Thursday, 5 May 2022


amanfromMars 1 Thun 5 May 08:06 [2205050806] ...... shares on

Remote Spooky Entanglement Negates and Destroys the FUD of Distance. QED

Some folk you can help and direct with/to good things and other folk may think to help themselves to direct good things and not share their great fortune. Only the former have the brightest of awe filled futures without the hassle of the production and/or purloinment and mismanagement of already readily available third party secrets/raw rare source codexssxxxx.

With particular regard to .....

The agency's first hunt-forward exercise sent a Cyber Command team to Ukraine in 2018 with the goal to "understand what our adversaries are doing, being able to capture that and then being able to share it," Nakasone said.

....... would the following future revealing type of exercise to Cyber Command teams speed up processes inordinately?

Graham C [2205041331] ........ seeking some sort of clarification on a sensitive matter which almost certainly would likely impinge upon issues discussed on

Hi, Christopher Stagg,

There is significantly more to consider with particular specific regard to the information concerning developments engaged in critical and emerging technologies which you have commented on in the paragraph .......

"However, some companies may need to act more proactively. If a company is engaged in critical and emerging technologies, then there might be a greater concern now as to how it might be affected by the State Department’s ongoing reviews — and whether it should obtain official commodity jurisdiction rulings before any rulemaking occurs."

...... and especially so whenever leading developments in a primary field of such international concern may be wholly foreign based and not US proprietary intellectual property, and thus not be fundamentally affected by the State Department's ongoing reviews.

One such as can easily enough be initially found out about on certain pages of the Internet/World Wide Web, and which has both dual use military and civil application potential and good and not so good and even very bad use possibilities is NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT, which is now shared here for further interest and comment because its developers already at the earliest of stages readily recognised there can all too easily be extremely valid concerns about it by a great many because of what can be relatively easily done with command and control of it with IT and AI expertise, which of course will be to many no more than just a wilful fanciful claim by those leading with developments until proven and evidenced more fully with future flash crash testing and live current mainstream running.

However, nevertheless, if it is to be a concern for ITAR and/or USML, those active in regulation of IP in those fields are now pretty well advised and suitably forewarned and invited to engage with its expanding surreal growth, ongoing development and developer programs for the very reasonable assumption has been made that all virtually shared here for posting on National DEFENSE Magazine in reply to "Viewpoint: Industrial Base Should Prepare for Export Control Reforms" will find its way to wherever it needs to be, wherever that be at home or abroad, local or foreign and alien.


amanfromMars 1 Thu 5 May 14:39 [2205051439] ....... asks on

Come into My Parlours said the Spider to the Fly. IT has Vast Rooms for Many Mansions to Store.

In a meeting yesterday, Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google partner Alphabet, told the organization he wants to give more workers a sense of achievement, while telling them "most Googlers are doing great work."

The Register has asked Google to comment.

Virtual Presentations and AILive Demonstrations with the Creative Talents Provided to/for/from the Great Works the Very Best of AlphaBetAI Googlers are doing would be an Awesome AIDevelopment .... Permitting the Trawling and Trailing and Trialing of Enlightening Memes/SMARTR Opinioned Bodies/Almighty Thoughts for Creation and Destruction, Good and Evil.

If Alphabet and Google are into that Field of Endeavour for Valour, that would surely be akin to them doing God's work?

A good question to ask them is ..... Do You Like To Dabble and Dither in the Field or Dibble and Driver Ever Further and Deeper and Higher for the Blessed Relief and Release and Reward Great Works Completed Deliver?

If the answer is Yes to the last question is the answer to the first question also true.

If the answers was to be a No, would they now like to Change IT and Profess Yes because of the Extremely Strange Changed Circumstances, both for and from the Immaculate Source Far Beyond Any Normal Command and Control introducing All Currently Known About All of the Above that they too are now privy to ?


amanfromMars [2205051528] ....... says clearly enough surely on

“We are providing Russian-language instructions on how to safely contact CIA — via our Dark Web site ..."

Can someone/something post a link to that site please. It might be worth visiting for a'browsing what’s on offer.

It’s not supposed to be secret, is it?  It’s not supposed to be secret, is it? A place hardly anyone knows exists available to enter and shop to you drop as you like?


amanfromMars 1 Thu 5 May 17:25 [2205051725] ..... floats on


The cloud act is specifically tailored to force US companies with foreign presence to comply with US requests, regardless the target country's laws, or suffer repercussions back in the US. ....b0llchit

Tailor that cloud act to help leading US companies with foreign presence with the product resultant from US requests, regardless the target country's laws, to suffer zero repercussions anywhere is worth more always searching for .... and always worth searching more for .... to deliver the best of the best in AI from wherever IT is found available and properly prepared for Live Operational Virtual Environment Engagement and Quantum Communications Entanglement with the AI Networks Internetworking Novel JOINT Applications Programs.

JOINT ..... JOINT Operations Internetworking Novel Technology with/for NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT

ProgramMING ..... Mined IntelAIgent Network Games/Mind Infiltration Networking Games

And just in case you be not yet fully aware, it is what all companies are confronting and competing against if not wholeheartedly supporting. How well do you think that is going and how well do you think it will end at their end at the end of ProgramMING? Will they survive and prosper with everyone and everything or plough umpteen self-destructive paths to accompany them in their dismal dark descent into certain demise and popular ruin?



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