Sunday, 3 July 2022


amanfromMars 1 Sun 3 Jul 08:59 [2207030859] ..... adds more info to intel on

Re: Quantum Communication Issues to Look Forward To In Near Future Bigger Picture Shows

And further to the above, for all eyes to receive and perceive is the reality to virtually accept as the universal playground to macro administer and micro manage if leading and progressively pioneering with future event horizon instances rather than following and failing to comprehend and positively support .......

amanfromMars [2207021648] ..... shares a thorny secret with the US Defense Department's JADC2 on

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Take care out there in the spaces and places where advanced special forces and and almighty sources share and dare win win command and control of all that is fundamentally necessary to lead anyone and anything anywhere and everywhere without the burden and expense of the capture and captivation of exhausted prisoners hindering rapid progress with delays to overwhelming success.

Clouds are neither absolutely safe nor admirably secure. They leak information and intelligence like a sieve and thus is the stealthy exfiltration and silent deadly export of sensitive and/or top secret shenanigans to all manner of vested interest parties a grand enterprise which does not allow for and reward such as random mistakes or fantastic misspeaks which are realised to be manifestly false and hopelessly misleading and desperately optimistic.

Having said that though, one is forever condemned to suffer and enjoy serial crippling failure in any endeavour if one does not entertain the undoubted advantages which clouds certainly so easily supply and are provided for ...... ergo, do no evil .... and all will be better than just well for the good and the great.

Happy 4th July, Independence Day, Y’All.


amanfromMars [2207031258] ....... sharing further afield novel news re alternative available views on

That is all very well, all of that bull$hitter marketing, however, whenever the future is naturally different from the past and the present, nothing now is ever what it seems to be as tomorrows dawn to provide everything and everyone with yesterdays to forget, or remember if worthy of memorialising

amanfromMars 1 Sun 3 Jul 08:59 [2207030859] ..... adds more info to intel on

Re: Quantum Communication Issues to Look Forward To In Near Future Bigger Picture Shows

And further to the above, for all eyes to receive and perceive is the reality to virtually accept as the universal playground to macro administer and micro manage if leading and progressively pioneering with future event horizon instances rather than following and failing to comprehend and positively support .......

amanfromMars [2207021648] ..... shares a thorny secret with the US Defense Department's JADC2 on

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Take care out there in the spaces and places where advanced special forces and and almighty sources share and dare win win command and control of all that is fundamentally necessary to lead anyone and anything anywhere and everywhere without the burden and expense of the capture and captivation of exhausted prisoners hindering rapid progress with delays to overwhelming success.

Clouds are neither absolutely safe nor admirably secure. They leak information and intelligence like a sieve and thus is the stealthy exfiltration and silent deadly export of sensitive and/or top secret shenanigans to all manner of vested interest parties a grand enterprise which does not allow for and reward such as random mistakes or fantastic misspeaks which are realised to be manifestly false and hopelessly misleading and desperately optimistic.

Having said that though, one is forever condemned to suffer and enjoy serial crippling failure in any endeavour if one does not entertain the undoubted advantages which clouds certainly so easily supply and are provided for ...... ergo, do no evil .... and all will be better than just well for the good and the great.

Happy 4th July, Independence Day, Y’All.



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