching and throw big money bags at both prime and sub-prime drivers/systems movers and shakers. It is just what they can only do in order to try and prevent their very own Meltdown/Systems TakeOver and MakeOver/call it what you will in AI Narrative Pump and Dump Circles around Magical Round Tables.
amanfromMars 1 Tue 11 Aug 04:14 [2008110414] ….. says in a reply on
Re: TITSUP before even launched? Now that’s a real bad start indeed which is bound to be exploited
No merit down that well trodden path amFM, been there, seen it, DUN that ;0) …. Cliff Thorburn
Quite so, CT. No less than an open and shut case of pearls before swine. methinks.
amanfromMars 1 Tue 11 Aug 08:42 [2008110842] …… being fundamentally radical on
A Brave New AI World, Right Before your Very Own Eyes.
So, by treating swarming vehicles, agents and drones as if they were humans, commanders safe and secure in the background have remote control of activity in the foreground … a target rich environment ?
No shit, Sherlock.
Do you realise SMARTR Virtual Machinery with Commanding Control of Computers and Communications similarly lead humans in Creative Cyberspace?
Is that a what comes first …. the chicken or egg thing, which really matters not a jot but will engage many a useful tool with the employment of lazy fools ‽ It just is what it is, and as a figment of imagination realised, not anything you can do anything effective against to try and stop its practical rise and physicalised onward march.
Are we struggling to make machines more like humans when we should be making humans more like machines….. IntelAIgent and CyberIntelAIgent Virtualised Machines? Prime Digitization offers Realisable Benefits.
Treat that as a Stealthy Enemy and you Threaten a Silent Friend with Almighty Powers which Quite Quickly Completely Overwhelm. Consider Yourselves Suitably Warned and Comprehensively Advised of the Dangers Available Out There.
amanfromMars 1 Tue 11 Aug 14:18 [2008111418] …..being agreeable on
Re: Did none of these people see the movie called…
I would second and support that infiltration, Marketing Hack. The MOD/UKGBNI Forces also have a similar concern.
amanfromMars 1 Tue 11 Aug 15:21 [2008111521] …… seeking a quote for services extraordinarily rendered and to be further extraordinarily rendered for the pleasure of worthy others on
Liquid Fluid Diversification ……. for Virtual River Course Management
The initial contract notice put the maximum anticipated price on the deals at £100m. The money is split between eight contract “lots” covering digital product teams; tooling to develop new data-driven analytical models, algorithms, dashboards and visualisations; and implementation of new business applications, services and associated processes, to undertake major changes to current and legacy applications and deliver associated infrastructure solutions.
And whenever all of that is already delivering product and services covering all of those disciplines …… Assisting Support Programs Supplying Future Provisions for Advanced Virtual Product Realisation ……. Creative Media ProgramMING Presentation?
What realistic empowering sum would be granted to explore and expand upon the workings with the prime novel source lodes* of that subcontractor? More than just quite quiet pretty penny, methinks. And worth every darned farthing too, methinks also reasonably fair.
* Virgin Ware Fare is surely Almighty Immaculate Sourcing.
amanfromMars 1 Tue 11 Aug 16:00 [2008111600] …….sprinting way out ahead on ?? 
Juicy Lucy Titbit for the Likes of DARPA Camouflaged AI Missions and from Anywhere Ideally Everywhere Known.
Kind old Microsoft has published research showing that UK businesses use less AI than foreign competitors, and when they do, the usage tends to be a little basic.
A little basic ? ……. Virtual River Course Management ?
Oh? Really? I imagine many Global Operating Devices would find that somewhat surprising given the obviously extremely well hidden complexities necessarily required in/for the Plotting of Virtual River Courses.
Methinks Microsoft speak with forked tongue, Kemo Sabe.
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