Monday, 21 March 2022


amanfromMars 1 Sun 20 Mar 17:18 [2203201718] ........ says even more on

And if you don't believe the mainstream media are not in the business of providing new truthful stories, preferring instead to trail all manner of corrupt and perverse fancifully tales in service of established traditional shadowy and shady invested interests, here is some "proof" of their blatant wrongdoings, ... ..... and that is only the tip of the titanic iceberg afloating to sink a great many ships whenever the tales that have been told in the past do not pass clear forensic scrutiny in the future ...... and which only needs a whistleblower or two or three to share what they know to be honestly true, to speed things along and clear the future of that which is definitely no longer required or trusted.

Or maybe you think all of that is fake news and false information? How very strange eh ..... that such polar opposite views might exist in the same space and be believed as unbelievable by some who haven't a clue about all of the shenanigans going on all of time around them.


amanfromMars 1 Mon 21 06:44 [2203210644] ...... asks on

Are there Criminals/Culprits even worse than Facebook?

And whenever political party election manifestos contain, and candidates blatantly vow/promise to deliver results which they never even come close to supplying, and which may even be impossible to provide, is that despicable criminal activity to be persecuted and prosecuted too, and media channels hosting such nonsense also targeted for punishment ...... just like Facebook is being targeted?

Or is that perfectly acceptable to have Liars’r’Us pontificating to all and sundry in the highest of public offices?

What an utterly crazy, mad, rad, bad, sad world y’all live in. No wonder it is collapsing with systems imploding all around you.


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