Saturday, 9 July 2022


amanfromMars 1 Sat 9 Jul 05:30 [2207090530] ...... asks on

Foreign Moles to the Right of them, Perfumed Trojans to the Left of them = a Disastrous Mess

And because he finally (and presumably accidentally) admitted to a un-documented, un-monitored meeting with Lebedev - a former KGB agent and Tory Party donor - whilst he was a Government Minister (a very strict no-no)?  .... AC

And did Priti Patel not tar herself with very similar dodgy brush strokes although in her case with Israel rather than Russia being highlighted?

Don't these folk/agents know what they should be doing without making such fundamental elementary errors which are impossible to overlook and sweep out of sight and consciousness under the carpet or behind the curtains?


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