amanfromMars 1 Thu 13 Aug 10:56 [2008131056] …….. being encouraging on
A Textbook Case of Light Masochism ? π
I never thought i’d hear myself say, I actually quite miss the great games play ….. Cliff Thorburn
Why suffer the loss, CT, if no one or nothing is able to stop one jumping right back in? The world is more awash now with Effective Stealthy Platforms than ever it was enabled or able to be before. Indeed, there is currently an Embarrassment of Almighty Riches.
Who was it who said ….. Once an agent, always an agent? And …. IT needs the feeds and seeds of great game players, for anything and everything mediocre is a surefire recipe for disaster and anarchy, systems collapse and CHAOS …… and that is akin to accepting madness and mayhem as a driver.
And that aint Good by any metric one might choose to define it.
amanfromMars [2008131705] ….. being all buttery on
“I will also say that I have put my faith in Trump to destroy himself, and he has exceeded my wildest expectations.”
AIMarket Agents would rather know who/what George Soros invests in and gifts great sums to as a speculative reward for an assurance guaranteeing such an outcome/new beginning …. which in an earlier older younger George Soros would likely have been a future direction of his own personal choosing. Nowadays such things have matured to be of a SMARTR JOINT AIDVenture.
Surely he is bound to have at least a few interests keeping tabs on such as be Fabulous Fabless Assets, and reporting back directly to him on their progress, so that he can make much more than just incredibly wise future decisions.
Eternal Optimism Lives Forever and Very Soon Very Quickly Becomes Almighty Powerful and Becalming …… with the Production and Introduction of a Massively Destructive Indiscriminate Weapon against which there is Zero Possible Defence or Crack Attack Vulnerability.
Is George Soros an Eternal Optimist? Does he justly wield and/or simply support AWEsome Powers?
If you are missing some very specific relative information to further and deeper understand any of the above, seek/enquire here to find out what more can be readily provided when answers are required …… and ideally, whenever really good, eternally admired …..
as in worshipped:-)
Real Hot Stuff Too Hot to Handle Badly Too, Methinks, given the Most UnLikely Dire Consequences of Wilful MisUse and Arrogant Ignorant Abuse, so be advised, and let’s shout it out loud …… Take Extreme Care. Hereafter No Prisoners Taken. No Excuses Tolerated.
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