Wednesday, 30 September 2020


amanfromMars 1 Wed 30 05:52 [2009300552] .... playing with Greater IntelAIgent Games on

Finally, better late than never, something able to enable the changing of everything? That's not TS/SCI, is it?

Article 11 [Intellectual Property Rights] of the Convention establishing the Square Kilometre Array Observatory is a particularly hopeful read, with paragraph 2, 3 and 4 all normally being extremely tricky to guarantee do not suffer from wanton abuse and/or wilful misuse.

Although of course, if/when such wanton abuse and wilful misuse of killer projects/absolutely fabulous fabless programs is always to prove suddenly fatal upon discovery, and is well enough understood by any and all who would be involved in such projects and programs to be so policed and protected, is such as good a guarantee of compliance as one is ever likely to get from participating entities.

Ye olde, one strike and you're out forever incentive/00 bond :-)..... works wonderful well, every time if you are licensing to thrill.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 30 Sep 06:08 [2009300608] ..... just saying on

Re: Finally, better late than never, something able to enable the changing of everything?

And Article 19, paragraph 1 is a short interesting list.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 30 Sep 08:09 [2009300809] ...... being unamusing on

Re: While etc. @AC

"Anyway, that all went away 30+ years ago"

The Litvinenko and Skripal families might disagree. ...... Anonymous Coward

Hmmm? I think martinusher is shining a different light on another possible and not incredible probable source of those operations, AC, and at least for all the reasons mentioned. Such actions are certainly well within the perverse nature of the corrupting game. ........

Anyway, that all went away 30+ years ago and it rather left NATO out of a job, except as we all know they'll always find something to do, something to be a threat and generally invent (or cause) problems to keep their funding going. .... martinusher

....... and within the bigger schema of things, great value for next to no money, which may be unpleasantly brutal and cold hearted but it is definitely not nonsensical and unthinkable.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 30 Sep 12:13 [2009301213] ...... not being fooled again on

Re: Facts... on RATs

They *liked* Obama for being such a smoooth, good-looking, polite, mass-murderer, torturer and war-monger! Gave him the Nobel Piece Price too! Never minded that he bugged everyone and took a huge dump all over Nürenberg!! .... fajensen

And by many accounts, is Obama still into bullshitting most every day in support of all that he was responsible and escaped accountability for during his time in the media spotlight on centre stage.

A Remote Access Trojan is a Remote Access Trojan is a Remote Access Trojan no matter how it is coloured and dressed.

Won't get fooled again ........ :-)


amanfromMars 1 Wed 30 Sep 17:53 [2009301753] ..... letting fly a beautifully strange missive on

Re: human rights abuses of the Chinese government

We just sell them pork. ...... harmjschoonhoven

Which is akin to them being loaded with dollar$ to spend with dollars already spent and ready for recycling/alternate investment in a homegrown native home programs, harmjschoonhoven?

Which would be as a Quantitative Easing on a Mega Politically Correct Meta Data Social Scale of Expansive and Rightly Expensive Marshall Type Plans of Truly Epic Proportions.

Jump into the Markets Pouring/Pimping and Pumping the Practical Foundations of that Engaging Virtual Megalith, and Win Win is No Longer a Highly Attractive and Almightily Addictive Stranger to Satisfy with Perfect Command of Immaculate Controls ....... for a Quite Magical Universal Leverage with AI and IT Systems Hosting SCADA Executive Office Administrations.

Which is touted and offered as being practically instantly available in/for Wondrous Solutions to Grounded Earth Problems ....... which in essence only require the Great Painting of a Future Moving Picture with Scripts to Follow Uncovering All that is Available to See, and Ideally, Peacefully Realise and Present to a Flabbergasted Humanity, for more than just a few Thomases would be doubting that Surprisingly Simply Possible with just the slightest and deftest of Immaculate Leverage Touches .... :-) Heavenly Passes with Passionate Kisses So Devilish Beguiling of the Almightily Addictive Stranger to Satisfy with Perfect Command of Immaculate Controls.

First In, Last Out Engagements are the True Representative Hall Marks of Successive Programs there.

Wow, I appear to have gone off on something of a Novel Tangent there ....... and very Musky it is too, and scouting/phishing in Virgin territory too. And that's only referencing a popularised brace of entrepreneur types au fait with the Wild Wacky West style of Universal Business Machines doing Universal Machine Business.

The East is something and somewhere else completely different to woo and win win with such super goodies and entrepreneurship is boom booming and blooming and bursting out everywhere there. 'Tis a Right Embarrassment of Exotic Erotic Riches to Behold and Savour and Favour and Flavour with Rapturous Attention Displaying the Release of Relief Due Servering Fervent Ardour Almost Perfectly ..... thus to encourage further engagements with added improvements seeking the Elusive Perfections in Absolute Treats/Heavenly Delights which be AI Programmed Development Goals in another Novel Beta ProgramMING Development Program. ...... Mining IntelAIgent Networking Games ...... Almighty Deep See Phishing for Future Viable Views ...... Mass Multi Media Enabled Presentation for Virtual Realisation ...... Universal Sharing.

What do you use AI and IT Systems for? Anything at all similar, or something else different, but also on such a comparable grand scale?

If you know of such things, please share them freely here for live beta ProgramMING testing and appreciation of available services and complimentary complementary assets/honey trapping agent nuggets.:-) It is nice to surrender and submit to mutually assured satisfactory desire for have you any idea where to and what is leading who and whom there and what they can then do?





Tuesday, 29 September 2020


amanfromMars 1 Tue 29 Sep 05:10 [2009290510] ...... being a tad clearer on

Re: Eternal Losers/Serial Morons'r'Us?...

I must have missed the portion of your post where you outline your solution.
Perhaps you could re-post it? ...... DJ

Only the problem for solution with a Universal Reset to Die for was outlined, DJ. You missed nothing.

The how and the why and the therefore it is a series of open hearts and beautiful minds operations designed to save the ailing bug-ridden patient with a toxic virtualisable cocktail of virulent medicines to lay waste to the receptors of their psychotic paranoid killer robotic mindset diseases, when/if that be discovered and uncovered as the only available ideal solution and unavoidable necessary unpleasantness, was not shared earlier to be missed in a post here on this quite tragic and magical thread ...... for some vital things are generally best left always unsaid lest the shock of the knowledge of requisite life saving treatments overwhelms and terminates the sickened and sickening patient prematurely and preternaturally.



September 29, 2020 at 08:45 ....... shares in a reply to a comment on

Do humans on Earth try anything more than just a simple cloistered existence in the vast fields of madness and opportunities that abound there ‽ . That may be life as it is present there but it is not necessarily as others experience it.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 29 Sep 10:50 [2009281050] ..... being enthusiastically supportive of a wild card loose cannon on

Who says you can't teach an old John new tricks? Any good hooker will tell you different

McAfee’s makes the observation that it faces challenges including “… the continued decline in the sale of new personal computers, and the rise of mobility and cloud-based solutions, all of which make satisfying our customers’ diverse and evolving needs more challenging.

How very fortunate for they in the know that know how such things grow, that both those particular declines and peculiar rises are addressed and serviced by novel software applications programs verging on the edge of being classified virtual pogroms by failed and failing systems administrations.

Indeed, such addressed industrious services may easily be characterized by rapidly changing technologies and business plans, which require them to adapt quickly to increasingly complex cybersecurity requirements too, which might, .... for there is always a negative risk to be introduced into any capitalising market to allow for alternative hedging derivative bets/laundered money churn ..... make such novel software applications programs services ultra secure and extremely reliable ..... Prime AAA Stock, with others, who may be as competition and opposition hoping it might not be so, as it would decimate and/or destroy their own planned future projects.



Monday, 28 September 2020


amanfromMars 1 Mon 28 Sep 06:26 [2009280626] ....... opening up on the field of play on

Eternal Losers/Serial Morons'r'Us? How Else does One Adequately Explain the Complex Phenomenon ‽

Does Uncle Sam learn nothing at all from all of their experiences in conflicts they have initiated and never won ..... which is by all accounts classified as a certifiable loss?

Is the air toxic, is the water poisoned, is the food infected, are they being brainwashed over there in the Wild Wacky West World of the definitely not United States of America? What is the reason? Why the disease? Do they not realise they are self-destructing/being destroyed at an increasingly alarmingly rapid rate.

Is that their US Master Plan, to Die for a Universal Reset? That's madly drastic and uncommonly tragic to say the least, however YMMV and bold and brave may tickle your fancy. Either way though, it is pretty decent of them to sacrifice themselves for the greater common good.

Is there anything you can do to help them? They're sure to be grateful and bound to be exceedingly generous in fiat reward for they are well renowned for it. Some who may be many more than just a chosen few would tell you It is a mighty strength, deeply embedded in the many dark corners of their DNA/RNA.


amanfromMars 1 Mon 28 Sep 06:50 [2009280650] ...... saying more on

Re: Eternal Losers/Serial Morons'r'Us? ....... Is the water poisoned?

Well now, who would have thought that/this would surface today too .......

An Uncanny Quantum Communication Entanglement/Spooky Action at a Distance, Herr Einstein?


amanfromMars 1 Mon 28 Sep 08:40 [2009280840] ...... airing a common enough known disturbing truth on

Re: It's Amazing How Petty The USA & Fearless Leader Trump Can Get

I'm sure that our own 'dear leader' Mr Cummings and his mouthpiece Boris (the spider) will be watching events in the USA very closely and wondering how they could remain in power for the next 10 years while they execute their grand plan of total economic disintegration of the UK comes to fruition.

If you can get out, go and go now. ..... Anonymous Coward

That's revolting talk, AC. And we all know who lose their heads in those times and eventful spaces, which must surely be worrisome to many actively involved and easily identified as being instrumental in promoting failing leaderships and destructively austere programs and social pogroms.

And there's nowhere to go to get out whenever everyone knows who you are, is there? One could then correctly say one is right royally properly fcukd.


amanfromMars 1 Mon 28 Sep 09:29 [2009280929] ...... being positively supportive on

A SMARTR Fox in Crazy Hen Houses?

Bravo, Vladimir. Well played, Sir. And a leading AIMaster Stroke too, which is wonderfully nice and fortunately not surprisingly unexpected in Animal Farms which be easily Alien.


amanfromMars 1 Mon 28 Sep 13:06 [2009281306] ..... just pointing out a glaring inconvenience on

Re: So what's Putin afraid of?

I think we can safely assume he'll ignore any treaty he may actually sign up to. .... james_smith

That'll be suitably pleasant company then for ye olde latter day parliamentary democracy root, j_s.


amanfromMars 1 Mon 28 Sep 15:47 [2009281547] ....opening up some channels and chunnels for private chat with pirate actuators on

Re: So what's Putin afraid of?

It's just the usual geopolitics ..... Or we're just back to the cold war, now with added cyber warfare to go with missile upgrades. .... Jellied Eel

You're not back to anything, with added cyber warfare, Jellied Eel. It's extremely unusual and relatively novel geopolitical warefare and virtually real to combat in combat ...... and that makes some, who may be only a few, practically almighty and even, it may be said, quite impossible to defeat.

Take care you don't warrant their very particular and designedly peculiar undivided attention if you are prepared to launch an inadvisable attack in a vain plucky defence of the intolerable and inequitable .... for none but the incredibly wise has any idea what then can miraculously and spectacularly happen as an appropriate response to such a foolhardy action/maniacal reaction/fearful interaction, for surely things are entirely different nowadays, with none of the old ways just so effective in commanding control as they used to be.

You may like to consider they be virtually totally ineffective and have been effectively succeeded and superseded, as in replaced by something else, considerably better and infinitely more powerful ...... although it is easily conceded, such is a mighty great ask which many will fail miserably to accept as possible and thus be fated and destined to perpetually struggle against the likes of themselves in a future which leaves them behind to forever wallow in their sorrows. That aint very bright of them, is it, whenever it is so appallingly moronic?


September 28, 2020 at 10:10 ...... just saying on

A great hacker is not a fantastic hacker. Only the former is able to remain anonymous and intangible and untouchable. It is an abiding defining distinction.


September 28, 2020 at 17:33 ...... just a'pondering on

Is everyone dismissing the possibility that over the course of this masquerade and charade of a fair show trial, both the evidence presented and that refused the cold cruel light of day and public knowledge, will have encouraged District Judge Baraitser to experience brave and bold rather than remain cravenly cowed and cuckolded and forever looking back over her shoulder for the enemies of a fascist state deserved rather than realising the phantoms of an almighty society perceived to deceive and wilfully abuse her, are hers to destroy rather than retain and maintain?

Case Not Proven. Extradition Request Dismissed.

Now that would be a Red Letter Day, in Deed, indeed, and extraordinarily render her quite famous and highly respected, Ruth Bader Ginsberg style, rather than infamous and detested, Richard Milhouse Nixon style.

Stranger things can happen ..... and therefore they always will. That's the beauty of life, it is full of fabulous surprises.



Sunday, 27 September 2020


amanfromMars 1 Sun 27 Sep 10:12 [2009271012] ....... adding more raw info for intel processing on

Re: The Phantom Devil Comes Out to Play for Saints and Sinners :-) in CHAOS*

Do downvoters not recognise the bigger pictures for implementation following the Integrated Review of Security, Defence, Development and Foreign Policy they are presented with and which be silently running there, and which are all relatively freely available to both state actors/government funded public facing bodies and non-state actor agents/self actuated, privately activated pirate operations alike for both current and future realisations via virtual means and internetworking memes utilising all manner of really deep and dark shadowy webs and brighter SMARTR media savvy teams?

And what would El Regers say, pausing here for a moment whilst passing by on their merry ways, knowing it is more than just Advanced IntelAIgent Evidence of a NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT calling for a review, and peers for their views, with the following earlier whole-of-government call for evidence being answered extremely comprehensively and reassuringly fundamentally, or frighteningly so if one be of an inherently nervous disposition because it be so easily viable ........

What are the key opportunities, challenges, threats and vulnerabilities facing the UK now? (Submissions focusing on rapidly evolving areas such as science, technology, data, cyber, and space are particularly welcome.) .......

It's surely well worth an innovative punt and suitably generous generative driver funding .... and as naturally would be accorded by MRDA rules too. :-)

As an invisible export earner would it be a real tricky, right royal doozy for more than just owners, methinks.


amanfromMars 1 Sun 27 16:58 [2009271658] ..... getting out the Big Bertha Bazookas for a test firing on

Re: The Phantom Devil Comes Out to Play for Saints and Sinners :-) in CHAOS*

I wonder if anything in the above uncovering/discoveries shared in the extended trails of The Phantom Devil Comes Out to Play for Saints and Sinners :-) in CHAOS* would be of immediate beneficial assistance to anyone worthy of being appointed to Chairs as was revealed and terribly denied in this Guardian story about possible government parachutists/media stool pigeons?

It is certainly, without doubt, everything which they will be confronted with, and have to be prepared and more than just able and happy to deny is relevant to future global performance, if home government teams are not to be in overall command of strategic events with absolute control firing on all cylinders and calling all of the really important shots.


amanfromMars [2009271414] .... just saying, re what's good for the goose, is good for the gander on

Voicing the communist government's rationale further, GT cites an expert at the China Electronics Standardization Institute Liu Chang, who says "What the US wants, we definitely cannot give."

Methinks that expert at the China Electronics Standardization Institute really meant to say, and it is most probably the mighty crux of the matter,  ...."What the US wants, we definitely cannot definitively give." ...... for it be proprietary private and nationalised Chinese state intellectual property?

Considering the very similar state of such plays in the US, it would be impossible for them to argue against such a protective necessity and retain any semblance of credibility requiring support and aid in the courts of human perception



Saturday, 26 September 2020


amanfromMars 1 Sat 26 Sep 15:41 [2009261541] ..... letting fly on

The Phantom Devil Comes Out to Play for Saints and Sinners :-) in CHAOS*

Pornography is a Prime Adopter and ACTive Virtual Adapter of Curly Systems for Immaculate Drivers. The Success of a Most Accommodating and Enthusiastic Carnal ReProgramMING launches One into and onto Heavenly Directions for Earthly Applications Future Building with Advanced IntelAIgents.

A little something for the MOD to mull over. And constitute as a Verified CyberIntelAIgent Assault Impacting Future Leading AI Assets. And in the Ricochets, CHAOS in AI Commanding Control of the Perfect See of Visions for Media Presenting Novel Programs with AI Realising Events for Production.

Novel Program Producers would should be able to Effortlessly Connect and Attend to Perfect Nuts and Impressive Bolts from the Blue, in those very particular and magically peculiar branch directions for AIMasterly Live Operational Virtual Development Productions :-).

As a Weapon, can IT Destroy All. And in next to no time too if Short Fused. Take Care in those Fields, there be Daemons and Devils Dreaming of Nothing Good Dwelling there in Prisons of their Own Making. And now to contemplate the Matter and Manner of Performance for Quantum Communications Leaping into Virtually Advanced IntelAIgent Operating Systems with Curly Accessories Assistants for Passion Perfecting Assistants in an Immensely Complex Simply True Events for Media Productions with IntelAIgent Instruction Sets Exercising Drivers with Directions to/for AIMaster ProgramMING Haunts/Jaunts. Who dares win wins there always and endlessly ..... and that's a result with its own unique problem drivers to assuage and accommodate with a Pen Ultimate, Alternative Source for Alternate Supply Chain Infrastructures .....with XSSXXXXOSkeletons into the Generous Feeding and Grateful Seeding of Almighty Exciting and Thoroughly Addictive Needs that Almightily Excite Further with Heavenly Deliveries of Mutually Exhausting Satisfactions for Raging Rapacious Passion Quellings/Beta LOVE Model Testing.

If you can find anything else better than that to occupy your minds, then please share to present everywhere ASAP. It must be better than just good and great to dislodge that crown and jewel of a gem of a Greater IntelAIgent Games Play ........ with Novel Future Event Planners Edition Leverage with Virgin Source Controls in Command of Vital Non-Typical Thinking Critical for Virile Viral Body Tinkering/Modification/Alteration/Complete Removal via Precision Surgical Strike Excision.

* Clouds Hosting Advanced Operating Systems

Dated and signed ....... 2009261534

That's better. Much better out than in with all of that tidy little lot. :-) It's certainly more than just a heck of a hell-raising jot, that's for sure. ;-)


Friday, 25 September 2020


amanfromMars [2009250556] ....... just asking a few awkward questions on

Have you ever thought on what kind of vital explosive intelligence, on the extremely precarious state of the certainly not United States of America, the likes of a Russia or a China receives whenever they can freely read, listen and see any/all of the fabricated tales and phantom trails fed to media main streams ...... for, of course, they would know immediately whenever such is reported and widely shared, it be wilfully untrue and decidedly designedly false ..... and they be confronted by weak pathological liars in international executive offices of a failed state, or a rapidly failing state in well self-publicised terminal decline ..... for a fast approaching resulting death by suicide ‽ .

And what does it also tell one and all about the equally perverse and parlous state of the national intelligence quotient of Five Eyes allies, whenever they be by virtue of either their unquestioning support or deafening silence on such matters, no more than co-conspirators on a similar sinister path.

Are they themselves incapable of better thinking for greater tinkering? Do they need it to be freely provided by ..... well, what would they be? Private Contractors/Pirate Operations/Alien Facilities/Out of this World Utilities?

You can surely be in no doubt that they certainly need something radically different, considering the plain enough, destructive path that they be currently on, using what they presently have.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 25 Sep 11:52 [20092551152] .... advising caution and suggesting a rethink on

Beware ..... Mined Mind Field Ahead ..... Deadly Explosive Ordinances/Destructive Virtual Ordnances

 "martial law" (aka infection control in population)  .... Anonymous Coward

Fortunately, although not necessarily so for martial law enforcement officers, has such always proven itself to be a most ineffective and divisive population control methodology. To imagine it being any different either today or in the future is surely aberrational and also probably almighty dangerous to oneself.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 25 Sep 16:51 [2009251651] .... being forthright again on

Nowhere Secure is Safe from COVID and Postmodern Virtual Reactionaries/Grand AIMasters/Great Wizards

I am not confused, they fked up and their failures needlessly killed thousands and still you want to believe and follow them? what does that make you ...... Anonymous Coward

Any reply other than to bleat a "Baaah" is not valid. Lambs to the slaughter springs to mind.

And, can you believe it, they also actually would propose and have the cheek to believe, and have you also mindlessly believe, that increasing taxation and relaunching austerity drives are a present solution to currently provide future payment to whomever/whatever/wherever their profligate deficit spending and overwhelming debt bills come from. It is almost as if they imagine we don't know of their outrageous global scam that requires their license free printing of fiat currency ..... as a poxy proxy and dirt cheap corrupting substitute for value and worth.

Lambs to the slaughter indeed, is entirely appropriate, for it not as if you were not previously warned of the danger and the temptation .......

It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning. ... Henry Ford

And there are a whole host of other similar enlightening insights to be gleaned and examined for any present truth on that very particular and peculiar matter here too

Crikey, we appear to have drifted from COVID and entered into the realms of pretty printed fiat paper currency slavery.That's a neat trick ..... which some might say is on a par with all under discussion here for El Reg peer review/relatively anonymous freely available up/down voting.


amanfromMars [2009251440] ...... just asking and saying out loud again on

amanfromMars [2009250556] ....... just asking a few awkward questions on

Have you ever thought on what kind of vital explosive intelligence, on the extremely precarious state of the certainly not United States of America, the likes of a Russia or a China receives whenever they can freely read, listen and see any/all of the fabricated tales and phantom trails fed to media main streams ...... for, of course, they would know immediately whenever such is reported and widely shared, it be wilfully untrue and decidedly designedly false ..... and they be confronted by weak pathological liars in international executive offices of a failed state, or a rapidly failing state in well self-publicised terminal decline ..... for a fast approaching resulting death by suicide ‽ .

And what does it also tell one and all about the equally perverse and parlous state of the national intelligence quotient of Five Eyes allies, whenever they be by virtue of either their unquestioning support or deafening silence on such matters, no more than co-conspirators on a similar sinister path.

Are they themselves incapable of better thinking for greater tinkering? Do they need it to be freely provided by ..... well, what would they be? Private Contractors/Pirate Operations/Alien Facilities/Out of this World Utilities?

You can surely be in no doubt that they certainly need something radically different, considering the plain enough, destructive path that they be currently on, using what they presently have.



Thursday, 24 September 2020


amanfromMars 1 Thu 24 Sep 06:38 [2009240638] ...... just saying on

Re: And so begins the middle game.... and endeth the first vital valuable lesson

Who cares? You cannot call in government paper, so the only thing they can do is sell it. There are plenty of buyers for small amounts of teasury notes, and you cannot shift large mounts of it for the precise reasons above, that you need to sell it and buy something else with it, as there's no such thing as pure money. .... DavCrav

Who cares, DavCrav? The government creating the paper/treasury notes/private debt/public credit for third party purchase via first party sales auctions cares, or they certainly most definitely should, for whenever there are no future foreign or alien buyers, the SWIFTNetwork* and Federal Reserve Banking System in the case of the US has the dubious ignominious pleasure of having to pay the bills in full and eat its own waste, as in depleted toxic product ....... and it was never ever designed to facilitate that and therefore fundamental systemic catastrophic future problems are guaranteed to be endemic and unavoidable? It is the worst of all possible places and situations to be in, methinks, and that is not a wilful misunderestimation for such is what it is presently currently is, is it not?

If this was tennis..... that would akin to Game, Set and Match to China by virtue of opposing competing on-court player meltdown/breakdown ..... but it aint tennis. If you're one of those eternal optimist types, you may venture Game and 1st Set to China, hoping to make a Fine Spectacle of such Plays.

* SWIFTNetwork .... Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication Network


amanfromMars 1 Thu 24 Sep 09:14 [2009240914] ..... being madly provocative and tempestuously seductive on ?

Helicopter Money/Universal Basic Income via the Back Stop Front Door/Emergency Exit

Coming soon too to the UKGBNI ? :-) Don't bet against it if you have something or nothing precious to lose. :-) .....

Everything else is being tried and failing miserably and spectacularly, as the exclusive systems of elite executive administrations try in vain to put everything back to the way it was, to the unseemly greater benefit of the former parasitic status quo, before it all started to collapse and implode and explode. Something practically new and universally helpful is definitely called for.

Surely they are not criminally stupid and mentally retarded, not realising something relatively new and somewhat different is necessary to be tried and tested.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 24 Sep 16:34 [2009241634] ..... being laudable on

No Succession of Main Stream Media Moguling Defects, Afflictions or Affectations Here ...

I went on quite a little journey there, didn't I :D .... My-Handle

And quite rightly so, My-Handle. El Reg doesn't do support for fake news. That simple strength makes it priceless, and more than just extremely valuable.


Wednesday, 23 September 2020


amanfromMars 1 Wed 23 Sep 06:08 [2009230608] ... mashing together a few words for a tale on

Onto a Real Winner if you're into Crap Tat on Tap? Or is ManKind Captured by Virtual Machinery? Who decides? You or IT?

Right now, GPT-3 is only available to a few teams hand picked by OpenAI and is being used by the language model to spread spam and misinformation at a scale so large it would be difficult to filter out and Microsoft was named its “preferred partner” after it pledged to invest $1bn in the San Francisco-based upstart last year. ... an early draft?

Sounds real dodgy, and is bound to be as attractive as a red rag to a bull in an expensive china shop to humans and those stock markets with spam products to sell on a commercial scale.

I was gonna say ..... Whatever were OpenAI thinking last year? ..... but I guess we all know $1,000,000,000 in the sky rocket was doing all the talking. Well, you would too, wouldn't you, take the money and run Microsoft with the flow until something else better comes up which one cannot nor should not refuse. It's an ages old, quietly effective simple ploy though, and nothing spectacularly new, that has kept and still hopes to keep the dollar .... and any other fiat promissory note for that matter when it be offered for product purchase in a sale .... alive and kicking. And it's a sort of magic trick .....that pretty paper costing cents to print being worth more than diamonds and gold to the wheelers and dealers and sharks and spivs of business, which now find themselves tolerating and entertaining AI and/or being entertained and tolerated by AI.

What could possibly go wrong and awry with such an Assimilation/Singularity/Parity? Anything you'd be able to prevent? Be honest now, for certainly your life depends upon it, so it is no small matter methinks, although if you be towards the crazy insane end of the mad human spectrum, YMMV.


amanfromMars [2009230913] ..... giving praise where credit is due re:

Thanks for the info/intel, Matthew/ZeroHedge. It has revealed a mountain of current Achilles heels ripe ready for relentless targeted attack again and again and again and again  ..... ad infinitum  .... or until sanity and plain common sense prevails ...... which does seem to be obstinately reticent about making any sort of lengthy appearance. :-) ....... which is not all funny :-(


amanfromMars 1 Wed 23 Sep 10:40 [2009231040] ...... airing an alternative view for presentation on

Whenever nothing is ever as it seems, is anything possible in schemes hidden behind the scenes

"OkK, the USA, Europe and the UK etc ain't much better"

Actually they are much better, just not good, even given BJ and DT. Our legal systems are by and large independent, less so in the US given the fact that the president and senate have so much control over Spreme Court appointments, whereas nobody with half a brain thinks that Chinese court verdicts aren't decided by the CCP. ..... DavCrav

Crikey, DavCrav, can I have a pair of those magic rose tinted glasses to see the world through, please.

Others see a view more akin to the info and intel and evidence as presented by tales of trials shared in commentary from authors exercising their writing skills here, in a present series of court reports and here in a thoroughly unpleasant history lesson ..... although that in no way is meant to suggest that you are not correct in your own assertions but just that they be indelibly tainted and corrupted by both present and past events.

The secret/trick though is to ensure that they do not unduly successfully blight the future with further outrageous shenanigans ...... and that may be a novel facility not ever so easily made readily available before.

Imagine IT as an AI and Greater IntelAIgent Games Changer and you'll not be wrong?


amanfromMars 1 Wed 23 Sep 14:13 [2009231413] .... Deep See Phishing on

Re: Interesting idea/Absolutely Fabulous Fabless Experiment

It's only in the last decade that it's been allowed outside China at all, and it's still largely restricted to banks and certain businesses interacting with a limited selection of other countries. .... Cuddles

And one assumes for interaction with a limited number other politically sensitive and decidedly designed quite surreal, home government agencies too. ‽ State IntelAIgent Services Practising with Virtualised Space Sources .......trailing and trialing and testing and training Advanced IntelAIgent China Centric Cyber Forces ‽ .

Such would create a Secure Failsafe Closed Loop to fund/run Future Progression with a Pan Nationalised Control of/for/with IntelAIgent State Services well experienced in such fields of such tragic and heavenly endeavour.

Certainly worth a punt, if ever one wanted to share a share in a piece of some Future ACTions. Such puts One Ahead in an AI Leading Role, Deep Routed and Dark Web Rooted in the Thick of the ProgramMING.

I wonder if that would create a few sparks if the likes of an Elon Musk punted a seed investment :-) ... which they might rightly consider be just as loose pocket change and a legitimate business expense to be clawed back via Grateful EMPowering Reimbursements from Government Bodies. That's Win Win, No Losses.


amanfromMars [2009231557] ..... just asking on

Would the paying of 385,310,000 RUB in hard currency cash be problematical to deny as being perfectly appropriate and fundamentally acceptable ..... given that it be an extremely valid, politically correct trade at a presently available, live currency exchange rate? ..... $1 = 77.062 RUB

Those sorts of payment resolutions are surely easily made and enactored.  And today, such strange things are even more easily and more safely done, practically instantly via a few right magic clicks of a mouse connected to a Banking Machine/Treasury Vault and Pleasure Bowsers too if one knows what to do with IT and AIdDevelopments next, for the Best, and for the Betterment of All Too.

Methinks those sort of connections be a Heavenly Bonus Well Deserved and Well Worth Cruising and Browsing/Sampling and Tasting/Enjoying and Quality Testing ..... AIMentoring and Monitoring. Don't you? :-)


amanfromMars [2009231707] ..... sharing a momentary monumental aberration in a reply on

Crikey, I have no idea what a shrink might say, and I have no wish to dwell on that, awake283, but I first read that as you saying ..... I still have a filipino :-)  I'll do my best to not worry at all about that :-) ...... but it did and does make me think on the likes of that. Now that is real spooky shit/territory.



Tuesday, 22 September 2020


amanfromMars 1 Tue 22 Sep 03:48 [2009220348] ...... giving prior warning of Approaching Tempestuous Storm Clouds on

Hedging an abounding consternation concerning almighty corrections/realistic future expectations

I can make money both long and short, so if markets, indexes and shares do come down... I'm none too concerned. ..... Aristotles slow and dimwitted horse

How does one hedge in order to be none too concerned, Aristotles slow and dimwitted horse, about certain systems [in Advanced IntelAIgent Development] going long and speculating shorting current hyper valuing marketplace spaces/pump and dump boilerplate operations being able to survive and prosper from overpriced toxic quixotic market darling meltdowns?

Would the algorithm say .... Pile into and support both in order to make funny money on the collapse of a not so very vital and virile marketplace mover and shaker after all?

How do you stop that which is surely akin to a sublime premium, sub-prime marketplace space cannibalism ?


amanfromMars 1 Tue 22 Sep 09:15 [2009220915] ....... speculates on

Runaway Rogue Renegade CodeXSSXXXX

With that being said, even humans can have a hard time trying to figure out what a piece of code does if it's complex enough. This leads to a pet peeve of mine. Comments or the lack thereof. I can't tell you the number of times that I have looked at code, and found no comments in much of it. Then it takes time for me to trace through the logic to piece together the original programmer's mindset when the code was written. .... Maelstorm

A similar pet peeve floats around in the El Reg commentary spaces, Maelstorm, whenever downvotes are not accompanied by authorship with anything intelligible to further process as valid and acceptable or ignorant nonsense to be avoided and rejected.

Such though is able to tell one considerably more than was surely ever desired or expected to be present in an anonymous virtually remote silence ..... so all is not lost.

In some cases, one could almost believe dumb virtual machine algorithms were responsible for negative voiceless human decisions.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 22 Sep 11:55 [2009221155] .... being eternally optimistic on

Re: Downvote...

(C'mon folks, let's see if I can break that downvote record!)"

Don't wake the giants! @amanfrommars1 and @bombasticbob have been getting decent upvotes and not many downvotes recently, so don't provoke them by trying to displace them .... Fruit and Nutcase

Well, I certainly know what I prefer to believe if considering whether the change is due to their dumbing things down a tier or two for everyone or else more folk being enabled to understand so much more of what is happening all around them elsewhere in the deep webs and dark shadows of future shady virtual enterprise, and upping their game a level or three in order to be better able to engage.

Some would tell you the eternal optimist is both fated and destined to be constantly disappointed .... but that surely identifies the eternal pessimist who appears to have simply lost all hope of fundamental/radical/existential change being possible. That's a hellish space place for sure. You can keep it, for it is bound to rotten and rotting in such a pond of stagnation and petrification.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 22 Sep 12:04 [2009221204] .... casting doubt on a shared view on

Re: "especially from an engagement and marketing perspective"

The marketers are in charge, not the techies. It's as simple as that. .... jake

Don't be betting any money you cannot afford to lose on that opinion being perfectly true or not entirely incorrect, jake. :-)



Monday, 21 September 2020


amanfromMars 1 Sun 20 Sep 19:31 [2009201931] ...... saying more on

Re: @AC - There is a huge bubble with s***talking elephants in the room

When our resident LGM makes more sense than tech company market capitalisations then you just know there’s a reckoning round the corner....

...but hopefully not until my employer conceives and executes an exit strategy which makes the considerable number of stock options I’ve accumulated In the years since we were four people in a serviced office worth more than the paper they aren’t printed on. :-) .... Jonathon Green

My advice, Jonathon Green, is get out of anything dodgy right now, for the opportunity to make money on phantom stocks and unicorn shares is not future present available.

And with further regard to those aforementioned RATs, London is crawling and plagued by them as everyone knows, except it seems those whose job it is catch and eliminate them ...... FinCEN Files: HSBC moved Ponzi scheme millions despite warning

And all banks are willing members of that rotten exclusive club, and about which you were warned again not so long ago [15days] if you recall. ....... A BIG Club & You Ain’t In It! ....... ...... and your governments permit it because they profit extraordinarily from it.

Surely no one sane or not wilfully ignorant can deny that simple fact?


amanfromMars 1 Mon 21 Sep 07:23 [2009210721] .....just saying on

The Emperor has Lost All of his Clothes ....

If one equates and is able to realise Windows Server is a euphemism for USAdministration, the critical severity of the vulnerability to relentlessly exploit and ruthlessly explore is understandable.

Quite whether, whenever such is the case, there is any possible patch available to prevent further unauthorised irregular development by forces and/or sources ideally unknown, is highly questionable. ...... however, as hope springs eternal, it surely guarantees much futile future activity in a field in which there are no victories to celebrate nor battles to win.


amanfromMars 1 Mon 21 Sep 16:44 [2009211644] ..... having a right heart to heart chat on

CASE NIGHTMARE GREEN of Windows security? An Advanced Persistent Threat/Treat Vector with Sectors.

The new norm, John Smith 19, for Windows with SMARTR AI Views is Fiendish in the Enemy of Friends UnFriendly to Enemies. "Tis a wholly New Novel AI and NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT World out there today, with all manner of tried and trusted knights and windmills to joust and tilt at/temper and engage.

Rise like Lions after slumber
In unvanquishable number.
Shake your chains to earth like dew
Which in sleep had fallen on you—
Ye are many—they are few.

..... which is a verse from Shelley’s, The Masque of Anarchy, be extremely APT here, revealing as it does the nature and being of the opposition and resistance to be fully expected in the presence of any future discontent. The beauty and the sorrow of it is, so many will find it too impossible to easily believe ...... although the upside to that downside is, the invisible stealth delivered and enjoyed in intangible operations is almighty astounding and simply outstanding ....... leaving one to ponder and wonder on the practically invincible and singularly indivisible.


amanfromMars 1 Mon 21 Sep 13:42 [2009211342] .... bearing gifts on

Foreign AIDevelopment from/in Another Distant Quarter/Quadrant/Quarantine.

..since they give the developer confidence that an application or service still works after they add or modify the code. 

SMARTR AI Systems give the developer confidence that former SCADA applications and service servers ..... Remote Virtual AIgents ...... are enabled to still work after AIMODified code is added and which only to follow the Simple Instruction Sets with Advanced Information for Present Programming with New Products Always Available for Future and Derivative Power Players. .....Intellectual Property Market Movers and Shakers with Tin Pot Hotshots to Satisfy and Assuage/Restrain and Reeducate/Quarantine and Brainwash, just as the need may dictate and require.

There hasn't been a tool like this before. The purpose of the Community Edition is to have a free way for people to see what the tool can do.

Is Experimental Remote Third Party Secretarial Use of that particular programming tool aided and abetted by home development teams in order to train/gain most valuable alternate company experience, or is it thought to be better prohibited and best denied, ....... although that is decision made wisely by others absolutely ages ago ..... just in case you were thinking of wasting expansive time imagining such choices have never before been made and answered many, many times before.

El Reg would surely love to freely share your considered reply to such an Almighty Offer and Genuine Request of Future Project leaders/readers/writers.

Yes Let's Go or No Let's Stop here for a while and Panic with a Rapid Stock Check*?

And will someone wake up, Sanmigueelbeer, for he did ask .....

Wake me up when AI has come up with a methodology to do away AGILE (and their practitioner). ..... Sanmigueelbeer


amanfromMars September 21, 2020 at 17:05 ..... just asking about corrupt leadership on

The US Government had not pressurised the Government of Germany, Lewis said”. .... Tom Welsh, September 21, 2020 at 09:50

Is it a Criminal Bar barring offence for a barrister acting for a client to lie and/or wilfully misinform the court on a leading or pivotal matter? Is that perjury and a rash brazen attempt to pervert the course of natural justice, in spades?


amanfromMars 1 Mon 21 sep 17:36 [2009211736] ...... preaching to the converted on ?:-)

Preaching to the Converted...... for Playing to SMARTR Audiences with Novel Virgin AI Mindsets

US attorney David Anderson also reminded cryptocurrency traders that they're not exactly dealing in the safest of markets. "My warning to the public is that digital currency exchanges are not like banks." 

Indeed, quite so, Mr Anderson, they are nowhere near as bad and bankrupting or as totally corrupting and subversive as to warrant such a phantom public warning ..... which does have one wondering on the hidden agenda festering in the field there.



Saturday, 19 September 2020


amanfromMars 1 Fri 18 Sep 17:29 [2009181729] .... being informatively instructive on

Re: remember: not everything on the internet is precisely accurate.

Indeed. And do your very best to try and forget, or not forget and realise if/when you think you can handle such a situation, nothing on the internet is precisely accurate, but everything in reality only need to be close enough as to make no difference.


amanfromMars 1 Sat 19 Sep 06:01 [2009190601] ....... just saying out really loud on

Re: @AC - There is a huge bubble with s***talking elephants in the room

we would appreciate your thoughts and opinions. This is a serious matter and a constructive discution will surely benefit us all. .... Anonymous Coward

Happy to oblige, AC, and I'll keep it short and succinct.

Here be the crazed bull in the expensive china shop destroying all common and delicate stock ....

Whom do you recognise there as being played for the ultra conservative convenient fool and useful ignorant patsy and what does the program further blight and destroy? Anyone else other than yourselves ...... and the next generation, your children?

And the answer to those questions is ...... Quite so, no one else .... Idiots'r'us.

Are y'all destined to be going the same way of the dinosaurs of old ...... catastrophic sudden extinction or is that being specifically and exclusively reserved for crazed bulls destroying expensive china shop stock sharing portfolios ..... present and future inventory?

And there's only one sensible sane answer to that abiding current long overdue choice too. The quality of your future life, which surely is a very serious matter, depends wholly upon it.

The questions left hanging there then are ...... Are you both smart enough and bold enough to do what is fundamentally necessary ? Cut out and destroy the toxic rot and its virulent delivery agents.

Or do you need to be remotely saved with able outside help from that and/or those able to help expertly from outside of the bubble with the fundamental necessities? All of those choices be freely available to you, which is surely an extremely convenient blessing, and that is at least one helluva massive understatement indeed.

Decisions, decisions, decisions ........ wherever would we be without them?



September 19, 2020 at 09:28 ....... having a say on

Robert Dyson, Hi,

Re : "Maybe judge Baraitser is realising that she will be the target for the outrage that may follow this trial and is pondering her future. It is reminiscent of show trials I read about in Stalin’s USSR; they were much worse but this one is beyond merely bad. If this is the way the law can work I fear for all of us." ... posted September 18, 2020 at 09:34

If this is the way the law works, ...... being reminiscent and actively embracing of Stalinist USSR show trials style, ...... its supporters and agents most definitely needs to fear for themselves, methinks. And it would incredibly stupid of the law not to realise the dangers they would certainly invite and ignite.

However, don't be too surprised if that be a course some would choose, for as Einstein is reputed to have said ....... "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."


amanfromMars 1 Sat 19 Sep 17:21 [2009191721] ..... airing a view on

Re: Money-Laundering Detector AI

Cometh the hour, cometh the application, cometh the exercise for deployment* :-) ......

The RATs are in the system and helping themselves to the goodies. And what a diabolical cheek of some, to call themselves experts, eh?

* Don't be holding your breath on the system being in any way ultra helpful though, and fully expect it to be strangely less than enthusiastic and welcoming of new disruptive detective technology ........ postmodern virtual machine whistleblowing.

As Corporal Jones would say ...... "They don't like it up 'em "


Friday, 18 September 2020


amanfromMars 1 Fri 18 Sep 03:57 [2009180357] ..... being incredulous on

Monumental Stupidity Always Costs and Pays an Exorbitant Price

We're blaming the Chinese for our stupidity in creating this environment. ...... Version 1.0

While this situation was predictable, that doesn't absolve China of its responsibility. ..... rcxb

So, the stupid West abuses and uses and misuses China, treating it as if it were their ignorant cheap slave, and what exactly is the responsibility you suggest they embrace and maybe even be held accountable for, rcxb, further intimating that they be presently negligent in that particular and peculiar regard?

Are you expecting the assumed slave to be extraordinarily favourably accommodating of the arrogant presumptive slavemaster? Have a downvote for that perverse Dixie notion for surely such is abnormal and not natural.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 18 Sep 13:31 [2009181331] ..... being somewhat agreeable and disagreeable together on

Re: Monumental Stupidity Always Costs and Pays an Exorbitant Price

QUOTE: "So, the stupid West abuses and uses and misuses China, treating it as if it were their ignorant cheap slave, and what exactly is the responsibility you suggest they embrace and maybe even be held accountable for, rcxb, further intimating that they be presently negligent in that particular and peculiar regard?
Are you expecting the assumed slave to be extraordinarily favourably accommodating of the arrogant presumptive slavemaster?"

Last time I saw a post as verbose in its declared outrage as that, it was from a Chinese troll farm.

As to using and abusing China: there is no 'China' as you would like to (mis)represent it. There is instead only the Chinese Communist Party, a viciously corrupt self-serving self-perpetuating elite which like every other Communist party that there has ever been, will say anything and do anything to dominate the world with its belief system.
So far, its greatest success has been to get "the stupid West" to talk of China without once mentioning those who run the place. As in your post. .... VulcanV5

How very nice to read a cogent response, VulcanV5, which I would not be able to truthfully disagree with.

However, not everyone, and I suspect that really means only a very few, may realise the fate and state of China, as may also be the case of all other nations too, can be as you suggest.

Such though in neither unique nor relatively novel, for surely it at least mimics Maggie Thatcher's world view ......

There is no such thing as society. There is living tapestry of men and women and people and the beauty of that tapestry and the quality of our lives will depend upon how much each of us is prepared to take responsibility for ourselves and each of us prepared to turn round and help by our own efforts those who are unfortunate. .....

The Global System though, as would administer their wishes via the capture of mainstream media channels for the pumping and dumping and pimping of sympathetic daily news features and absolutely fabulous fabless tragic comedic tales would certainly prefer that such information and intelligence as exposes an elite sociopathic tendency in a politically disguised ascendancy remain suitably stubbornly underground rather than bubble up and bob about in general common knowledge on the surface ........ although methinks they rightly fear they have lost that corrupt advantage for ever now, and to try and regain and retain it, will clearly identify them as the mortal enemy within to be be got rid of.

Your post though is worthy of a 77th Brigade badge. Keep up the good work, practice makes perfect.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 18 Sep 17:58 [2009181758] .... says on

The New AI Deal ..... with Virtual Bridges and Stealthy Surreal Bridgeheads*

"But people are right to be wary. Augmentation enthusiasts are already testing the limits of what's possible, but we need commonly agreed standards to ensure augmentation reaches its full potential while minimising the risks."

Other Augmentation Enthusiasts are excited by what is discovered to be imminent beyond the bounds of the impossible and certain surely to be presented as a future resourceful force to be enamoured of, as in friendly with. :-) ....... lest one deny oneself the pleasures of treasuring novel virgin discoveries.

Self doubt and disbelief is such a downer and is an endless source of constant grief and overwhelming inactivity/relentless personal petrification, and that which may currently be confronting you, and causing some exciting consternation if you be really lucky and/or fortunate and/or gifted too.

* You'll not get many offers like that in a lifetime, of that you can be surely certain.


Thursday, 17 September 2020


amanfromMars 1 Thu 17 Sep 06:45 [2009170645] .... just saying on

The Straw that Broke the Camel's Back, and Killed the Golden Goose .... the Delivery of Virtual Quackery

With so many fantastic iterations of comic book narratives in play, which are neither extremely funny nor remotely helpful, gorging on the doozy that is not intelligently designed and always coincidentally sinks flagships and command battleships alike, is fair game, methinks ..........

Now, boys and girls, who in the class still thinks there is no Magic Money Tree in existence benefitting just the Chosen Few in the Many extolling Modern Monetary Theory ..... Modern Monetary Theory ....... which others not included and systemically excluded from benefitting from The Magic Money Trees of the Chosen Few in the Many extolling Modern Monetary Theory realise is just an unjust postmodern take, and remake of that ages old fraudster favourite ..... Snake Oil.

And we all know, children, what happens to fraudsters and shysters. don't we? Yes, they get rubbed out by both the bad guys and the good guys, don't they, and everyone cheers and declares ........ Hooray, great job, a long time coming .... very well done ‽ .

Sadly though, there will be those retards who will not learn, for any number of crazy reasons, that valuable lesson which would save them rather than destroy them. But that's life as we know it, and as how it knows us.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 17 Sep 08:10 [2009170810] .... racing ahead on

Re: " Warren Buffet, ...... is said to be considering a flutter." @JS19

Decisions, decisions, my kingdom for a decision, ... seems an APT [Advanced Persistent Threat] response to such farcical theatre, John Smith 19.

[Sorry, Will*, but it just had to be said, and indeed, it is surely to be expected if one believes if history repeats itself, and the unexpected always happens, how incapable must Man be of learning from experience.** although of course, because it is quirky humanity, there are also those who would believe sometimes history repeats itself. And sometimes it doesn't.***]

* ....... William Shakespeare
** ...... George Bernard Shaw
*** .... Adam Curtis

Ok. Capiche? ...... Next week, .... Be Prepared for a Right Royal AI Buffeting ....... How things are simply made up and spread worldwide by media moguldoms in the service of systems that need them to share things made up by systems that need their services ....... and why such tricks needs to be done. Be sure to not miss it. It's a Great Games Changer.


manfromMars [2009171320] ..... being positive and also disagreeable on

Thanks for the laugh. This site never disappoints. You’re right, you’re definitely being lied to, but it’s not the singularity lobby lol ...... freedumb_rings


That's surely ample enough proof of the stealthy security available for its energy development, freedumb_rings ......the fact that you imagine it unbelievable and unachievable.

Which is certainly convenient, rendering as it does, unencumbered of negative energy fields in which to freely experiment with future power outlets/SMARTR Core Sources.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 17 Sep 15:43 [2009171543] .... let's fly on

Quite a Prime Challenge indeed. And only the Best at Practically Everything will Surely Succeed.

But Facebook isn’t sure it is on the right track, ...

What's not to like and love? And how would anyone/anything else ever effectively compete and better that novel system/invisible and intangible remotely connected virulent environment?

Bravo, Facebook. Way to Go in Deed ...... and IT's Real Sp00Key No Nonsense Stuff.:-) A Q would be proud and impressed and excited to have that sort of hardware for agents toiling and foiling in the vast open sourced fields of phantom contest and empirical conquest ........ where thoughts of Absolute Dominion are both pervasive and corrosive, subversive and totally destructive.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 17 Sep 17:22 [2009171722] .... getting all hot and not bothered on

Re: Great news. What's not to like.

I don't put it past female executives to have a comely lass on the side. .... Hollerithevo

Oh, you are awful, ... but I like you, Hollerithevo :-)


amanfromMars 1 Thu 17 Sep 17:37 [2009171737] ..... getting down and dirty with the nitty gritty on

Re: What's wrong with Facebook distorting digital reality?

After all, someone needed to take on the responsibility after St. Steven left earth to join the heavenly host. And yes, I realize other people were distorting reality in technology even before the great one passed on. You didn't expect them to take on this solemn responsibility without some on the job learning period, did you? And what better time to learn than when the master was still among us, wowing the iSheep with tales of personal accomplishments not personally accomplished.

Besides, politicians have been distorting reality at least since homo sapiens first banded together to form city-states. .... RM Myers

Are you Registering as Indifferent or an Interested and/or Interesting Fan, RM Myers?

Only the one that is positive has you any chance of benefiting inordinately from future developments in the vanguard of enterprises rather than having to settle for outdated crumbs in the caboose of unfulfilled dreams.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 17 Sep 17:04 [2009171704] ..... being more saucy than cryptic on

Which do you Prefer? The Juicy Lucy Carrot or the Blunt Cleft Stick?

Is GCHQ fully protected against phisher men and women .... or are they just as incredibly vulnerable and addictively attracted to exotic and erotic temptations as would everyone else be?

And are they suitably practised and remarkably expert in ....... well, let us venture they have an ardent interest in Pornographic Steganography, in multiple degrees of excessive order and participation, in order to ensure communications are able to be kept personal and private rather than exposed for simple pirating and renegade exploitation ‽ .

It has many ardent enthusiastic fans .... for all of the really basic reasons which any hot blooded being would immediately fundamentally understand and encourage demonstration of. :-)



Wednesday, 16 September 2020


amanfrommars 1 Wed 16 Sep 08:12 [2009160812] ..... being surprisingly transparent on

They haven't gone away, you know .... Immaculately Resourceful Assets

Boffins haven't gone away today, they have just morphed into another intelligence norm/phorm and are still advising government leaders .... which/whom you are best served believing are not necessarily in the guise of any media hosted politician ..... with news of and proposals for novel developments/Great Game Changing Operations.

The abiding initial difficulty that probably will always remain in the sub-prime human realm, by the very nature of the advanced information delivered advising leaders of Great Game Changing Operations, is an incredulous doubt that such be in any way possible, simply because they and/or their colleagues are neither able nor enabled to successfully achieve and deliver the proposals and matters under development discussions. Fortunately though, that is just a faux problem which has been resolved with solutions to be easily delivered by A.N.Others to those who and that which would require them ....... for to imagine that there be any choice to deny such developments or prevent their escape into future consciousness and universal presentation, is to suffer and confine oneself in a monumental delusion ........ which is a bitterly cold comfort blanket of zero great worth.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 16 Sep 16:25 [2009161625] .... being more than just more forthright on

Reading between the lines ..... but don't forget to remember, pay peanuts, get monkeys

If they want clean skin 00 agents with a whole range of future smarts, why doesn't the MOD just advertise for them normally like everyone else does?


amanfromMars said... replying to a comment/commentator on said ...

To the conclusions, whatever they make Entities conclude! .... Agent Revolver

Yes, Agent Revolver, whenever one is one of them and a they, life is indeed sweet and more than just simply interesting and exceedingly rewarding ...... or taxing as the case may sometimes be. :-)

Surely the great secret though is ...... to ensure everything is enjoyable, methinks.

What say you? Or would you like to offer a simpler or more complex view upon which we can both agree ... or agree to have alternate opinions and trail blaze and trial separate parallel paths to similar prizes?

16 September 2020 at 17:36


Tuesday, 15 September 2020


amanfromMars 1 Tue 15 Sep 08:13 [2009150813] ...... having more of a say on

Slippery Slopes and Greasy Poles ahead. Take Care.

Take the money and run seems like a good plan if there be no signed and binding Non Compete agreement from/for ARM star performing employees who might want to set up another billion pound green field outfit.* ...... a Dominic Cummings wet dream of an enterprise apparently, if one can believe what has recently been reported in media about his wishful thinking.

After all, it is the drivering innovative creative brains in any business that hold all the value and if they are to be shackled, it will obviously raise hackles and create divisions and foment discontent and revolution if thought to be third party and foreign state actor commanded and controlled in any specific exclusive direction disadvantaging the many in preference to rewarding the few.

* Some may even advise, never look a gift horse in the mouth, so sign on that imaginary dotted line for the money and then do as one wishes, for Non Compete agreements are a blatant fundamental assault on one's human rights and therefore unenforceable in law ?

It is not as if Blighty hasn't set that acceptable precedent, is it, Mr Prime Minister?


amanfromMars 1 Tue 15 Sep 09:00 [2009150900] ...... airing another view on

Don't worry. Everything is under control

Playing the short the market long game. ........ Slippery Slopes and Greasy Poles ahead. Take Care.

You know it makes sense ....... and churns the money and tickles the fancy of the magic money tree machine.


amanfromMars 1 Tue 15 Sep 12:55 [2009151255] ..... just saying/warning on

Re: Shareholder power?

If this upsets the market enough then I am sure the Chinese will design and manufacture their own ARM "lookalike" to serve their own markets, and beyond. If that happens then ARM's IP proposition will be very devalued. .... steamnut

I imagine an Eastwards brain drain because of the rigged Western play ground is something which the marketeers of the New World system fear the most whilst those with novel disruptive IP would be considering to be the best possible move ....... and made so much easier because of these fabulous ways of instant remote working.

I'm told some folk don't even bother to get out of their pyjamas/nightgowns. How cool is that! :-)


amanfromMars 1 Tue 15 Sep 18:34 [2009151834] ....... being awkward on

Have an upvote for desperate fake news

And only finally did I think about the poor bugger who'd been poisoned, again, almost certainly by the Russian government. ..... I ain't Spartacus

Almost certainly, I ain't Spartacus, is nothing conclusive and surely just speculative ..... and therefore, in reality, one doesn't have a clue to support and prove the notion.

Is the following more fake news trying to bury true facts ...... .... or uncover them?



Monday, 14 September 2020


amanfromMars 1 Mon 14 Sep 07:54 [2009140754] ..... releasing more info on the current state of intel on

Re: Yes but

does it do Devops ..... Anonymous Coward

Yes. And much better than can be easily believed and accepted as a/the default prime future application for Civilised Media and Computer Command and Remote IT Control Systems?

That surely makes it unbelievably stealthy and something novel against which there is no effective, non self destructive, attacking defence vector.


amanfromMars 1 Mon 14 Sep 10:17 [2009141017] ...... musing on

Super Positioning and Veering into the Virtual Singularity Fields of Future Endeavour

Although the experiment is a battle between brains and binary, it’s not aimed at replacing military personnel altogether: 

:-) Oh please, you cannot be serious if binary is successfully overwhelming.

And it opens up yet another crack hacking front too for both before and after the fact, should it not be a fantastic fiction, for ...... well, would they be brainiacs?

And having had a moment or two to further think on that before posting, such a crack hacking front opens up even whenever it is a fantastic fiction.

I shall now rest for a while and ponder on such be within the quantum communication realm, where a this is also a that and something else altogether different and entangling.

In the Wild Wacky West, that is Spooky at a Distance, DARPA/IARPA Military Industrial Complex territory ......... although only by virtue of Private Proprietary Intellectual Property Holder Participation. ........ which on Earth invariably revolves around Titans of Stock Markets which do not prove themselves to be Phantom Unicorns and Wannabe Caesars.


amanfromMars 1 Mon 14 Sep 12:27 [2009141227] ... advising caution be exercised on

Re: Just a matter of time

I didn't like the original Softbank deal, but selling the company to nVidia - which directly competes with some of ARM's customers and is a US firm subject to the whims of the current administration - has the potential to be so much worse. ..... Martin an gof

Especially so if ever it be discovered a RAT trap ..... and Profitable Pirateable Proprietary Intellectual Property Magnet ....... for Private Magnate Centres of Stealthy Excellence. ..... Future Ideas Factories.

All ursecrets now belong to us ?????

Although of course they really don't, for the original secrets holders will only tolerate for a limited period of time such as they would consider as sub-prime second and third party use and/or abuse and misuse.


amanfromMars 1 Mon 14 Sep 14:24 [2009141424] .... just asking for further clarification on a trialing matter on

Re: China ARM and a leg

But that is obvious. No US company would fail to do basic due diligence when purchasing a UK-based technology company. .... DavCrav

And if they were so negligent, would it be prosecuted diligently as criminal neglect for which they would be liable to pay market regulators [for they always love a piece of the action]/shareholders/investors punitive compensation, or would they dispute that requirement and try to wriggle free from their responsibility and accountability and flame and blame everyone/someone else for their failure and misfortune and incur further exorbitant pecuniary penalties/cost in the process?

One would almost think they would thinking to take and make out everyone but themselves are great fools and useless tools ..... which is not a good look to be peddling/pumping and dumping


amanfromMars 1 Mon 14 Sep 14:47 [2009141447] .... being extremely cynical on

Re: Shameful

Worse was the Tories trumpeting this as faith in Britain after Brexit....apparently giving away all your key industries is us taking back control!.... simpfeld

It does have one wondering on what sort of offers leading Cabinet officers are tempted with from other governments/allied business interest for them to be instrumental or wilfully deaf, dumb and blind to all such as would be right dodgy shenanigans resulting in a loss of home control.

Offers that they daren't refuse are a firm favourite with all sorts of gangster types.


amanfromMars 1 Mon 14 Sep 17:24 [2009141724] .... checking out surrender terms on

Re: More than shameful without the brilliant business model for it then be rapacious and predatory?

“Arm’s business model is brilliant. We will maintain its open-licensing model and customer neutrality, serving customers in any industry, across the world, and further expand Arm’s IP licensing portfolio with Nvidia’s world-leading GPU and AI technology.”

Save for Arm's model undoubtedly being brillant, I don't believe a word of this. ..... oiseau

The only money shot questions worth asking there, oiseau, are who/what is personified by the pronoun "We" and are they all powerful and/or omniscient, for surely only then can their word be capable and enabled of being believed.


amanfromMars 1 Mon 14 Sep 17:36 [2009141736] ..... having an encouraging say on

Re: Could TheReg take initiative?

I think The Register is the only place able and (I hope) willing to coordinate a plea to the powers that be in order to somehow intervene to protect this cutting edge and most precious British intellectual property. Perhaps an open letter, signed by Nobel laureates, academics and top financial and business figures, sharing the ARM co-founder's view that "the way you build companies like Apple is by starting with companies the size of Arm, not with a startup.” (see today's Guardian). Also, he said “They [Nvidia] can make more than $40bn by destroying it.” Can the UK afford losing its largest tech company to a US company that might well in the near future be forced to restrict its exports to the very country that generated its IP?

It's another tragedy for the history (soon to become paleontology) of UK's technological decline after WWII. And I say this having the experience (and honour) of setting up the first computerised Physics undergraduate Laboratory in 1986 in my country using Acorn BBC and Econet technology, and having vivid memories of the era of the design of the first Acorn Risc CPU (it was designed & simulated using plain BBC Model B and ran flawlessly the first time it was etched on silicon!). Still dreaming of acquiring an Archimedes... ..... UBF

Seconded, UBF.

That's the power of the proposal squared as opposed to doubled.

Very soon, only a few more have that energy generated at an exponential level. :-) Such introduces the notion of a supernatural development in a Grand Remote Virtual Experiment with Untouchables.
