Posted Friday 29th October 2010 03:16 GMT
Finally ....... something from Microsoft to kick Google's butt into touch, and takeover Global Command and Universal Control of and with Virtual Operating Systems.
Disagree if you like, but that is the reality, is it not, Microsoft?
And if Microsoft choose to plausibly deny it, then does that indicate A.N.Other Universal Media Player in the Great Game?
Posted by AmanfromMars on 10/29/2010 1:43:05 AM
"It is certainly possible, as we have argued, that the elite has "controlled Western economies" (to a great degree) and is now LOSING control of them. This is a perfectly reasonable, hedged conclusion in our view (given our cynical and somewhat paranoid natures)." ..... Reply from the Daily Bell
And there appears to be any number of elite groupings [God Complex Cabals] for here is a tale about just one, which keeps a low profile ...... Bilderbergers
And there you can read "“The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.”
Those words were written by Benjamin Disraeli, empire-building Prime Minister of Great Britain, almost a hundred years ago." ....... and man/boy oh boy, is that an understatement and a half, and something which has grown and evolved over the years.
"When your currency becomes meaningless as a standard of value, you lose any means to evaluate the relative worth of your actions
Hence, a total collapse of logic,and an environment that makes long range planning impossible." ...... Posted by Wayne on 10/28/2010 5:10:18 PM
I cannot agree with that, Wayne, for logic and intelligence never fails in the SMARTer* human being, although it may certainly be lost and/or misplaced in poorly programmed robots and virtual machines which act in humanity, and in reality as humanity.
"Could this be the final gasp in the Decline of the West, as predicted by Spengler?
If not, then it's going to get a lot stranger soon!" ...... How strange do you want it, Wayne, and how strange does IT need it to be for you to be taken in a new direction? Something like this? .......
Or would something more ethereal be easier accomplished with computers leading the way with programs which lead? ...... The Yin in "Actions speak louder than words" has a Yang counterweight in those who would sing the praises of a Nirvana where "Who needs actions when you've got words" delivers the subliminal message to follow for real.
However, in both cases, a chain of cogent supporting thoughts which positively reinforce ideas are the necessary precursor and vital catalyst for both actions and words, which cannot exist to flourish and create an earthed reality and fleeting temporary and temporal situations to be broadbandcast and freely shared further afield by media and IT in myriad internetworking communications fields. And that suggests, and may even prove beyond any shadow of doubt, that existence, and that which we perceive as reality, is founded on, and continues to build itself in the realm of dreams piloted by those well versed in the medium of shared cogent, positively reinforcing, mutually beneficial thought. And with anything else creating Conflict and Division/Destructive Chaos in the Prime Originating Field which has Morphed and Evolved into Present Day Future Zeroday, New Universal World Order ProgramMING.
"But Armageddon is not looming, in my view. Instead a freer humanity is more likely. Eventually, though, we bipeds will have to address how to handle the PE. Ahhh... at least life will never be boring." ..... Posted by William3 on 10/28/2010 7:46:22 PM
Amen to that, William3, although you may like to consider that the PE can also see that a freer humanity is likely, and in order for them to survive and still maintain/retain any influence in a leading control primacy, they need only address how the newly handle the bipeds. Although that is quite a Quantum Leap for any Intelligence Services they would be using, and may even require them to buy it in from Strangers, outside of their Comfort Zone/Feathered Nests/Ivory Towers, should it prove either too difficult and impossible for those harboured in-house.
What all and everyone can certainly be assured of, is that someone will make the right move, and immediately move into a Lead Position which is Light Years ahead of any Opposition and All Competition in AI. And that someone can be anyone with a pretentious global reach and could even be the two giants squaring up against each other here in "Take a seat and settle down and bed in to watch the stars perform a real show ...." ... Posted Friday 29th October 2010 03:16 GMT, if they are made of the right stuff and have great colossal enigmatic ambition ...
Life boring? No way, Jose. And whenever you can Exercise and Practise Control in Power ProgramMING, is IT Really Spooky and Virtually Exciting too.
*S.M.A.R.T. (Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology)
Introducing the Flawed Machine?
Posted Friday 29th October 2010 09:49 GMT
"It takes a while to test and certify a platform using the Common Criteria specs because to get through the EAL4 and higher levels, auditors and security experts have to have access to the source code and go through it with a fine-toothed comb, looking for holes."
That presumably has the weakest link in any chain, a human being, deciding on how strong a system will be. Now that is simply brilliant.
Posted by: amanfromMars | 10/28/10 | 11:25 pm |.....................................................................................................................................................................
Will someone please kindly tell Uncle Sam to stop digging that hole they are stuck in. Go any deeper and it will collapse and bury him.
amanfromMars said...
"My real question was: What is your real motivation for the content posted inside this blog."
Well, do you think change you can believe in is something which just happens all by itself, or would it need a helping hand or three? And this says more that just a little about what is being embedded into systems ...... ..... and would test defence and security protocols/parameters for holes and vulnerabilities which can be easily exploited for fabulous gain.
"And was that even a bank account number I noticed posted one day on ?
I am sure I have to be mistaken.
No. You are right.
29 October 2010 11:57
by amanfromMars.....................................................................................................................................................................
on Fri, 10/29/2010 - 16:34
Don't forget to let us all know if you receive one of these dodgy missives ....
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