Wednesday, 9 February 2022


amanfromMars Wed 9 Feb 06:15 [2202090615]........ asks on

Re: What happens to the seized coins?

Three good questions there, Sampler .

When the Feds keep the loot would that be akin to common theft and/or civil forfeiture and extraordinarily render them as no greater than modern day 0day pirates disproving that old adage that crime doesn't pay?

That would be a Great Game Changer and herald a Quantum Shift in the State and Direction of Future Play introducing as it does, another unpopular enemy force rather than supporting ally.

Who would know the definite answers to those questions, able to give everyone something they can rightly believe is honest and true?

There is an inequitable anomaly highlighted in this tale though, and it is not at all funny, for whenever banks/bankers are caught laundering criminal proceeds hardly anyone is ever arrested to face jail time. The banks/bankers/perps just pay off the system with a chickenfeed fine from the greater stashes they have cashed and are holding for customer clients. It is never anything publicly preventative and privately punitive. And if that is acceptable and a default norm, then does justice and law enforcement have more than a major systemic problem and a half to assess and address in order not to be realised as cuckolds and conveniently useless blunt tools being played as prime premium fools.


amanfromMars [2202091235] ..... notes on

Was Eastern Europe not earlier complaining about already having far too many foreign immigrants which they cannot handle?  How is allowing in thousands more who can and therefore will do just as they please and/or as others order them, going to help and not exacerbate and create a whole host of further problems for the natives?

What idiot genius thinks that deployment is a great idea?  Strewth!  What are they on?


amanfromMars 1 Wed 9 Feb 15:43 [2202091543] ....... goes phishing for Private Pirates and saintly Sinners on

New Trojan Emperors ..... Latter Day 0Day Saints and Sinners.

Certainly clouds can be managed/micromanaged to an inordinately convenient degree, but to contend that can be a perfectly secure and exclusive gig provided by one favoured party, to the exclusion and detriment of all others, is not anything that real experience can endorse and support, because of what one then discovers is on offer just for the free taking.

The advantages and benefits which are delivered with such are/can be just too great a temptation with unparalleled reward to expect mere mortals and pirates and daemons to resist without sugaring that bitter pill.

The best that one can surely only hope to do is to make it very attractive, as in lucrative and extremely rewarding, for competent cloud managers/micromanagers to play nice and not misuse or abuse their intimate knowledge of systems processes/performance triggers/crash levers.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 9 Feb 17:32 [2202091732] ....... points out an awkward difficulty for reconciliation on

Different Rules for Feds and Plebs? That’s a Problem.

Payment is what it's all about and the advisory condemned the paying of ransoms, saying: "Every time a ransom is paid, it confirms the viability and financial attractiveness of the ransomware criminal business model." .... Britain's National Cyber Security Centre

An interesting statement/admission whenever one thinks of the taxation clone levied so freely by governments against whatever they imagine able to pay. Criminal eh? Hmmm?


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