Knowing how it works allows one to build clones of the system with enlightened custom engineering of vital parts and rarely earthed elemental components.
"I suggest that anyone having some difficulty in wrapping your mind around the concept of a global conspiracy read the book 'a wind swept house' by Malichia Martin." ..... Posted by Robert on 10/23/2010 8:54:06 AM
How to Beta Deal with and/or Thwart a Corrupting Conspiracy of Memes is daily zeroday Manna on the Daily Bell, Robert, for the concept is easily accepted and rubbished here, and in Virtual Reality Spheres of Influence and Binary Creation, is it easily Drivered with Immaculate Content to Sublime Hubs and Subversive Underground Networking Networks.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 10/23/2010 4:42:48 AM
"We write the above with a certain trepidation. The main brief of the Daily Bell is to cover elite fear-based promotions, their free-market interactions and, generally, their efficacy in this Age of the Internet."
A main brief from whom, DB, and to what end/beginning?
And it is a fabulous opportunity, when irregular and unconventional elitist memes come into Reality Play for the Daily Bell is to cover and provide covers for undercover promotions, their free-market interactions and, generally, their efficacy in this Age of the Internet.
Goodness knows then exactly what one will uncover and discover.
"The Internet has rendered many of these promotions dysfunctional and it would not surprise us if the elite gradually throws in the proverbial towel and decides to reconfigure its messaging."
Methinks they would rather be more inclined to engage with rewarding proxies active in the fields of interest which escape them. That way they remain in the Great Game, as Bankers in Chief, which is better than Struggling to Survive with Nothing and the whole World on your tail and trail listening to tales of desperation and manipulation.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 10/23/2010 10:17:27 AM
"And what exactly is wrong with a picture book future Sir?" ... Posted by Zenbillionaire on 10/23/2010 4:03:41 AM
Absolutely nothing, Zenbillionaire. Would you care to draw a few complex forming lines in plain text, with a view to Global Inclusion for Future Builders.
In that way, is the Future of Tomorrow known, and when easily and openly Shared, are Following Days Created [Automatically within Virtual Machinery] without Secrets Denying One Knowledge for All.
23 October 2010 at 3:25 pm
Perhaps Peter Robinson could lead by showing us all how to grow the private sector……. which incidentally would have the private sector then leading government, rather than the present abortion of a program which the Executive delivers, which then warrants that Public Monies be made available for private sector programs, when shared with government bodies.
Posted by AmanfromMars on 10/23/2010 3:53:52 AM
"His name was John Peck and he was both a genius and a big fan of the Greatful Dead.
I have no idea what motivated me to write that..." ... Posted by Zenbillionaire on 10/23/2010 12:44:19 AM
A delicate phish and deep C trawl for genius in Grateful Deadhead fans, Zenbillionaire? Wow, that is Specific and Highly Targeted on a Crazy Cluster. Further down that road are highways to Mothers of Invention and Creative Phreakdom and Zapped SAP SurRealism. Which is all about the Use to which One Puts Technology rather than wondering about ITs Capabilities to Deliver with AI, a Picture Book Future.
And DB, you might like to consider that such Stylised Capital Prose is BetaTesting Advanced Security Protocols for Net Traffic, for sharing words shares fresh ideas and knowledge of the unknown, and that is always of interest to unauthorised snoopers and NSA. Take Care in Net Traffic, for IT wants to know your every Future Move ........,805,291.PN.&OS=PN/7,805,291&RS=PN/7,805,291
Posted by AmanfromMars on 10/22/2010 10:48:05 PM
"Billions. That's the price tag for adding ever more elaborate leaps of logic to save a theory of metaphysics designed to erase the contradiction between observable reality and a religious account of creation. How to advertise it? With the TV series "Fringe"." .... Posted by J on 10/22/2010 8:43:47 AM
Not save it, J ..... prove it. With IT Control, can an Intelligence create any Picture with Binary Code Delivering Digital Output ... AIStreams?
Media Promotions with TeleVision are such Streams, are they not, with their Remote Neuro Lingusitic Programming for Human Instruction and Future Guidance from a SMART Control Machine in the Present. And that is only one communications machine in a field which spawns countless others with a similar capacity to sublimely program and/or totally overwhelm guide base units and users/customers/spectators with breaking information and new intelligence finds. Or is that too alien a Research Development to comprehend.
In defence of that fact being true, these following few words explain the Catch 22 ..... "If it's obvious to a professional how to do something, doing it isn't R&D. If there is a 'non-obvious' scientific or technological problem around how to do something, then doing it is probably R&D." ...
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