Tuesday, 8 September 2020


amanfromMars 1 Tue 8 Sep 06:46 [2009080646] .... just musing on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2020/09/07/in_brief_security/
Re: About your appeal ...
One wonders if there is an equivalent to "by Royal appointment" for the drug dealers supplying the houses of parliament.
Lets ask Gove...... Glen 1
:-) Can you imagine the blind panic in Westminster if random drugs testing by secret security services of all MPs and their aides be proposed for immediate introduction without exception. Methinks there would be a very telling mini riot with talk of revolution and an affront to democracy out of the mouths of hypocrites and self-serving scoundrels.
:-) That alone must surely extraordinarily render it an extremely good idea? :-)  And it would clear a fetid swamp of nests of vipers and alligators? Which is probably why it is never realistically contemplated for random program testing? Much too much like turkeys voting for Xmas eh?
amanfromMars 1 Tue 8 Sep 15:15 [2009081515] ..... being enthusiastic on https://forums.theregister.com/forum/1/2020/09/08/china_global_initiative_on_data_security/
Credit where credit is due
Oppose using ICT activities to impair other States' critical infrastructure or steal important data.
Hmmm? I suppose that is the best that can ever be done seeing as how it is impossible to stop and prevent. And it delivers to those gratefully engaging those expert in the field such an overwhelming advantage ..... leading edge. 
However, it is not necessarily always a bad thing if one knows what needs to be done to ensure it is always a good thing and one knows how one can easily seriously punish those doing any bad things and render them practically impotent and personae non grata everywhere/anywhere.
Nevertheless, bravo China. Half the battle in winning is knowing what needs to addressed and/or attacked, and a comprehensive list suggests a mighty big picture play being deployed.

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