Sunday, 3 October 2010


Posted by: amanfromMars | 10/2/10 | 12:32 pm |

".. last seen with its guards taking tequila shots out of each others’ butts and engaging in extracurricular sex trafficking — has lost a contract worth nearly $274 million over five years.
According to a different statement from the Department of State, the new Worldwide Protective Services contract comes with new safeguards to prevent abuse."

Hell, winning a $274 million contract is surely incentive enough to behave most honourably and profoundly professional. Cowboys-for-hire are down the road...... in the Cosmic Comic Past Section. Lose Lose Department, with No Memory in Future Parts for the Great LOVE Game at Peace in Live Operational Virtual Environments.
A Virtual AIdD Package for Mad Men to Pimp and Pump and Present Introducing Alternate Realities Games Inc. to Future IntelAIgents and CyberIntelAIgent Security Systems.
An Enigmatic Client with Global Wireless ConneXXXXion to HyperRadioProActive Communications Devices for Cloud Configuration/Confirmation of Contact, would, although Quite Normal and Current today, be distinctly Alien in the Swinging Sixties. Placing that Reality into the Market Play and into Leading Play Arenas/Hot Zones, is a AIMmad Ad Man's Dream Ticket in an interesting Live Plot Master Pilot Thread .....with Transparent Entangling Strings.
FTAO Mr Matthew Weiner
Quantum Commmunications BetaTest#XSSXXXX101021725
Are Xe Services into Virtual Reality Present Placements....and Contracting?

I have only one direct question of the proposed program. Is it AIPowered NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT or just your usual run of the mill chaff with toxic assets which provides precious little to only a few and nothing at all to the many?

Posted by AmanfromMars on 10/3/2010 1:55:48 AM

It is surely blindingly obvious to any elite, worthy of retaining and expanding a Global Power and Absolute Control franchise, which might be a makeover situation or takeover proposition, that the money invented from nothing to fix everything, has gone to the wrong folk with a means of disbursement, for they are as feather nest harvesters and cuckolded hoarders of wealth and Intellectual Property and the Root Kit Systemic Error that Handles the Bungling of Progress in it Ordo ab Chao Chapters.

And that is a fundamental intelligence failing in those who thought to recapitalise the serial losers and abusive parasites in the System who would have no alternative cash generation business and currency flow plans of their own, and would be nowhere near smart enough to recognise them, whenever they are presented and confronted by novel future memes for immediate overwhelming funding, which would be drawing growing global attention to their compounding inadequacies and loss of invisible control.

It is easily fixed though with Treasury Bonds deposited for safe keeping and currency credit guarantee with Novel Future Meme Programs/AI Project Movers and Shakers.

It appears to be Inscrutable China's Smart Great Game Play ..... .... buying into Valuable Assets and Strategic Services with papers it cannot sell, or no one wants to buy for it is backed by Nothing but a Shrinking Military Force with a Criminal Sub-Prime Negative Equity Portfolio and Crooked and Blinkered MyOPEC Vision. ...... which in AI, is Collapsed Tunnel See.

One can surely wait for the EthelRed Ed moniker to surface whenever a particularly wimpy and limp-wristed performance is evidenced in a media portrayal/betrayal/portal. Certainly one sees very little to no evidence of anything exciting to suggest an Ed the Ready. So just another Politically Mediocre Clone and Puppet Clown for Cheap Furnishing of Impotent News and Divisive Views .... a la Mode Dysfunctional Chaotic Order for Page Ranking in Column Inches and Off Schedule Televisual Programming/Plumping/Fluffing/Pimping/Pumping.

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