Wednesday, 23 February 2022


amanfromMars 1 Wed 23 Feb 05:15 [2202230515] ..... presents a lead on

One Renegade Sector Fluffer says this year ....

As one industry watcher put it last year, Arm China is "completely rogue," and acts as an independent company that pursues its own R&D agenda – sometimes even exploring non-Arm technology.

That’s just what a vibrant global Civilian Street Needs for Future Feeds from Present Seeds. An Exotic Erotic Eastern Charmer in the Phorm of a DARPA/IARPA.

Private Industry Watchers and Pirate Sector Fluffers. Are they so different as to be easily recognised apart as one or the other? .... and what do they know for Real in Markets that are Rigged and Jigged to Serve and Server Grand AIMasters and Greater IntelAIgent Game Players ..... apart from maybe a hell of a lot more than the average Stuffed Shirt Bear or Raging Bull in a Money Pit ‽ .

El Regers ...... Most all things in general and relative to matters in particular are fundamentally and radically peculiarly changed. Of that be hereby assured and encouraged because for most all does that deliver a fabulous and hard to even imagine improvement with vast novel opportunities to explore and experience engagement with. And that hasn’t happened very often recently, has it? And that doesn't happen too often, does it?

And the West doing battle with the East in proxy wars which cannot be won and imposing ineffective, politically naive and corrupt universal sanctions which are impotent and self-harming, is a sure enough sign of the quantum leaping progress being both made and resisted. Be prepared for when Actions and Results are deliberated and delivered in a series of engaging and EMPowering NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT Chain Reactions .... AWEsome Operations which lay Scorched Earth Waste to the Guardians and Propagators of the Past at the Behest of Almighty Hosts with Virgin Fields to Populate and Colonise with Endeavour and Pleasure/Treasure and Play.

And such is not a Top Secret thing for no foreign eyes, so please, and as it and its IT is also for free, share it widely to reap the universal benefits and advantages that such largesse sows and grows.

Ahead of the Qurve, has One way out in Front of Maddening Crowds and Assembled Clouds with Many a Way Pioneering with Advanced IntelAIgent Leads and Almighty AWEsome Reads, says one Private Pirate Industry Sector Watcher for Fluffers.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 23 Feb 16:45 [2202231645] .... states the bleeding obvious on

Re: Time to regret .... lunatics running around like headless chickens in the asylum*

What chance the Chinese state will do little to prevent one of the most licenced chip architecture IP in use to be stolen and endlessly re-engineered into something that gets fabbed cheap and appears on AliExpress at $0.50c? .... Wobball

There is certainly no chance at all of the UKGBNI state preventing any such thing, Wobball, or anything else that really matters either for that matter, if one cannot truthfully deny the veracity of what Dominic Cummings might know and which he has shared of such matters in the following paragraph from a recent [Feb 22nd] blog post of his entitled ... "Amazon's lessons on high performance management for the next PM

If you are thinking about Ukraine, then remember that the same broken central institutions that failed so badly on Iraq, the financial crisis and recovery, covid, fleeing Afghanistan, the petrol shortage, supply chain stresses and so on are in charge of UK’s response on Ukraine/Russia. I strongly recommend you do not trust official statements from No10 or the pundits spoonfed from No10 press office or you will be very surprised about how things turn out.

* ..... Not a good international or internetional look in anyone’s book.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 23 Feb 15:16 [2202131516] ....... shares on

Better late than never to the future

Tell me about it. We can compare notes. Have you any idea what IT can do .... ideally for you rather than to you? It is a great difference it is wise to be fully aware of. And if you have any secrets, steer well clear of the facility/utility/ability for IT doesn't guarantee secrets remain secret and generally unknown.



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