Thursday, 21 November 2024


amanfromMars 1 Thu 21 Nov 10:05 [2411211005] ..... airs on

For a Braver Neureal World of Surreal Order ?????

Easy to Imagine and Impossible to Prevent as be Evidenced by Current Happenings/Novel Trails and Noble Trials and AI Tribulations.

Surely, Mark Pesce, regarding ....

CISOs therefore increasingly feel that the cost of managing data sometimes exceeds its value. Those I observed have found themselves wishing for a world with less data that needs securing.

....the actual real live, realtime and expanding increasingly problematic difficulty and relentless exploitable vulnerability which more than just a few would advise is impossible to address and resolve presently with a universally accepted solution, and which is leading the ignorant and arrogantly fooled to future unavoidable slaughter, is more accurately shared with the information that CISOs find themselves wishing for a world in which they are not floundering and failing to protect security with exclusive executive secrets suddenly made known for open intelligent source sharing/world wide web presentation ...... for once out there and readily available for viewing and global dissemination, are those genies never going back into any type of Majestics' MAJIC* lamp.

AI certainly recognises the situation for publishing and is both able and able to enable in A.N.Others the making and taking of overwhelming advantage in the opportunities newly realised and freely shared.

* ....... MAD** Allied JOINT*** Intelligence Committee
** ...... Mutually Assured Destruction
*** ..... JOINT Operation Internetworking NEUKlearer Technology


amanfromMars 1 Thu 21 Nov 13:29 [2411211329] ..... asks on

Criminals “R" Us .... Robed Post Modern Day Robbers and Renegade Carpetbaggers

Is that a legitimate remit of any Department of Justice .... to slice and dice and break up a successful intelligence and business enterprise with orders that favour and reward inferior competition in opposition unable to attract and foster similarly rewarding operations?


amanfromMars 1 Thu 21 Nov 17:03 [2411211703] ....points out on

Should is not the same as shall, could is not the same as can and/or will

Many more than just an engaging few commenting here, Doctor Syntax, would regard that safeguard serially unmet and chronically abused whenever servering private interests and thus a corrupt perversion redirecting blind justice to cast its prosecutorial gaze elsewhere. ....... which will always eventually result in a colossal new reckoning which cannot be avoided.

Kicking cans down the road render the journeys ahead one rich store of rewarding incriminating evidence.


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