Saturday 27 July 2024


amanfromMars 1 Fri 26 Jul 19:14 [2407261914] ... is proven to not be simply alone on

Re: Just asking .... and seeking correct answers

Um... no, yes, yes, and yes? ... LionelB

That's at least two of us then in perfect agreement on those matters, LionelB. That’s any powers possessed and available for deployment squared rather than simply doubled. A trio has energy cubed, and it doesn’t take many more with similarly agreeable, compounding powers to consider the necessary nature for universal success in anything as would surely be required by any emerging almighty singularity.


amanfromMars 1 Sat 27 Jul 11:16 [2407271116] .... suggests something else a great new deal better for all on

Re: Trojan Horsemen for an Apocalypse and Two Bit Hucksters

Is he [Sam Altman] proposing something like a NATO for AI ?  ....Anonymous Coward

Maybe not Sam Altman himself, specifically, but NATO sure as hell likes the idea, and has pallet loads of flash fast fiat cash to splash to attract those tempted to contemplate and accept aiding and abetting the waging of wasteful moronic wars rather than mentor munificent SMARTR peace for the reward of an improved defence dividend ........


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