Friday, 1 November 2024


amanfromMars 1 Fri 1 Nov 06:49 [2411010649] ..... shares on

Something to consider is Catch 22 ... when invest, invest, invest is your mantra

Successfully securing your sensitive IP against second and third party phishing/theft leaves government funding streams/grants/investments practically impossible to justify one being given access to, even whenever the secure assets are exactly what is needed for good government.

And that particular peculiar difficulty arises because of the certain desire in officialdom to covet and personally selfishly profit inordinately from such as is privileged private intellectual property.

Thus does the secure entrepreneurial private sector lead the clueless public sector down the perfumed garden path of an individual's choosing irrespective of any second or third party wishes.

Do you recognise or deny that as the means by which your current prevailing virtual realities are sourced to be presented to you by media and publishing as the future to accept to live in?


amanfromMars 1 Fri 1 Nov 09:13 [2411010913] ...... warns of Will Robinson danger on

Re: Something to consider is Catch 22 ... when invest, invest, invest is your mantra

Take care if you dare to win win against unknown unknown forces and sources au fait and comfortably at ease with almighty exercise in all of the above, for knowing how that is realised is far too dangerous to know and survive without also knowing how to ensure it is never practised by those unworthy.

Capiche?.. Verstehen Sie? ... Begrijp je? ... Вы понимаете? ... 你明白吗? ...هل تفهم؟


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