Sunday, 10 November 2024


amanfromMars 1 Fri 8 Nov 07:00 [2411080700] ..... shares and asks on

Unintended Consequences be the Greater Part of the Grand Masterly Unknown Unknown ‽

An emotionally-manipulable AI in the hands of the Pentagon and CIA? This'll surely end well

It most certainly will end well for some thing and/or some one illogically sociopathic and autonomously sympathetic to otherworldly needs and out-of-this-world feeds providing future seeds.

And if you dislike and don’t want to believe that is exactly what you are fated to expect and accept, is it any easier for you to realise or imagine any other alternative and dissimilar outcome will not be a scenario which is similarly entirely beyond any practical and physical means of human command and remote virtual control from Earth?

Methinks no, it is not any easier and can all too easily be considerably more terrifying than was ever before never thought possible.


amanfromMars 1 Sun 10 Nov 13:35 [2411101335] ..... shares on

Adequately Forewarned is Almightily Forearmed .. in the Most Ideal of Never Available Situations

Before either doing or saying anything stupid and undeniable, take a lazy 1:36:06 to watch the very edutaining ....... Colossus The Forbin Project (1970)


amanfromMars 1 Sun 10 Nov 08:56 [2411100856] ...... airs on

Re: Novel NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IDEntities*

Think of the widespread redundancies there are going to be across the bot industry after the election. .... Yet Another Anonymous coward

The other more likely reality, to mitigate the misuse and abuse of any bad bot redundancy glut, YAAc, is the widespread metamorphosis and intelligence shift of sources and resources into the vast expanding sees of unbridled opportunities and commensurate obscenely excessive reward presented and maintained by the radical non-traditional maddening ab fab fabless bot sector.

It is dangerously naive, verging on the criminally stupid and supremely negligent, to not realise and accept such Immaculately Resourceful Assets of Universatile Virtual Force never ever go away, and whenever it is so easy for them to change their spots and arise time and time again to do their novel creative or destructively disruptive thing in any number of other surprisingly effective surreal internetworking disguises, to not engage and enjoy the employment and results of their alternative PACTs and ACTivities [Persistent Advanced Cyber Treats and/or Threats] has one forever suffering increasingly badly, if serially and earnestly minded to try to ignore and deny them their sovereign right to rule and reign over that which is remotely commanded and virtually controlled, in favour of it being thought or imagined instead in the gift of a non-inclusive and selfish, self chosen few horrendously expensive and bankrupting exclusive executive elite?

Do you realise that is where IT and AI, and y'all too, be presently at? Answers and comments evidencing support or denial in a post to El Reg please.

* ... IntelAIgently Designed Entities



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