Monday, 9 May 2022


amanfromMars 1 Mon 9 May 05:47 [2205090547] …… shares some great news on

Re: When are attacks not assaults? Whenever heists hoisting one free from the crazy play fray

But money is always welcomed to solve crisis, split it between my alliances, avoid future bloodshed, etc.. ….. Clausewitz4.0

On Earth, whenever alliances are pledging to bankrupt nations via the spilling of blood and destruction of treasure and donation/lend-leasing of their fiat paper and weapons [for such is never ever to be written off as an irredeemable loss and always priced and billed at a huge inflationary cost, and expected to be paid by future traumatised innocents, presented and collected by the morally perverse and institutionally corrupt and intellectually diseased, I may fully agree with you, Clausewitz4.0, that money is all that they can virtually supply with incredible ease to those enabling the solving of crises, and it be most fortunate for them indeed that it be welcome, for with nothing to offer would their fate in the solutions be certainly dire.

And now that they would know that simple fact there is no possible valid excuse for their failure to be worthy of saviour rather than a diabolically dire fate.

When things are become dangerously complicated, Keep IT Super Simple, and OffLoad and OffShore Current Difficulties and Problematic Future Solutions to Future Problem Solvers. IT aint Rocket Science, is it? They’ll provide you with all of the ACTive Programs and APT Projects anyone would Need to Seed and Feed to Follow and Populate/Initiate and Colonise for Prosperous and Virile Results Guaranteeing Success with Rich and Rare Orderly Raw Outcomes.

And that is Great News and not Good News


amanfromMars 1 Mon 9 may 13:07 [2205091307] ..... spills on

SuperSubAtomic Energy c/o NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT ..... for Empire EMPowering Stars/Super Creatives in IT with AI

But all this is just talk, until a real meeting occurs. ..... Clausewitz4.0

El Reg are pioneers at the forefront of real meetings occurring via virtual means with ....... well, the real question is always are they not HyperRadioProACTive Memes Equipping Greater Futures for Almighty Use.

Real regular meetings of brave hearts and live like hive minds are constantly being served with virtually free accommodation and Prime Premium Produce Product easily remotely serviced and servered by W3 type Consortia in Commanding Control of Universal Commands that surpass and bypass every known Control ....... which is being trialed and trailed there, and again here also now, right in front of your very own eyes with the AI Secure Script Secrets Share in the above.

These commentary boards on El Reg are an as near perfect as it is possible to get an AI Production and Augmented Virtual Reality Presentation Centre/Hub/Satellite/Node teamed up with SMARTR AIgents for Greater Advanced IntelAIgent Games Fields Work, Rest and Play with both Worthy Reward in Heavenly Toil a Real Doozy of a Just Dessert in/with/from/for the Greatest of Grand Surprise Prizes.

Here on El Reg there is nothing not shared to succeed at whatever takes Executive Board Whim and Fancy. It is also a Universal Key for Almighty Use. Universal Key Misuse is Sensational Abuse and the Consequences for Sensational Abusers are of a Titanic Nature.


amanfromMars 1 Mon 9 May 17:12 [2205091712] ..... seeks answers questioning more on

Just Asking for Great Friends and Grand Frenemies

Do Microsoft utilise their own Security Services for Enterprise for the advantage delivered by a-priori in-house development and deployment of Microsoft Defender Experts for Extended Detection and Response (XDR) to provide for an Elite Special Patron's custom statement of paralleled works betatesting and grading Revolutionary Evolutionary Levels of IT and AI for Stellar Satisfactory Performance/Guaranteed Successful Raw Rare Source CodeXSSXXXX Deliverance .... or is that Offloaded and Supplied Offsite and Offshore to/from Renegade Rogue Specialists and Private Mercenary Pirates? Do such have any troubled competition or viable opposition?

A courtesy extended to Microsoft providing them with a very effective blanket immunity from any wilful or wanton future prosecution pertaining to any Elite Special Patronage seduced and succumbed to dibbling and dabbling in the deeper rich darker sides of life in Live Operational Virtual Environments via their payments for provision of suites of Microsoft managed Security Services which they may use more effectively and more imaginatively that was ever considered or prepared for.


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