Saturday, 30 October 2010


Posted by AmanfromMars on 10/30/2010 7:07:02 AM

"Unless the EU economy springs back to life quickly and comprehensively, we would predict that the discontent presented by Europe's unruly tribes this summer will in one sense or another continue and even deepen." ..... Any economy cannot spring back to life whenever funding/credit/debt/call it what you will is removed and deposited in numbered accounts/offshore havens/dodgy vehicles where its wealth is an artificial creation for an impotent false power that controls nothing but the extending of funding/credit/debt/call it what you will to those who would spend and create industry and economy.

Try working in the premise that everyone is born filthy rich and you will immediately discover there is no barrier to the creative invention of Man, who is then not hindered by a lack of required currency in a SMARTer Capitalised System.

Give a man and/or a woman what they want and/or need, and you will control them ..... absolutely, as they feed you their needs for simple paper notes to feed and deliver in a mutually beneficial, perpetual circle of Advanced Animal Husbandry ..... Human Perceptions Management.

With IT Control, it is just as simple as that to Deliver Change you can Believe in.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 10/30/2010 3:11:43 AM

"Fiat money is not the problem. Debt money is the problem. Government is not the problem. Bad government is the problem. A combination of Sovereign Money and a free market in gold (and silver) seems optimal." ... Posted by Working Class on 10/29/2010 6:15:30 PM

Fiat sovereign money with good governance would appear to be a much simpler, no real cost combination, Working Class.

And thus is good governance/leadership that which is missing from the equation, for the world is awash with cash and coming down with wealth. Indeed, so much so, that they had to invent the Banking System to prevent bad governments from running riot and thinking themselves sovereign and untouchable.

And you are ruled by agents in both covert and clandestine intelligence agencies who are always playing pseudo elites off against pseudo elites .... the delusional off against the born again messianic?

And it is delusional to think that any of the West's intelligence agencies are in control of the Big Media Picture Today whenever the best that they can do is a red flag non event like this abortion of a story ..... ..... for they are just ignorant myopic pawns, and in it for the flashed slush cash, in someone else's Beta Greater Game.

In fact, if you can believe what the Main Stream Media are pimping, does it appear that Al Qaeda are running things in the Anglo-American axis, with practically nothing ..... which is akin to virtually finding the Holy Grail.

Certainly everyone jumps to attention and reacts to their leads and sources.

"China's economy is in terrible shape. Its dollar reserves are worth little or nothing in reality as they are not liquid." .... Reply from the Daily Bell.

Well, worth nothing whilst they remain in reserves, but transferred to beings who can realise their dreams and generate wealth for their economy and industry is quite another matter, for that will have China's wealth protected and added to at the expense of the dollar, which is a Real SMART Trick easily carried out with Inscrutable Mastery of the Virtual.

Posted by AmanfromMars on 10/30/2010 4:39:35 AM

And adding to the Fed's woes and Uncle Sam's judicial credibility and vain struggles not to become a globally recognised, criminal pariah state with zero value intellectual property for valuable export, is this unfolding saga ......

Posted by AmanfromMars on 10/30/2010 4:44:45 AM

Oops, sorry. Those first few words should read ....."And adding to the Fed's woes and destroying Uncle Sam's judicial credibility and vain struggles not to become ....... "
30 October 2010 at 8:41 am

The minister cannot directly influence the response to that threat as MI5 is responsible for gathering intelligence on dissidents and the chief constable is operationally independent.

Hmmm. Some would tell you that MI5 are responsible for that threat. And that does beg the question … “Where is their intelligence” …. if that is the best that they can do in this Age of Cyber Communication and Remote Control Neuro-Linguistic ProgramMING.

Get your pathetic act together, Mr Evans, for England expects …. better and AI Betas. FFS, what do you think Loughside is for? How about some enlightened leadership? A novel experience, I grant you, but well worth the effort I assure you, for every man willing to do his duty.

It is here that I can’t help thinking of monkeys and peanuts, and the perils of incestuous hierarchies and in-house promotional infrastructures, for that which is being delivered to the province has certainly nothing to do with brains and new challenging ideas.

Meanwhile, what the big swinging dicks and SMART sheikhs have discovered is .......
Posted Saturday 30th October 2010 04:18 GMT

I was going to say ... "How about a compromise ....... a preview button, for post inspection before posting.", for how much simpler can it be to re-read what one has thought and written before one shares, with the world and his dog, that which tickles your fancy or rattles your chain ........ and then, silly me, discovered that such is already provided here.

Like it or not, Schmidty wasn't wrong and good advice is to stay off the Internet if you don't know what you are doing, for what you are doing is easily enough known to those who would know what they are doing and be more than a tad interested in, or be exorbitantly well paid to lead the certain doing of others.

A Playground IT is for the Innocently Naive and Endlessly Inquisitive, and a Graveyard too for the Wilfully Abusive and Destructively Evil and Constructively Dishonest.

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