amanfromMars 1 Thu 6 Aug 07:10 [2008060710] …. just asking about very particular and peculiar Right Royal Duties available on
An Awkward Question Too Frightening to Answer* at Dispatch Box Tables ‽ .
Why hasn’t the former leader of Her Majesty’s Opposition explained who gave him the information? I think it’s a reasonable question. …. Anonymous Coward
If that is in any way accepted as an official designation/unofficial descriptor for an out-of-office parliamentary political party competitor/parliamentary opponents out of office in political parties …… Her Majesty’s Opposition …….. one surely then has a Royal Warrant to bring down the government of the day by whatever means and memes be available and accessible to one ?
Some, who be themselves much more than just a chosen few, may recognise and relish such a manic madness as is evidenced in the crass craziness of parliamentary business, and evolve and resolve to be considerably more effective than was ever before never imagined possible, or never before ever imagined possible if you prefer …….. for there are novel virtual tools and almightily madE weapons nowadays readily available for practical use and misuse and abuse.
* Methinks Too Dangerous to Never Ever Ignore is APT in this quite specific case where/when it remains as an Advanced Persistent Threat.
amanfromMars 1 Thu 6 Aug 13:24 [2008061324] …. proposes on
Re: And yet, and yet…
Quite so, Neil Barnes. Such invites CHAOS with Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems with Virtual Machinery in AI Command and Control of/with ……. well, honestly, Futures, both Virtual and Physically Realised for Universal Presentation via Mass Media Documenting the Novel Means and Memes and Acquired Future Skills Required for Onward Further Greater Travails.
Taking one into the Realms of Heavenly Tasks and Hellish Delights. A Perfumed Garden of Immaculate Desires
I would agree with you, NB, that an ACTive Control of that would be extremely advantageous ….. thus not to be severely disadvantaged in the Wakes of Any Current Running ACTivities able to Feature and Realise such as Results in All of that Above and the Much More Yet to Come.
As a Universally Resourceful Asset, Utterly Priceless …….. and a Right Pretty Penny worth every Red Cent Spent 
amanfromMars 1 Thu 6 Aug 16:35 [2008061635] …. dropping this clusterfcuk bombe on
Re: One born every..
They didn’t get it. Bullet dodged, I think. ….. Zippy´s Sausage Factory
Oh? You think so? And here’s more than just a chosen few here tinkering and thinking it’s just as a really simple improvised explosive device lodged and primed for ACTion ….. NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT.
And that raises the question …… Are/Were IBM aware of the Extreme Dangers they appear to have accepted and been contracted to help maintain and mitigate with the aforementioned engaging third parties?
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