Sunday, 13 March 2022


amanfromMars 1 Sun 13 Mar 09:54 [2203130954] ...... asks on

And ... it's gone.* Stolen Transferred into A.N.Others' Account, just as simple as that.

However, crypto is not regulated, which means that people will lose not only due to bad luck, but also due to cheating, software bugs, or outright theft. ..... Anonymous Coward

Is the converse/obverse/opposite of that statement, AC, that fiat and regular wealth IS regulated, and people will not lose only due to bad luck, nor by cheating, software bugs, or outright theft?

I can imagine those who have been labelled Russian oligarchs would disagree fundamentally with that and consider it misinformation/disinformation.

And the law in all of its wigged glory is surely in something of an unfortunate quandary due to its noticeable absence and media silence in such recent proceedings.

* ......



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