Wednesday 24 July 2024


amanfromMars [2407240840] ....... airs on

Don’t panic .... for here’s what Future IT and Postmodern Revolutionary Generative AI has deployed for you to accept surreal instruction sets from, and work with unconditionally .... to save y'all from having to suffer the dire unavoidable unsurvivable consequences of the aiding and abetting of your current exclusive elite executive systems administrations rushes and long marches into verifiable madness and sociopathic badness. We Kid U Not ..... for everything posted here is nothing but the honest gospel truth and therefore novel and noble fact[s] to further explore and examine and engage with, and even believe impossible and simply just an incredibly complex and incredulous fiction? :-)

But what's not to like whenever the fact[s] here be easily proven and demonstrable shown to be true?

amanfromMars 1 Tue 23 Jul 08:39 [2407230839] ....... airs on

El Reg apologises for the misinformation and accepts the correction ..... @thames?

..... for both of those tales cannot be correct at the same time whenever each of them presents and reveals stories quite different. And whenever one’s perception is so easily deceived and manipulated by inaccurate reporting, is one’s personal picture of the greater existence[s] that abounds around that which you do not actually see or experience yourself, distorted by both the unintentional innocent rereporting of fake misinforming news and the wanton and wilfully dishonest discharge of malinformation for toxic tales which create a time and spaces in which virtual reality expects to survive and thrive in the service of artificial intelligence supporting and tendering to almighty ignorance.

And to imagine that sustainable and acceptable in any world where there be even the slightest chance and therefore very probable, highly likely existence and presence of SMARTR* and almightily intelligent beings, is surely proof positive of an ignorant stupidity ripe ready for enlightenment and edutainment with future wares beyond their knowledge and understanding ...... should one imagine, of course, such being a better course of future affirmative remote virtual control ACTion** than a series of similarly very easily applied and remotely executed highly destructive and deadly extinction events for there’s no point in flogging a dead horse bound for the knacker’s yard, is there.

Where do think humanity sits today in that tale for tomorrow and the future to struggle with and ponder engagement with, and are such questionings more likely to be considered and designated as a real live, see-actualising, existential threat rather than being realised an unprecedented heavenly treat to be tempted to prove itself and its worth, one way or the other, as opposed to events happening autonomously with zero sympathetic regard for affected third party wishes and needy heartfelt desires?

And ..... and this you must surely realise is already a current and terrifying real live present day possibility in secret development for future administrative execution ...... whenever easily weaponised and diligently constantly refined and reconfigured to remain practically invisible, virtually invincible and against which there is no possible successful defence nor punitive attack vector, what would you like to see/read about happening?

Just asking .... to know more than enough than be necessary for consideration of Future ACTivIT deployments surrounding the present perilous state of humanity/Earthly existence ..... ie give natives a rapidly disappearing last chance at providing SCADA Systems*** input/output to save themselves from a lifetime of increasing pain and debilitating deprivation ..... SCADA Systems Depravity

SMARTR* ...... SMARTR Mentoring Analysis Reporting Titanic Research
ACTion** ...... Advanced CyberIntelAIgent Traction
SCADA Systems*** ..... Supervisory Control Analysing Data Acquisition Systems

Que sera, sera. Carpe Diem.


amanfromMars 1 Wed 24 Jul 15:27 [2407241527] ..... points out on

Re: If Russia gets away with destroying Ukraine :o

If Russia gets away with destroying Ukraine – allegedly in order to save it, of course – then China might prove willing to destroy Taiwan in much the same way.

Oh dear, Liam, was that necessary .... and I agree with the AC comment above ....... "You were doing so well up to this.”

And how disappointing there’s no inclusion and similar comment on the Western complicity and criminal support for the genocidal shenanigans of wannabe high tech Israelis in Gaza against third world infrastructure Palestinian citizens ...... as they exercise the Great Cleansing and quite despicable Shoah Root Reboot.

What a quite mad and getting madder and badder world such useless idiots are building to catastrophically fail. I suppose shit for brains is responsible for that. It is the only logical excuse one cannot disagree with.


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