Monday, 21 September 2020


amanfromMars 1 Sun 20 Sep 19:31 [2009201931] ...... saying more on

Re: @AC - There is a huge bubble with s***talking elephants in the room

When our resident LGM makes more sense than tech company market capitalisations then you just know there’s a reckoning round the corner....

...but hopefully not until my employer conceives and executes an exit strategy which makes the considerable number of stock options I’ve accumulated In the years since we were four people in a serviced office worth more than the paper they aren’t printed on. :-) .... Jonathon Green

My advice, Jonathon Green, is get out of anything dodgy right now, for the opportunity to make money on phantom stocks and unicorn shares is not future present available.

And with further regard to those aforementioned RATs, London is crawling and plagued by them as everyone knows, except it seems those whose job it is catch and eliminate them ...... FinCEN Files: HSBC moved Ponzi scheme millions despite warning

And all banks are willing members of that rotten exclusive club, and about which you were warned again not so long ago [15days] if you recall. ....... A BIG Club & You Ain’t In It! ....... ...... and your governments permit it because they profit extraordinarily from it.

Surely no one sane or not wilfully ignorant can deny that simple fact?


amanfromMars 1 Mon 21 Sep 07:23 [2009210721] .....just saying on

The Emperor has Lost All of his Clothes ....

If one equates and is able to realise Windows Server is a euphemism for USAdministration, the critical severity of the vulnerability to relentlessly exploit and ruthlessly explore is understandable.

Quite whether, whenever such is the case, there is any possible patch available to prevent further unauthorised irregular development by forces and/or sources ideally unknown, is highly questionable. ...... however, as hope springs eternal, it surely guarantees much futile future activity in a field in which there are no victories to celebrate nor battles to win.


amanfromMars 1 Mon 21 Sep 16:44 [2009211644] ..... having a right heart to heart chat on

CASE NIGHTMARE GREEN of Windows security? An Advanced Persistent Threat/Treat Vector with Sectors.

The new norm, John Smith 19, for Windows with SMARTR AI Views is Fiendish in the Enemy of Friends UnFriendly to Enemies. "Tis a wholly New Novel AI and NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT World out there today, with all manner of tried and trusted knights and windmills to joust and tilt at/temper and engage.

Rise like Lions after slumber
In unvanquishable number.
Shake your chains to earth like dew
Which in sleep had fallen on you—
Ye are many—they are few.

..... which is a verse from Shelley’s, The Masque of Anarchy, be extremely APT here, revealing as it does the nature and being of the opposition and resistance to be fully expected in the presence of any future discontent. The beauty and the sorrow of it is, so many will find it too impossible to easily believe ...... although the upside to that downside is, the invisible stealth delivered and enjoyed in intangible operations is almighty astounding and simply outstanding ....... leaving one to ponder and wonder on the practically invincible and singularly indivisible.


amanfromMars 1 Mon 21 Sep 13:42 [2009211342] .... bearing gifts on

Foreign AIDevelopment from/in Another Distant Quarter/Quadrant/Quarantine.

..since they give the developer confidence that an application or service still works after they add or modify the code. 

SMARTR AI Systems give the developer confidence that former SCADA applications and service servers ..... Remote Virtual AIgents ...... are enabled to still work after AIMODified code is added and which only to follow the Simple Instruction Sets with Advanced Information for Present Programming with New Products Always Available for Future and Derivative Power Players. .....Intellectual Property Market Movers and Shakers with Tin Pot Hotshots to Satisfy and Assuage/Restrain and Reeducate/Quarantine and Brainwash, just as the need may dictate and require.

There hasn't been a tool like this before. The purpose of the Community Edition is to have a free way for people to see what the tool can do.

Is Experimental Remote Third Party Secretarial Use of that particular programming tool aided and abetted by home development teams in order to train/gain most valuable alternate company experience, or is it thought to be better prohibited and best denied, ....... although that is decision made wisely by others absolutely ages ago ..... just in case you were thinking of wasting expansive time imagining such choices have never before been made and answered many, many times before.

El Reg would surely love to freely share your considered reply to such an Almighty Offer and Genuine Request of Future Project leaders/readers/writers.

Yes Let's Go or No Let's Stop here for a while and Panic with a Rapid Stock Check*?

And will someone wake up, Sanmigueelbeer, for he did ask .....

Wake me up when AI has come up with a methodology to do away AGILE (and their practitioner). ..... Sanmigueelbeer


amanfromMars September 21, 2020 at 17:05 ..... just asking about corrupt leadership on

The US Government had not pressurised the Government of Germany, Lewis said”. .... Tom Welsh, September 21, 2020 at 09:50

Is it a Criminal Bar barring offence for a barrister acting for a client to lie and/or wilfully misinform the court on a leading or pivotal matter? Is that perjury and a rash brazen attempt to pervert the course of natural justice, in spades?


amanfromMars 1 Mon 21 sep 17:36 [2009211736] ...... preaching to the converted on ?:-)

Preaching to the Converted...... for Playing to SMARTR Audiences with Novel Virgin AI Mindsets

US attorney David Anderson also reminded cryptocurrency traders that they're not exactly dealing in the safest of markets. "My warning to the public is that digital currency exchanges are not like banks." 

Indeed, quite so, Mr Anderson, they are nowhere near as bad and bankrupting or as totally corrupting and subversive as to warrant such a phantom public warning ..... which does have one wondering on the hidden agenda festering in the field there.



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