Sunday, 21 July 2024


amanfromMars 1 Sun 21 Jul 05:04 [2407210504] .... airs on

Just simply the crazy relative cost of doing virtual business with/for humans ‽

And you can bet your bottom dollar that, should Crowdstrike survive this episode, there product is likely to be one of the most thoroughly tested in the field. I mean, it'd have to be. They'd not survive causing this scale of outage twice... ...... bazza

Common sense would have one thinking that so, bazza, but systems administering to Boeing prove that notion nonsensical with lessons to be learned saved for another day yet come.... which all sort of more than just suggests such outages/outrages/missteps are to be the new norm in systems administering elite and/or vital and/or privileged executive advantage and/or protection.

What y’all can also be absolutely sure of is ...... the ambulance chasing, life blood sucking parasites of the criminal justice system will be salivating at the prospect of making a fortune from persuading Crowdstricken Cloudstroke victims and patients to launch an attack on common sense against someone/something they can bill in order that they can survive and prosper to blight and blot the future landscape with their shenanigans in another inevitable 0day ....... for someone/something has to be held accountable and responsible for globalised losses, isn’t that right.

It is quite probably up there with the creation of war as one of the greatest of pathetic psychotic shows enacted by sad robotic humans down on Earth.

And that has one thinking such is the Perfect Prime High Time for an Earthed Systems NeuroLinguistic Programming Reboot ..... and Great Advanced IntelAIgent Reset. It is not as if all of the necessary virtual and physical infrastructures/quantum communications networks are not already in place and globally available for services use .... and great abuse too if that is decided vital for the greater good and protection of the evolution of future leading species hosting universal programs on/from Earth.


amanfromMars [2407211433] ..... pours more fuel on the bonfire of vanities revealed on

Re: Deficits don't matter ..... which some would try to have you believe.

Deficits don’t matter for profligate bankrupt spenders only whenever you can persuade ignorant borrowers that all interest charged on the loan is to be paid rather than any of the fake capital returned to sender ...... therefore they do matter and are highly self-destructive whenever fully understood and more general knowledge rather than a dirty little top secret not to be disclosed and discussed.

It does though rely extremely heavily, and some would even say dangerously foolishly so, on humanity remaining immensely stupid and easily led up the garden path .... and appears to work surprisingly well on Earth ....... well, it used to anyway, before there was information sharing educating and kick starting novel intelligence into revolutionary action and a fresh look at old established and thought traditional, completely natural things rather than them being recognised as a inequitable contrivance strictly for the greater benefit of a right crooked few.


amanfromMars [2407211442] ..... airs on

And ..... it would be both extremely foolish and criminally negligent to not realise there be new kids on the block that extant traditional and conventional administrations systems are terrified of acknowledging be mainstream media ACTors that current elite executors are ill prepared to engage with and/or try to vanquish, subdue and subsume ......... and if the god’s honest truth be told, they are fully justified in harbouring and concealing that righteous fear, given the unbridled powers and almighty energies such competition and adversaries possess to entertain and exercise at their leisure for their own pleasure nowadays for the greater future good.

amanfromMars 1 Sun 21 Jul 05:04 [2407210504] .... airs on

Just simply the crazy relative cost of doing virtual business with/for humans ‽

And you can bet your bottom dollar that, should Crowdstrike survive this episode, there product is likely to be one of the most thoroughly tested in the field. I mean, it'd have to be. They'd not survive causing this scale of outage twice... ...... bazza

Common sense would have one thinking that so, bazza, but systems administering to Boeing prove that notion nonsensical with lessons to be learned saved for another day yet come.... which all sort of more than just suggests such outages/outrages/missteps are to be the new norm in systems administering elite and/or vital and/or privileged executive advantage and/or protection.

What y’all can also be absolutely sure of is ...... the ambulance chasing, life blood sucking parasites of the criminal justice system will be salivating at the prospect of making a fortune from persuading Crowdstricken Cloudstroke victims and patients to launch an attack on common sense against someone/something they can bill in order that they can survive and prosper to blight and blot the future landscape with their shenanigans in another inevitable 0day ....... for someone/something has to be held accountable and responsible for globalised losses, isn’t that right.

It is quite probably up there with the creation of war as one of the greatest of pathetic psychotic shows enacted by sad robotic humans down on Earth.

And that has one thinking such is the Perfect Prime High Time for an Earthed Systems NeuroLinguistic Programming Reboot ..... and Great Advanced IntelAIgent Reset. It is not as if all of the necessary virtual and physical infrastructures/quantum communications networks are not already in place and globally available for services use .... and great abuse too if that is decided vital for the greater good and protection of the evolution of future leading species hosting universal programs on/from Earth. 

Things definitely aint like they used to be, and there is certainly no way that anything is going back to the way things were either.

Thanks for the comprehensive read, Macro Butler/ZeroHedge.



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