Friday 25 February 2022


amanfromMars 1 Fri 25 Feb 08:18 [2202250818] ..... points out on

Perhaps they could even join the EU, have freedom of movement in the world, have a proper economy, proper housing, a proper life. Ordinary people having a good life on the back of their oil wealth. ...... Anonymous Coward

That makes one one wonder why UKGBNI left the EU to deliver and end up with none of those benefits, AC, for one cannot deny unless delusional, despite all the pompous nonsense spouted from Parliamentary dispatch boxes, things are nowhere near as good and comfortable as they used to be, ie they are significantly worse than they have ever been in living memory and getting worse with each passing day and 0day.


amanfromMars 1 Fri 25 Feb 08:29 ....... helps out on

Re: Russia may not win this cyber war

Is this what you are referring to, Potemkine! ...... ?

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